***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

    1. I'm grateful for this show Containment I just discovered. Of all the apocalyptic type shows/films out there, something about the infectious disease/pandemic apocalypse type themes always hooks me in. Really enjoying the show so far and I'm only a few episodes in.
    2. I'm grateful for having a bed to sleep in at night. I chose discomfort for a long time, electing to sleep in a much less comfortable bed (a couch in fact) just out of habit - having seen the difference after switching to a more comfortable one, it makes me really appreciate that much more how nice it is to have a comfortable bed.. or to have a bed whatsoever. Not everyone is afforded that luxury.
    3. I'm grateful for the fact I was productive and recorded a bunch of my videos for the week already, and thus can upload a whole bunch of content this week.
    I Free I, Credo and wj2727 like this.
  1. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    Missed yesterday so 6 gratitudes today!
    1. I'm grateful for lovely day today. Sunny, and not too cold.
    2. I'm grateful for my parents. Very grateful to have great role models.
    3. I'm grateful for positivity. The positive energy has brought so much abundance to my life.
    4. I'm grateful for shelter. I thank the universe/god/higher being for providing me with a shelter that is my home.
    5. I'm grateful for NoFap users. I thank those before, those in the process like myself and those who's joined the journey of NoFap. I can take the experience those who succeed, applied to myself and give advice to the newcomers.
    6. I'm grateful for love self. This new self love that I've got from NoFap is incredible. I do not require others to satisfy me anymore. I have myself.
    wj2727 and JesusGreen like this.
  2. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Fapstronaut

    Grateful for:
    1. Recovery from abuse.
    2. A new day and week to live my dreams.
    3. Peace and freedom
    I Free I, wj2727 and JesusGreen like this.
    1. For This Site!
    2. For My Friends!
    3. To Be Me!
    wj2727 likes this.
  3. yoshi747

    yoshi747 Fapstronaut

    i am grateful for my friends
    I am grateful for my that i can pursue my passions
    I am grateful for my dog
    I Free I and wj2727 like this.
  4. Day 1
    I'm greatful to:
    1. My parents
    2. This website
    3. A day without PMO
    wj2727 likes this.
  5. wj2727

    wj2727 Fapstronaut

    Grateful for a full belly.
    Grateful for peace and quiet.
    Grateful for exercise later.
    The ol' Razzle Dazzle likes this.
  6. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for spending time with my friends. Me and three of my closest friends when food shopping and enjoyed just being around time.
    2. I'm grateful for going gym today. I'm feeling more and more confident and the semen retention energy is prevalent.
    3. I'm grateful for playing chess again. When I was younger I used to play chess a lot but lost interest. I've started to play chess again and making my decision making stronger.
    wj2727 and JesusGreen like this.
  7. The human failure

    The human failure Fapstronaut

    Oops. Accidentally missed a day. Not like it matters too much.
    1. I'm grateful that my grandfather cares about my well being, I just wish he would stop mailing me articles on dating advice. They just make me feel like shit all day.
    2. Therapy is in two days, I'm looking forward to that. It's the only thing I look forward to actually :p
    3. Yay anime. It fills the void in my heart and without it I'd probably be dead.
    1. I'm grateful that I don't have a whole lot that needs doing tomorrow and so I can spend much of the day relaxing.
    2. I'm grateful for the fact it's time to sleep and I get to relax in my bed.
    3. I'm grateful for the meal I just ate.
    wj2727 and The ol' Razzle Dazzle like this.
  8. UnorthodoxBox

    UnorthodoxBox Fapstronaut

    Missed three days, so, 9 things I am thankful for.

    1. I am thankful for a good Church community.

    2. I am thankful for my intelligence.

    3. I am thankful for George Carlin and his comedy.

    4. I am grateful for Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and Cream.

    5. I am grateful for the city I live in, and how safe and lovely it is.

    6. I am grateful that today will be the final day of my two week binge. I truly am motivated now.

    7. I am grateful for friends that I have on the Internet, some of which are being encouraging about this ordeal.

    8. I am thankful for a loving God.

    9. I am thankful for this country, the United States. Although it may have it's flaws, I'd live no where else.

    Thank you all

    Sincerely, Box
  9. SLIPZ19

    SLIPZ19 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful that I finally managed to break the 100-day Nofap barrier. Whoop-whoop!

    2. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to take guitar lessons and learn.

    3. I am grateful for a sunny day and personal growth.
    wj2727 and The ol' Razzle Dazzle like this.
  10. MrCharacter

    MrCharacter Fapstronaut

    1. I'm grateful for my dad taking a holiday. My dad took a holiday from work on Friday to relax. This meant I could go to London and meet my friends.
    2. I'm grateful for going gym again. Before going to the gym by myself would be a hassle but with NoFap, the anxiety is so completely gone.
    3. I'm grateful for a lovely day today. It was sunny, warm and also not that cold.
    4. I'm grateful for my self growth. I have seen vast improvement with myself with almost a month coming up. I can only expect to gain more benefits as I continue on my NoFap Journey.
    wj2727 and The ol' Razzle Dazzle like this.
    1. I'm greatful to have found an IM support system.
    2. I'm greatful for one of my good friends and the brotherhood we share.
    3. I'm greatful to have hope in my life. There was a long period of time when my life felt like there was none.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  11. The human failure

    The human failure Fapstronaut

    oh boy here we go
    1. I'm thankful for making it this far. Even if I haven't made it very far in comparison.
    2. I'm thankful for Yugioh, which is really fun! I just wish I had someone to play with.
    3. I'm thankful that I have some food to eat, I'm really hungry.
  12. Phoenix11

    Phoenix11 Fapstronaut

    1. A new day
    2. Cold showers :)
    3. Beautiful women
    wj2727 likes this.
  13. Kal-El

    Kal-El Fapstronaut

    It's been ages, but...
    1. I'm thankful because I realized that it was necessary for me to get back here and try to be a more grateful person, it's a wonderful exercise that I should keep on doing.
    2. I'm thankful for the classes I taught today, I love my students and hugged them all today.
    3. I'm thankful for my friend Victor, he has been helping me a lot lately, even though he's not aware of that haha.

    It's good to be back.
    JesusGreen, I Free I and wj2727 like this.
  14. wj2727

    wj2727 Fapstronaut

    Grateful for being married 32 years today.
    Grateful someone loves me for who I am.
    Grateful I can go out to lunch and celebrate.
    1. To have a place to live, especially during this cold and rainy weather.
    2. My dog! I got her during a dark time in my life and she's always brightened my day since!
    3. My brother. Probably one of the most amazing people I've had the chance to know. Excited to visit him today.
    wj2727, JesusGreen and I Free I like this.