How to deal with fetishes and gay thoughts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by PMO Fighter, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. PMO Fighter

    PMO Fighter Fapstronaut

    Hi guys, I wanted to ask if anybody knows a way to deal with fetishes. I have a pissing fetish and I am haunted by homosexual thoughts. I think the major cause is porn which is why I'm doing my best to abstain. The problem is that every time I try to do so the forementioned thoughts lead me to a relapse, so I want to stop this cycle once for all. How can I do this?? Every time I go to the toilet I have to deal with a penis and piss, I can't change that. Is there some way to just shut these thoughts once for all?? I can't even see an improvement either. Please help me because I don't want my future sexual life to be compromised because of this. Speaking of that, I'm almost 20 and never had a girlfriend, for obvious reasons I'd say...
  2. Crunchy leaves

    Crunchy leaves Fapstronaut

    Can't suggest anything since I have the same problem ... hope anyone else will answer this
    PMO Fighter likes this.
  3. You’ll need to fill your mind with other things, things that are healthy. Get full into another hobby that takes up so much time you won’t have time for porn.

    Hobbies and activities that not only take up your time doing but take up your time planning for. Things that are a challenge but that you also enjoy.

    As long as you have extended “dead” times you’ll be greatly tempted by porn.

    It’s not an easy fight but getting away from porn is well worth it.
    PeterNF.01 and PMO Fighter like this.
  4. PMO Fighter

    PMO Fighter Fapstronaut

    Thanks for answering. I'm a student, so I need to study most of my time. Even though I go to the gym to release my energies, I'm still getting urges while studying. They are annoying because I don't have much time and I really need to concentrate. I'm afraid I might indulge in PMO just to let them stop and keep studying, and then realize I only wasted time and lowered my energies... I don't want to do so because I need to change the weird sexuality that PMO created inside of me. I don't really have "dead" times, as I said the urge comes while I'm doing something else, especially studying. Is there something I can do to train my brain so that it starts thinking the right way?
    WasZeusWrong? likes this.
  5. I remember when I was in college I spent a lot of time in the school library doing my homework. That might be a help. Spend more time at the library than at home.

    One thing I’ve been doing is to train my mind to immediately think of something specific when I’m tempted. For a while that one thing was Pink Elephants. I’d try my best to imagine them flying around up high in the sky. It’s crazy but it gets the mind off the temptation. Now I just think about 3 specific questions about the woman:

    -What are her world views?
    -What are her interests.
    -What are her goals.

    It’s better than thinking about sex with her. Those questions might even encourage you to start a conversation with the woman which will further help you to stop seeing them as sex objects.

    Hope that helps.
    PMO Fighter likes this.
  6. WasZeusWrong?

    WasZeusWrong? Fapstronaut

    When I was a student (a long time ago!), I had the same kinds of problems. And even now, unfortunately, my work involves a lot of research, studying, and writing, which makes NoFap a constant struggle. I feel your pain! But a guy above gave a great piece of advice that saved my college education: Spend three hours a day, six days a week, in the library. Short break between each hour. I know it sounds extreme, but it felt so good to be ready for every class, on top of every assignment, earning excellent grades. Or go to a cafe to study. Just don't be in a place or situation where you can succumb to the the temptations of online porn. It's worth a try, right? Good luck!
    Deleted Account and PMO Fighter like this.
  7. PMO Fighter

    PMO Fighter Fapstronaut

    I usually spend most of the day at the university. I get back home in the evening and keep studying until I get to bed (yeah, pretty extreme), which is why going to the library is not a possibility for me. However, I will try to concentrate on something specific when urges hit me, that may be helpful. Thanks guys!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Maybe try meditation as well :) vegan diet has helped me a lot as well, reducing urges and helped also on many other areas.
    We live in a world of a lot deception if you ask me... i try to get my hyper active mind more calm.. to be able to live a better life. All the best
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. I agree with you about the deception in this world. Porn is just one of many things leading people down the wrong path.
    PeterNF.01 and Deleted Account like this.