THE Reason We Achieve "Superpowers" on Nofap

I'm not really sure what your angle is, but it seems that you're encouraging PMO in your two posts on this thread.

For most, they cannot MO without porn for a simple reason. They're addicts, so they associated both MO with porn. Starting to MO, eventually, will lead them back to porn. You mentioned before that you MO multiple times a week , if not everyday. Although I agree that a streak number is not necessarily the pointer towards success in life, in your case..well your counter is back to 1 day no porn. Meaning you relapsed back to full PMO, it's clear as an addict you're having trouble giving it up and you cannot continue by just going the route of MO. The route of MO lead you back to full PMO as I mentioned above. You may want to consider going full abstinence from PMO for longer than 90 days, in fact 90 days is merely fake. In certain cases you won't notice a difference even after 6 months, depending on how addicted you were. Just look at the PAWs forum of nofap. Some of those people flatline for 2 years.

It comes down to this, you're using PMO to run away from certain things in your life. Figure out what that is, face it and the need for PMO will disappear with abstinence. People who develop great success in their lives on a long streak, are those who combine abstinence with facing their inner emotional turmoil. Those who simply count days and hope for miracle will remain stranded.
Beautifully said brother, couldn’t agree more.
Idk about the giga chad part, but yeah pretty much. This isn't actually super in any way shape or form, OP basically just said if you stop pmo your testosterone levels will return to normal which has been shown.
people down in abstinence seem to rely more on instinct than anything else because this one has read studies that show testosterone have nothing whatsoever to do with frequent ejaculation but if you can point a more accurate article be my guest.
Drops in real quick-

Y'know, I kinda doubt that with your day 0 being a thing up there. You'd be quite the challenging foe with a 2nd tier of double digits on that counter.
someone who has a high level of testosterone is likely to have social and perhaps health problems but in any case high level of testosterone = high sex drive -ie someone who has it will certainly not be into abstinence or semen retention.
people down in abstinence seem to rely more on instinct than anything else because this one has read studies that show testosterone have nothing whatsoever to do with frequent ejaculation but if you can point a more accurate article be my guest.
I'm not saying I completely agree abstinence actually has a large effect on testosterone, I'm just saying there is evidence that ties into what OP is saying. There's also evidence that shows the opposite actually, that test increases after pmo. Problem is both of these studies are too small and not conclusive enough to really say for certain. But either way, for practical purposes it's probably just a good idea to stop pmo whether or not test increases. If you're interested in the science though that's a whole 'nother thing.
I'm not saying I completely agree abstinence actually has a large effect on testosterone, I'm just saying there is evidence that ties into what OP is saying. There's also evidence that shows the opposite actually, that test increases after pmo. Problem is both of these studies are too small and not conclusive enough to really say for certain. But either way, for practical purposes it's probably just a good idea to stop pmo whether or not test increases. If you're interested in the science though that's a whole 'nother thing.
So we have read your article and it is somewhat sketchy, apparently the level of testosterone peaked on the 7th day after ejaculating, which then decreased back down to normal levels on the 8th day and stayed at the normal level. Thing is the peak was caused by ejaculation there does not seem to be anything about the level of testosterone without ejaculation.
Overall it is true the field is not very widely researched but even when sexual activities in general seem to point to a short term increase in testosterone it does not seem to be relevant to affect anything.
On the other hand it seems that physical activities is a better way to increase your testosterone. But yeah stoping pmo should be the number 1 goal here, although giving false expectations like the OP is doing can create its own set of problems.
My brother, your point is excellent. The masses want us to believe this is normal, but it's not! They're trying to brainwash everyone so they can become their brainwashed sex addicted slaves.

For those of you doubters that want proof, try to ejaculate 10 times in 2 days and see how you feel afterwards. If you don't feel awful, miserable and drained I will give you $100,000.

Our precious semen is our life energy, don't ever forget that!
Its the creation of life and you waste it in the toilet let that sink in value your semen
someone who has a high level of testosterone is likely to have social and perhaps health problems but in any case high level of testosterone = high sex drive -ie someone who has it will certainly not be into abstinence or semen retention.

As opposed to what, having low T accompanied by 0 energy/mental illness(depression anxiety) amongst others?
I highly doubt an individual who faps often has high T, just as someone who practice semen retention will not have this astronomical unhealthy amount of T, which I'm assuming is what you mean.
So we have read your article and it is somewhat sketchy, apparently the level of testosterone peaked on the 7th day after ejaculating, which then decreased back down to normal levels on the 8th day and stayed at the normal level. Thing is the peak was caused by ejaculation there does not seem to be anything about the level of testosterone without ejaculation.
Overall it is true the field is not very widely researched but even when sexual activities in general seem to point to a short term increase in testosterone it does not seem to be relevant to affect anything.
On the other hand it seems that physical activities is a better way to increase your testosterone. But yeah stopping pmo should be the number 1 goal here, although giving false expectations like the OP is doing can create its own set of problems.
Yeah completely agree, that's kinda what I'm trying to say. Test only increases because it was reduced so much due to excessive masturbation. So there might be "benefits" for an addict, but these benefits feel perfectly normal for a person who isn't addicted to porn. Its just going back to normal, but for someone who has sunk so low even getting back to normal can feel like the best thing in the world and almost super.
I fap (without porn) a few times a week, if not daily, and I have a deeper voice and higher testosterone levels than all of you combined.

Joke aside, stop associating the benefits you get from other improved areas with NoFap, please.

It's just misleading.

"More muscular". That's called bodybuilding pal.

"Deeper voice". For teenagers going through puberty, yes. For adults, no. Otherwise, how?

"More confidence". Sure. But that's not testosterone. It comes from the pride you feel when improving your life and working on your goals.

"Women seem to flock to them". Seem. But NoFap alone doesn't do anything. You gotta take care of yourself, dress well, behave confidently...and if you are ugly, good luck. (sorry. Just the truth).

And I could go on like this forever.

Only thing I agree with is the sexual health aspect. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing.

The rest is just called living life to its fullest, my friends. It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Stop believing this shit is a magic pill.
Shut up Stupid.
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only transforms". You must be a stupid men if you think , you dont lose nothing by fapping. If you truly believe this is absolute nonsense, you wouldnt be in a group about benefits of nofap.
So many people on here notice that they achieve superpowers when they're on nofap. They get more muscular, they have more energy, more motivation, women seem to flock to them, their voice gets deeper, they feel way more confident, they're better in social situations, people respect them more, they become more aggressive, their sex lives are 10x better, they start looking more attractive, they start experiencing more joy and so on...

Now let me ask you this, what do all these superpowers have in common?

Here's the answer: TESTOSTERONE!
Increased T is only part of the answer. If you are abstaining from porn and masturbating, you are going to feel better about yourself. You are going to be more self-confident, even without an increase in T. This self confidence women find attractive.

This is the main reason we achieve all these so called "superpowers." I've seen so many people on here miss this point or think its something else. Let me explain. When you use PMO, you absolutely fry your dopamine and androgen receptors in your brain. When you stop PMO, your dopamine receptors increase and return to normal levels. What does this do? Well, dopamine receptors are tied to testosterone. The more dopamine receptors you have, the more your testosterone is utilized in your body!

This is why so many fapstranauts notice an insane amount of female attraction. Women are attracted to masculine men with a high testosterone! Think about it, what kind of women are the majority of men attracted to? Are they attracted to masculine women? No! They want a really feminine woman. Same goes for women. They LOVE masculine men. The more you heal your dopamine/androgen receptors, the more you utilize your testosterone, the more masculine you become! Isn't that incredible!?

Conclusion: PMO destroys your dopamine/androgen receptors, which results in less testosterone utilized. This means your body is producing testosterone but it's not able to use it effectively! Your testosterone is just going to be wasted. The more you abstain, the more your body is able to utilize your real testosterone levels.
I fap (without porn) a few times a week, if not daily, and I have a deeper voice and higher testosterone levels than all of you combined.

Joke aside, stop associating the benefits you get from other improved areas with NoFap, please.

It's just misleading.

"More muscular". That's called bodybuilding pal.

"Deeper voice". For teenagers going through puberty, yes. For adults, no. Otherwise, how?

"More confidence". Sure. But that's not testosterone. It comes from the pride you feel when improving your life and working on your goals.

"Women seem to flock to them". Seem. But NoFap alone doesn't do anything. You gotta take care of yourself, dress well, behave confidently...and if you are ugly, good luck. (sorry. Just the truth).

And I could go on like this forever.

Only thing I agree with is the sexual health aspect. Porn induced erectile dysfunction is a real thing.

The rest is just called living life to its fullest, my friends. It has nothing to do with superpowers.

Stop believing this shit is a magic pill.

Finally, someone realistic!

Indeed, NoFap of itself does not do anything AT ALL. Except for when you are retaining semen gets you to being stronger in the gym. (Also why pro fighters do not have S** or M before fights)
Why would anyone stop PMO if it didn't offer great benefits? Me thinks there are people on here trying to justify their addiction...or at least they were on here, and were banned by the mods for that very reason.

Yeah the counter means nothing.....says everyone under 1 week.....interesting coincidence ;o)
So many people on here notice that they achieve superpowers when they're on nofap. They get more muscular, they have more energy, more motivation, women seem to flock to them, their voice gets deeper, they feel way more confident, they're better in social situations, people respect them more, they become more aggressive, their sex lives are 10x better, they start looking more attractive, they start experiencing more joy and so on...

Now let me ask you this, what do all these superpowers have in common?

Here's the answer: TESTOSTERONE!

This is the main reason we achieve all these so called "superpowers." I've seen so many people on here miss this point or think its something else. Let me explain. When you use PMO, you absolutely fry your dopamine and androgen receptors in your brain. When you stop PMO, your dopamine receptors increase and return to normal levels. What does this do? Well, dopamine receptors are tied to testosterone. The more dopamine receptors you have, the more your testosterone is utilized in your body!

This is why so many fapstranauts notice an insane amount of female attraction. Women are attracted to masculine men with a high testosterone! Think about it, what kind of women are the majority of men attracted to? Are they attracted to masculine women? No! They want a really feminine woman. Same goes for women. They LOVE masculine men. The more you heal your dopamine/androgen receptors, the more you utilize your testosterone, the more masculine you become! Isn't that incredible!?

Conclusion: PMO destroys your dopamine/androgen receptors, which results in less testosterone utilized. This means your body is producing testosterone but it's not able to use it effectively! Your testosterone is just going to be wasted. The more you abstain, the more your body is able to utilize your real testosterone levels.

This is a good post but make sure you don't leave the impression that NoFap raises testosterone. There are studies on that, and I have checked my own levels to confirm it.

But more testosterone is not what a man needs. He needs to use what he already has, which is enough. I think you were trying to say that.

The dopamine spiking in the brain creates tolerance to dopamine, but also the good things we need too, mainly serotonin.

So we pretty much agree, I guess...?
This is a good post but make sure you don't leave the impression that NoFap raises testosterone. There are studies on that, and I have checked my own levels to confirm it.

But more testosterone is not what a man needs. He needs to use what he already has, which is enough. I think you were trying to say that.

The dopamine spiking in the brain creates tolerance to dopamine, but also the good things we need too, mainly serotonin.

So we pretty much agree, I guess...?

Yes, we agree. I never said nofap raises your testosterone, I said you utilize more of your testosterone when you practice nofap. Here's what I said in the original post:

"The more dopamine receptors you have, the more your testosterone is utilized in your body!"
I thought there was a prominent study that said your T goes up by 150% for the first week. I sure as hell felt like it did.