I m opsessed with sissy porn, and cyber sex with man. Wanna stop.
You'll need to be strong to do these things. Are you strong enough? Go on your chat program and delete your profile completely. Then he can't contact you. Don't be tempted to look or check it later. Make it hard to get back.
Difficult but stay off tumblr. Put a porn blocker on your phone. Meditate or pray.
TnakOne thing that helped me get started was to decide I was not going to PM on Sundays ever again. I was able to do it even though I ended up doing it a couple of times at one minute after midnight.
Small goals. Get through this hour. Get through the rest of the day. Put your phone in another room tonight. Don't sleep naked. Get right out of bed tomorrow and go jog or whatever. Leave phone at home. Your profile says you're 29. You can make it through tomorrow. You can. Get off of this site for today, put online stuff away. Go see a manly friend and watch a movie or something. Get your mind on other things. Get away from the things that trigger. Yes. You can.