Too depressed to do nofap, and no desire for purpose in life


I figured out why I keep relapsing. I simply do not want to do nofap because I have no need for it (actually there is but subconsciously I don't see it). I have a life purpose as well but I do not feel motivated ever to strive for it. I feel like NPC or worse than zombie.

I want to know how does others on nofap do it. you set a life goal then what? should it supposed to be motivating you all day, or is it normal for me to feel 0 drive towards it and just power through in name of discipline?
Motivation only gets you so far. Discipline is the key. Motivation eventually fades but as Mike Tyson said "Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it"

But it is true that most successful people on here have the core desire to want to improve their lives and you seem to be struggling with that. I just want to say that it is OK to get professional help if you need it. There should be no shame in trying to improve your life.

Hope you get better soon.
I found that being motivated to do something always fails in the end because you can't be motivated all the time. Anyone who says they are completely driven and motivated every waking moment is lying to you, deluding themselves, or both. It's perfectly normal to have moments of doubt, moments of weakness, moments where you feel like you can't be bothered. Instead of relying on fleeting emotions you ought to put the focus on objectively observable reality. If you do NoFap, you WILL be better off than if you keep relapsing. If you take steps to change and improve your life, you WILL end up in a better place than if you sit around doing nothing, even if you don't succeed at everything you try to do. In times of doubt and apathy, lean on these facts, not emotional whims.