Wet Dream on Day 25: Feel like a teenager

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by sakeen, Dec 11, 2017.

Should I reset my counter after this wet dream?

  1. Yea

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  2. Nay

    7 vote(s)
  1. sakeen

    sakeen Fapstronaut

    Just writing to get this off my chest.

    This happened last night, which was day 25. I was imagining I was having sex, and I remember telling myself to stop in the dream, but I chose to continue and felt myself orgasm. I woke up instantly at that point and sure enough I'd splodged in my boxers.

    I'm not sure how I feel about it. In a way I feel happy because it reminds me of what it was like to be a teenager who was super horny with rock hard erections, and also because it is like 'proof' that I wasn't wasting my sexual power on porn. But I also feel like I could have avoided the situation by consciously interceding in the dream and stopping myself.

    After this wet dream I entered another one which involved my ex-gf. It wasn't a sexual dream at all, but it was if we were still in a relationship and deeply in love. I felt so lonely and sad afterwards...I broke up with her for really clear specific reasons, but I'm haunted by the thought that I betrayed her, and wasn't the man I needed to be for her because of my PMO addiction.

    I honestly feel a bit confused, but I've decided I don't want any more wet dreams, and I think I know what the triggers are:

    • Drinking a lot of water
    • Eating chilli with meal
    • Having a nap
    • Vigorous exercise during the day
    • Warm room (it was at 22 degrees C)
    • Tight pyjama bottoms
    Above may or may not be causative, but I feel they may have played a role.

    Thoughts on this fapstronauts?
  2. Liquid_Just_like_water

    Liquid_Just_like_water Fapstronaut

    With wet dreams, i feel its natural. because you yourself are not deciding to do it. You are not putting on porn, you are not beating the shit outta your meat. you are just in a flow, you are uncounsious. your body is doing what is required. wet dream is not mastrubating, thinking of a woman is not a porn. Don't forget that you are still a man. this is what we do. we just fuck.
    sakeen likes this.
  3. sakeen

    sakeen Fapstronaut

  4. It's natural, no need for a reset unless you intentionally look at P then start fapping. Wish you well