Monk Mode / Nun Mode Standard Criteria

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. Hello, dear fapstranauts,

    Tonight I would need some input from several fapstraunauts/femstranauts to help me clarify the bare minimum criteria for Monk Mode / Nun Mode). In case if there are moderators of NoFap who are seeing this, who can tell me the right criteria for Monk Mode (I am a male) then that would be of great help just for me to make a decision as to whether I will continue with what I think as Monk Mode or go to Hard Mode + specific goals of my own.

    Today I saw on YouTube that some asked me whether I gave up the use of my phone and internet when I mentioned that I am following Monk Mode.

    So far what I do under the NoFap mode which I made for myself is this -
    • No PMO
    • Try to abide by the 5-second rule (i.e. to let go of any thoughts relating to sexual/sensual thoughts)
    • Fasting - avoid soild foods after lunch and consume water after having my last protein drink / green tea for the day
    • No entertainment - no music, no films, no shows, no television shows, no games (basically avoiding anything that is fun/pleasurable)
    • No use of cosmetic products - but this I didn't do anyway and just use moisturizer cream to prevent dryness but not for aesthetic purposes
    • No sleeping on beds - I use a mattress on the floor
    • No alcohol, no smoking, no drug - I don't do them anyway but I felt I needed to say in case someone would tell me to drop them. I am teetotal, non-smoker, non-drug use with virgin lungs and virgin veins
    • Cue-exposure therapy - I started this yesterday
    But there are still somethings I do which can appear to be inconsistent with what people usually believe to be Monk Mode. For example I use .....
    • the internet to watch YouTube videos on NoFap, yoga, exercises, and anything which would help me with the reboot of becoming the best version of myself
    • the internet to access teachings to help me learn
    • Facebook and Facebook Messenger - I can stop Facebook and Messenger if this is a requirement or discouraged by Monk Mode
    • Whatsapp - I can stop this too if required or discouraged by Monk Mode
    • Viber - this I don't use that much, but it's like a backup in case anyone needs to get in touch with when I am off Facebook, Whatsapp, etc
    • Email - this I can't afford to drop because of my work and being up to date with important matters that I am taking part in
    Also on a separate note, I wanted to say that I started doing the cue-exposure therapy after coming across a YouTube video that explained its benefits. I can't comment on the progress as I only started this yesterday night. If this is not compatible with Monk Mode then I am happy to continue doing this as part of Hard Mode (because I will be on SuperMonk Monk from the end of December anyway living almost like an ascetic for a few months). The reason why I decided to do this is that I was told that cue-exposure therapy will help to give a stronger and more stable reboot than 'pure abstinence from porn'. If you are not aware of what cue-exposure therapy is, then Google would bring up some good results on the topic. The cue-exposure therapy has worked for alcohol addicts and it's proven to be effective and cut away the impulse that drives addiction. This is what I was told and what I have heard. But I am yet to fully experience the benefits (as I mentioned earlier I only started yesterday).

    Anything else which I have forgotten please let me know. It will not only help me make a decision but will help others who are trying to find what is the Monks Mode and what it is not. I need your support during these moments and I will be grateful for the thoughtful and planned responses.
  2. Folks it will be really helpful if you let me your thoughts on this one. Because it will make a difference to me.
  3. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

  4. Yes, I did. But it doesn't specifically mention the bare minimum criteria for monk mode.
    The reason why I am asking is this I want to make sure that I am not missing any important aspects of what is essential in monk mode.
    If NoFap itself hasn't defined the criteria for monk mode perhaps the NoFap community could bring ideas together as to what is definitive of monk mode which makes it distinct from the hard mode.
  5. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
  6. Thanks, kropo82 for sending me this link. I am carefully reading this along with the contents within the links that have been posted in this thread.

    I will go through them and then summarise in this thread so in case someone needs to know specifically about the Monk Mode they can get if from here since this is a later thread.
    kropo82 likes this.
  7. You_ll_succed_for_sure

    You_ll_succed_for_sure Fapstronaut

    Fasting is good, because you get the ability to have power over natural basis that is food. You gain some control, some power of you.
    Because you have control and power on a basis need. So you can have the control on other basis that is bad. PMO for exemple.
    Paranimmita likes this.
  8. Sherlock_Poems

    Sherlock_Poems Fapstronaut

    I second the fasting.
    It really helped me in my first couple weeks.
    Paranimmita likes this.
  9. I read that first article 'Monk Mode: Stronger, Smarter, More Refined' ( It has some great points but it appears that it is tailored to those who want to reach perfection and ultimate achievement. I guess the author has his own perception as to what Monk Mode means to him. Even though this is not the reason why I do NoFap, I did pick some great points and I might read it from time to time to help this new information sink in. As for the second article which is from Quintessential mind, I will am yet to read this.
  10. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Nice list you develop here. Mine is a bit more simplistic but still very similar:
    • No M, MO, PMO or sex (obvious)
    • No television, PC use strictly for work learning and NoFap only (prebooked 2 recovery and 1 work related channel on YT. That's all of social media I use)
    • exercise 1-3 hour a day
    • meditate/pray at least 15 minutes a day (I do Wim Hof breathing technic and pranayama every day but am not so strict on cold showers anymore, because it's getting cold here and I do cycle/run every day in cold conditions adding cold showers to that routine was a bit too stressful for my body during cold days (I noticed getting headaches and colds).
    • read at least one book a month (I ended up reading 3-4 books a month on average)
    • Diet: drink only water and tea, eat only unprocessed food with no added sugar
    • No alcohol, no smoking and no drugs is a no brainer of course
  11. Thanks Fenix Rising, for sharing your selected set of disciplines. I hope incorporate some of them to make my NoFap streak worthwhile.

    I do meditation and been doing this even before I started NoFap. Meditation is an essential practice in my religion and I do this as a religious activity so I forgot to mention that at thr top.

    I still dont do exercise and I have an issue with weight (Im underweight). But I am not going to make excuses and start doing daily exercises starting from 30 minutes a day.

    I have a lot if books to get through within two months so I ll add that to the task list too.

    Today I violated some of the austerities I took up for myself as I did listen to songs and watched films - but no more. I just needed a bit of a morale booster so I slightly stepped out of my disciplines just for a short whiles but tomorrow morning I will be back on track.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  12. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Don't be too harsh on yourself. Getting rid of addiction is very hard work by itself. I found that self-guilt and self-shaming have no place in recovery. We're all just humans, perfectly imperfect. All we can do is strive to improve and be kind to ourselves and others. Self-discipline is learned virtue and it takes time to develop. No one can just snap with fingers and become disciplined person over night. You can't rush it. It takes a lot of patience and practice to master. I believe that long hardmode, especially when one was addicted, is the key to develop discipline in general. If you can overcome addiction you can achieve almost anything if you focus on it.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
    Paranimmita likes this.
  13. Yes, I have not experienced the flatline yet. I am hoping to get ready to have things geared up when this hits me.
    When I say flatline I mean like being depressed and not being motivated - this state of mind (rather than lack of sexual desire).
  14. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    What is the point of monk mode?

    Seems to me that quiting pmo healing your body and rebooting in order to enjoy your life with your partner is the ultimate goal?

    Unless you really are a monk or have some religious belief (which is fine every person can choose what they want to do with their life) I really see no purpose of this extreme life journey.
    Paranimmita and Demodectic like this.
  15. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut

    Tell me what is extra for the "Supermonk mode". Is the point of this to "toughen you up"? Because if it is then that makes good sense in that case.

    And if you are going for this ascetic mode I have some extra suggestions:

    * Do planks once per day for however many minutes you can hold it
    * Always take the stairs instead of the elevator and RUN up or down the stairs.
    * RUN or jog to everywhere you go such as the supermarket parking lot. Park as far as possible.
    * Dont turn on air conditioner/heater until you can NO LONGER bear the discomfort.
    * Eat your food with no salt or seasonings
    * Stick 1 tsp of baking soda in your mouth along with the toothpaste
    * Ice cold showers and Navy shower (That means turn on the water to wet yourself then turn it immediately off, lather up and turn on water to rinse off. FAST SHOWER like on the Navy boat Use less than 1 total gallon)
    * No ice in your beverages and no sugar
    * Grow out your beard
    * When at computer set a timer every 60 minutes and do 10 jumping jacks and 10 squats
    * When pooping (put the seat up) and squat down with bare feet on the rim and poop like a caveman
  16. I’m just curious on what the point of monk mode is? It looks like you remove a lot of enjoyable things out of your life and I don’t understand how that is going to help your PMO addiction... Yeah you’ll stay away from porn but what about all the other entertainment? Music, YouTube, eating, what is this going to do for you?

    I mean absolutely no disrespect at all I’m just confused, it just seems like you wanna become a robot?
    Paranimmita likes this.
  17. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    It's hard to explain what happens when you start living such minimalistic lifestyle. You have to experience it by yourself. I started practicing this mode quite unintentionally. I was noticing that I've started to develop cross addictions when being in hardmode. Drinking too much alcohol, started eating way too much sugar (couldn't resist chocolate/ice cream anymore), indulging in long unselective social media/news browsing sessions… Cross addictions are typical withdrawal symptom. When your brain becomes dopamine deficient (when you stop with PMO binges in our case), it starts to seek dopamine wherever it can get it (for me it was alcohol, sugar, web browsing). It's very hard to control that while fighting prime addiction so the easiest way is to abandon it altogether for a while. The funny thing is I started to like this lifestyle over time. My mind has become calmer, more focused and observant. I can be alone with my thoughts again. No need to check my phone to distract myself when being alone or in a public place anymore. I have more time because I don't waste it on phone, social media, television, movies etc. so I can do more productive things like exercising, meditating, socializing, hiking, reading books… I learned more about myself and life in general in the last 10 months then I did in the last 10 years. I stopped craving for material objects at some point during recovery which resulted in buying less and less things. I try to find joy in nature, reading, yoga/meditation/prayer and human interactions instead. It's not about becoming a robot, far from it, it's more about taking control over your own mind so you can make more conscious decisions and stop being ruled by your cravings. NoFap is great because it teaches us exactly what is needed to do that: determination, self-discipline and patience plus acceptance of unavoidable pain and suffering. I'd go as far as to say that anyone who beats severe addiction has basically conquered (regained control) over his own mind which is a huge deal. All Fapstronauts are monks in a sense.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019

  18. I understand you completely. Personally I don’t think I could do monk mode, you guys are seriously some beasts for being able to achieve that, it seems like it takes serious commitment and mental strength, while I’m out here struggling to just no PMO.

    Also I think are “whys” on doing nofap are different, I don’t see a problem with my social life or being productive, porn triggers my OCD and it causes me serious obsessions that affect my daily life, so that’s why I need to quit PMO.

    At the end of the day we are both trying to better ourselves, but dude respect to you guys doing monk mode that is next level stuff.
    Paranimmita and Fenix Rising like this.
  19. alexg1709

    alexg1709 Fapstronaut

    I completely understand you and i do understand many people do relapse by using social media watching TV etc.

    Luckily this is not my case so I cannot speak about it

    What worries me about people going the monk mode route is jumping into another extreme behaviour type and sure you stop PMO but you distance yourself from other regular pleasures of life.

    Addiction is actually just over doing something. Is monk mode not over doing the nofap?

    This again only applies if you able to abstain without it going monk mode.
    Paranimmita and Fenix Rising like this.
  20. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I agree, if I could maintain hard mode without jumping from one harmful/distracting highly dopamine rewarding behavior to another I probably wouldn't do "the monk mode". But then again once you remove most of modern distractions/stimulations out of your life, you realize that most of them do you no good in the first place. You become more in tune with your real needs and desires when not being constantly bombarded with highly dopamine rewarding stimulations all the time. For example, once I stopped eating food with added sugar, fruits started to taste good again. When I started salting food only minimally I started noticing how different food actually tastes like. The same is true with alcohol. I have no need to consume it anymore, it only wreak havoc on the body. The downside to it is that you have to fight with friends who want to drink with you, but I learned how to say no. I became a party breaker in their eyes but who cares. And can constant bombardment with commercials, news, movies, games, social media triggers really be called "regular pleasures of life"? The answer came to me when I went hiking with friends off grid without any electronic devices in nature for 3 weeks last year. Once I reentered "civilization" even television playing in the corner of a bar seemed very annoying. Then I was dragged to near airports' mega shopping centre in Milan and literally got sick from all the sensory over-stimulation in the mall. It made me think how modern electronic devices influence our brains without us even realizing it. I accustomed back to "normal life soon after but never stopped longing for the off-grid experience hike has given me. For some reason it was surprisingly effortlessly to give up all of these distractions once I overcame PMO cravings (around 5 months into current reboot). It could have been side effect of anhedonia, I don't know. But I'm at the point where gaming/movies/social media give me no pleasure anymore, on the contrary, either they bore or annoy me, so I have no problems in avoiding them. The only thing that I can say I didn't conquer yet is web browsing, that's why I implemented rule demanding I ask myself first 1) what do you want to search for and 2) do you really need to know the things you want to search for. This way I can control the information flow not the other way around and avoid being pulled in mindless web browsing.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2019