Many reasons why I hate porn :
1. It destroys my marriage. Every time I'm into PMO I despise my wife, neglecting her, ignoring her for days. Not giving her comfort and ignoring her physical needs. I also sometimes finding myself hating her even picturing myself hitting her. I constantly shout at her... It's awful because I know how wonderful my wife is...
2. I'm lazy... crazy lazy... sitting days at work at my desk doing nothing. Pretending to work. Getting madly late on projects.
3. I spend hours at home watching TV series, ignoring the world around me. Being numb and empty.
4. I get fat, not wanting to do sports and eating compulsively...
Porn has been the devil's best tool to destroy me and refraining me from being healthy and good in my life.
So trueI hate porn because:
- it messes up your mind
- makes you feel empty
- it can make you feel isolated
- it is dehumanizing people
- i become negative and lazy
I hate that all these guys in porn manage to make a connection with these hot women and have unprotected sex with them while the nice person that is me, can't even manage to have a normal conversation with a women.
I hate that it makes me feel so disgusting, inside and out. It makes me anxious enough to not make new friends or go anywhere else except the comfort of my phone or tv. I hate that I have to keep this from my wife (I told her that I had this problem once before but she thinks I quit). My parents are old school Christians so i hate that I can’t go to them for help.there are many reasons that I hate porn, but I’d just like to say one of the biggest things I have against porn addition.
What I hate is the fact that nobody in the real world knows. At least not in my life. I’m fighting this thing day by day and not one friend or family me never knows about it. The reason that this is bad is because when I relapse and I’m feeling my absolute worst in life, I still have to act happy. If I show that I’m unhappy then people will wonder why and ask if I’m okay all the time and I really can’t be bothered with all that.
What do you hate about porn addiction?
Knowing I was watching something I hated and something that no longer turned me on but I couldn't stop watching it.there are many reasons that I hate porn, but I’d just like to say one of the biggest things I have against porn addition.
What I hate is the fact that nobody in the real world knows. At least not in my life. I’m fighting this thing day by day and not one friend or family me never knows about it. The reason that this is bad is because when I relapse and I’m feeling my absolute worst in life, I still have to act happy. If I show that I’m unhappy then people will wonder why and ask if I’m okay all the time and I really can’t be bothered with all that.
What do you hate about porn addiction?
I hate how the images intrude into your life when you are with people at work or with people you love or care about. I hate how it creates doubt about yourself, makes you question who you are when you are in fact a good person. I hate how it makes you feel dirty. This is why I'm trying to change.
Amen to that brother. I have been striving with these images for over two months now, but these last few weeks they have been slowly dissipating. Yesterday and today have been two of those days when they haven't really plagued me at all. They are still semi-there but I have stopped reacting to them, so they go away slowly but surely. In two weeks time they will be gone. I am hoping you will go the same way. When they appear in your mind just let them float there, observe them but don't react to them. They will get stronger. I did this for some time but then I learned to let go after several weeks of training myself. Good luck! And a really good reason to get rid of porn indeed! Also remember these are just thoughts, not rational and now who you are. You are what you make yourself![]()