Hi ! I already posted a topic here, but it didn’t go so well. it was 8 months ago. Since then, things I guess got a little bit worst. first I would like to say I think I am straight. I have feeling for women, and right now I’m in a relation ship which is going good and I have fun having sex with her. I am addicted to shem*** jn the last month and a half I met more than 7 some of them many times. I also have a problem with sissy porn. And sissy hypno, which I think already took it’s cost. I also saw in a topic something named faproullete ! do not google it if you don’t know what it is ! That is dangerous shit. Just thinking of transwomen, and cocks in my ass make me horny. And I want to make it stop. It affect my job, and me as a person. I want to stop watching sissy porn, I want to stop watching transwomen porn. I want to stop masturbating. but I am having difficult. I can go trough 2-3 days but then fall back to it. The urge is so strong ! So I’m here to find help, because I need it. Sometimes it’s hard to admit you need help, and you try to avoid saying the problem you have and you deny it. I denied it, and I though it’s just a fetish, and it will be fine. But I am in a situation which affects my life, and I already understand. I have a problem. I must say I’m a very busy and a very hard worker, I work everyday 10 am to 10 pm. And I have a staff of 20 people underneath me. but I find myself, looking for new transwomen in town, in middle of day work. just thinking about nasty stuff, which I don’t want. so I need help. I want to know, guys... what will be the windrawl sympotms ? Can I still have sex with the girl I date with ? or I should break up with her ? How many days should I begin with? What should I do when I know I’m going to fap? Thank you everyone, what a great community.
Been there done that. Took me to dark places so I understand. I'm over 4 months clean. The first month I had a near mental breakdown. I had to get a therapist and felt much better after that . From then on (30+ days) I felt better and better and flatline was a welcome relief from urges. Now at 4 months I have an awesome gf who makes me horny as hell and no desire to look at TS porn. I'm suffering some depressive episodes that come and go. But overall it has been totally worth it. You just have to man the fuck up and say "This isn't me, I'm done" and never look back.
Hi Searcher123 You are not alone!! The most important thing is admitting you have a problem and seeking solutions which you have done alright. The next thing it's that you must know, you yourself have the ultimate responsibility of quitting the habbit. And "Yes, you can do it". In the past I had NoFab for a month before I relasped. This was a huge victory for me because I had no idea I could go a day without PMO (I live alone). I am proud of that, and I have now begun my final reboot. I am a week into it and I am feeling good already again. Have a better outlook to life and social relations. No fatigue, no gloom and I hope not to PMO again for good. Next thing is pick a challenge and stick to it. If you ever get tempted to PMO, come back to this community and read people's post, then remind yourself why you made the commitment in the first place, this approach keeps me going. For if you're here, you ain't at a porn site. Good luck on your reboot.
Wow, so good to hear those stuff from all of You. it seems like I don’t understand that it is a problem. I guess some people can do that and still have a normal life style. But it is impossible, it is just not right. The Hypnos made my mind corrupted and all I can think of is D even do I like women, and I always fall in love with women. crazy as it seems, but it changed my mind completely. I really thank you for the support, and I will always come back here instead of fap! at least I’ll try ! thank you so much Thank you so so much.