[CLOSED] Ranked

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Ghost in the Shell, Sep 3, 2019.

Do you like the new day rank requirements?

Poll closed Nov 30, 2019.
  1. I like it

  2. I liked the previous one better

  1. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    Let's do this! Empty Rank 0 section in 7 days - this is a good goal!

    NoPMO: Day 04
    Productive Days from that: 2

    Get up at 3:30 AM and hiked up a mountain to watch the sunrise, also took some beautiful pictures.
    Went to the cinema in the afternoon with some friends, I haven't seen for some weeks.
    I just arrived at home, daily check-in. Now switching off my devices and read at bit!
  2. Not sure I'd even call 3.30AM morning, it's more the middle of the night! Earliest I've ever regularly woken up is 4.30AM, but I don't really need to wake up that early any more so I've relaxed it a little back down to 5.30AM. Good for you at any rate.

    Like your idea of having longest streak in your signature, by the way, and I'm stealing it. :)
    ManAtWork and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Great work!
    Coffee Candy, Sante364 and ManAtWork like this.
  4. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    Juup, it was in the middle of the night ;). I don't usually wake up this early, but the hike took around 2 to 3 hours to the peek. To see the sunrise on top, we had to get up this early. My goal at the moment is to get up at least before 8 AM (I'm unemployed currently, will change in a weeks). Over time I want to make it to 6 AM.
    recon117 and Prussard like this.
  5. When you have work to do, waking up early is undeniably better than staying up late. Once you adjust to it, you'll find your brain works better than the alternative and you get work done faster. Nothing wrong with lying in in those (rare, fleeting) times when work isn't piled quite so high though.

    Hiking to see the sunrise up high sounds beautiful, if I ever go somewhere with proper mountains (big if, currently not really in the monetary position to go abroad) I'll definitely make a point of it.
  6. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    Yeah, that's true. I agree with your last sentence, however I want to implement some kind of morning routine. I'm not a morning person, that's why I'm trying to get up earler than I actually have to and get most of the things done till noon.

    It's absolutly worth it!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    NoPMO: Day 05
    Productive Days from that: 3
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. I was really close to reset a few times today. I'm about to complete my current mini goal, and I'm not going to mess it up now.
    recon117 and Deleted Account like this.
  9. I remember that last time you fought off urges just a few hours prior to a relapse. Be extra vigilant now.
  10. Saturday check in - 6 - no urges now but I know they will come tonight, so I will make myself preoccupied with some tasks.
  11. Is this supposed to be a hard mode challenge?
    Prussard and recon117 like this.
  12. Prussard

    Prussard Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 20
    I had suprisingly no urges this weekend. Feeling motivated to improve my life in it's other areas.
  13. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Good job Prussard :) ! Keep on going!
  14. No "mode" is specified. I think that details are best left to individuals to decide. I'm personally doing plain hard mode but if other people in here chase a different goal, I don't see that as an obstacle to anything. All "modes" are about fighting temptation so every fapstronaut has to deal with more or less the same problems.
    Deleted Account and recon117 like this.
  15. Okay, I think I will reset anyway. I will use another counter for no porn. I think it's important to keep them separate in case you have to reset.

    Edging is such a bitch. There's my main challenge.
    Ghost in the Shell and ManAtWork like this.
  16. Sunday check, 7 days finally!
    Ghost in the Shell and recon117 like this.
  17. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    Had no chance for the daily check-in yesterday evening, went out so...

    NoPMO: Day 06
    Productive Days from that: 3
    Overslept in the morning, still was productive for the rest of the day
    However I don't count it as productive...

    NoPMO: Day 07
    Productive Days from that: 3
    Overslept (because I arrived late at home), was visited by some family member, also worked out and prepared myself for another job interview.
    However also don't count it as an productive day, let's say it was weekend!

    Made to 7 day, a whole week, so I guess I'm back!

  18. @ManAtWork Looking forward to hearing how you smashed the interview. Also great you and @Ajikan completed a week!

    @Rising Force good on you for taking the tougher path. If it's any consolation I messed up today too.

    I returned from a work event I was stressed over and let my guard down and relapsed. I still see it as progress since I held out for a whole week back-to-back, that hasn't happened in a year at least. This challenge is helping me. And to anyone reading this: don't be like me, remember:
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
  19. ManAtWork

    ManAtWork Fapstronaut

    With every failure we get the opportunity to learn. I myself learned from my last relapse a lot about myself. I learned that an lack of an goal will always keep me relapsing. I try my best to be productive and find this goal. It's just a thought at the moment, however I try to make it into a plan for myself. I've never had any urges since I relapsed the last time.
    If there's no goal, every way is the wrong one.