username boyfriend
New Fapstronaut
I kinda need help, I've been dating my bf for about 6-7 months, we were first friends and later on got into a relationship. When he was still just my friend he mentioned he had a porn addiction and was recovering, and later into the relationship he told me again because he hardly achieved "climax". I don't want to get into details but we were good in our sex life until recently, most of the time I just go along with wathever he wants to do but last time I just reminded him that I don't like to do it without protection, because it wasn't the first time I think the way I phrased it got into him and now we don't have any sex life at all, I've been trying to seduce him or make hints and saying it directly but he hardly seems interested, he also seems kinda bored of it, maybe because we don't change locations? idk, I want to try and re-spice our sex life proposing all source of stuff but nothing seems to work, my main question is if it's a good think to ask him directly if he relapsed? mainly because I want to support him, learn more, take him to therapy, etc, but I don't know if that's an appropiate question to ask someone who's in recovery