this is going to be a post about my past, for me and hopefully for others to motivate them.
I'm going to write this because I had problems and relapsed over and over for almost silly reasons.
Here are the major thoughts I had before I relapsed
And this is how I felt after PMOing for some time
Things that led to PMO
And now: Here were the benefits of 120 days noPMO for me
I hope this thread can motivate you somehow.
Best regards
this is going to be a post about my past, for me and hopefully for others to motivate them.
I'm going to write this because I had problems and relapsed over and over for almost silly reasons.
Here are the major thoughts I had before I relapsed
- "Oh, come on. You need this right now. You will feel better afterwards. You are stressed and this will end your stress."
- Ended my 120 days streak
- "Look, here in this book it is recommended to give yourself a lovely masturbation. So, masturbation cannot be that bad, am I right?"
- Ended my 70 days streak
- "Yeah, I know you're bored. You're sick and laying in bed right now, so, it doesn't really matter if you break the rules. Come on, just a peak. Maybe a good porn video. What could happen?"
- Ended my 50 days streak
And this is how I felt after PMOing for some time
- Feeling social insecure and anxious when there is no obvious reason
- Feeling of lower worth towards other people
- Having self doubts
- Subconsiously going into the victim-mindset, always, when talking to somebody
- Having massive brain fog (I could not follow important thoughts in my head)
- Having some kind of depression, wanted to stay in bed for longer in the mornings
- The urge to isolate myself from others (because of feelings of unworthiness)
- Inner criticism got way out of hand (feelings of shame almost always within me)
- Could not control my thoughts, reacted to almost anything that somebody said (even when I desperately didn't want to)
- Being/feeling unproductive very often, resulting in feeling sad
- No inner peace
Things that led to PMO
- Using social media (esp. Instagram)
- Seeing so much (half-)naked people makes you horny
- Seeing so much "successfull and happy" people makes you sad
- Social media gives you dopamin, and soon you want more (porn)
- Feeling bored
- Feeling sad
- Feeling unloved
- Feeling not welcomed / not a part of a group
- Feeling rejected
And now: Here were the benefits of 120 days noPMO for me
- Feeling socially secure
- Feeling like the alpha in a group (most people want to talk to you)
- Being productive (you have more time and you will overcome boredness)
- Higher selfesteem
- Feeling of "aura" --> Like your spirit is way bigger and people around you can feel it
- Extremely calm in social situation, no sign of self doubts
- My mind was totally clear. This was one of the best feelings ever. Never experienced this before in my whole life
- Life was colorfoul: I remember once seeing a butterfly and I was so astonished by its beauty
- Inner peace
- Self respect and selfworth leads other people to respect you and treat you better (it even worked within my family)
- Feeling important and worthy --> for the first time in my life, I realized that I AM SOMEONE. That feeling is priceless
- Higher motivation
- Less worries and doubts
- More risky
I hope this thread can motivate you somehow.
Best regards