P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. By tension release exercises do you mean the induced vibrational tremors?
  2. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    they release tension stuck in the musculature
  3. Yeah I know, I did them for a year and half. Only stopped this year. I used to do weekly sessions on Skype with a certified TRE practicioner.

    They can be very good and helpful at breaking through alot of stored up shit. They aren't a miracle though and I found I hit a brick wall with them eventually.

    Make sure you're doing it correctly and not trying too hard to make the tremors come. I think the hardest thing is finding out how often you need to do the tremors, 2 or 3 times a week worked well for me.
  4. Hello mate, good too see you mention this.

    It's all part of a toxic combination that gives these symptoms in my mind. The porn, caffeine and many others. It's like a big cauldron of shit that fucks our nervous system up and gives us this continuous fight or flight mode. Quitting caffeine for three months was an eye opener. Within a week my severe headaches subsided and my sleep was gradually improving which then in turn was making me feel better.

    Caffeine itself can bring on withdrawals that can last many months check out the decaf subreddit for stories about it, it's interesting.
    whysolong and Antisocial_TBE like this.
  5. Yeah you're basically bang on the money.

    I did every fucking thing I could to try to get better.

    Eventually what worked was I just stopped trying, I stopped caring, I just moved on and started being human again. No porn, no drugs, no caffeine , try and eat good, live life again, get out the house, stop going on forums, read some books etc

    The hardest thing is doing nothing because doing nothing means completly letting go and not giving a fuck and most people cant accept that it's really that easy, they will force themselves to do some kind of regime of exercise, meditation or endless forum browsing etc.

    Technically I shouldn't even be posting on here really but I keep responding to inboxes and get caught up in it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Antisocial_TBE

    Antisocial_TBE Fapstronaut

    It's ironic because we live in a society that heavily promotes caffeine consumption and claims it has numerous alleged health benefits. I've also seen a few videos criticising the effects of caffeine in the past that were mysteriously taken down from youtube. It's almost like there is an agenda to keep people stressed the fuck out with caffeine 24/7. Let's not forget that Coca Cola and Pepsi are multi-million dollar corporations and coffee is a multi-billion dollar industry.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. humbleone

    humbleone Fapstronaut

    I cannot believe people are starting to insinuate PAWS is not real.

    I've posted my story several times, but to be clear - I've played sports all my life, I'm in good shape, I eat healthy and goto the gym, and I don't drink caffeine much if at all. I also never had any social anxiety in my life.

    From around the 3rd month of attempting nofap, and about my 5th relapse during that time, I developed weird brain tingling and crippling anxiety when I started my current streak.

    I am now 10 months in and only now do I feel somewhat normal - the brain tingling is there but subtle, and anxiety way improved over the last few weeks. I want to repeat I never have before in my life experienced anxiety nor brain tingling and it all start when I did nofap, and after 10 months its starting to go, and I feel like light is at end of the tunnel

    I'm not saying people after 2-3 years don't have underlying issues, or that after 2 years of nofap hardmode if you masturbate or watch porn sporadically it will definately throw you back in to PAWS, nor do I know about caffeines effect

    What I do know is PAWS is 1000000% real, how are people still questioning it at this point
  8. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    Psychosomaticism is real
    Placebo effect is real
    Body and mind are one

    Take this from someone who has seen almost 10 doctors, had his DNA tested and VERY SEVERE symptoms. Every doctor found "something" but no one found the cause.

    Look up epigenetics. It's the medical science that is now discovering holistic health was right all along.

    Porn (and especially porn addiction and edging) can be very detrimental to ones overal health. But we need to take all factors into account. And gymtime and supplements only are not going to do it. Our whole way of being needs to change
  9. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Yeah man
    I've also never had any medical condition nor have any health problem.
    And I also noticed this with a lot of guys in the nofap community, they were completely fine before porn and all those issues, thankfully we've always been in good health
    and then once we've started our reboots those symptoms've taken place, the rule is simple, if you didn't have any issue before porn/reboot, they are porn induced or are PAWS related
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  10. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    this is because this whole shit (PMO) affects not only our physical body but also our energetic/spiritual body, our chakras and all that mystic/esoteric side of reality that some skeptical people don't want to believe
    this shit is real otherwise I wouldn't see sorcerers getting paid 20 thousand dollars for their services
    btw, doesn't nofap also include knowledge and influence from eastern traditions? like taoism, buddhism etc..
    the whole "semen retention"movement comes from eastern traditions
  11. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    I think that people obsess over PAWS. Does it really matter if it takes 6 months, a year, 2 or 3 to heal? I assume everyone here has decided to give up PMO for good, so what difference does it make how long it will take for us to get well again? We're in it for life or am I missing something?
    If you're suffering from anxiety or depression learn and try to implement coping skills and life style changes that will ease the symptoms. That's all we can do. Counting days and self-pity will do you no good. We FU with fapping to oblivion and now we're paying the price. There is no free lunch. "If you walk through hell keep walking."
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
    Mr.Tony, Mauritius, parad0x and 3 others like this.
  12. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    I stopped counting days a long time ago
    I only count years
    Mauritius and AspiringVitality like this.
  13. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Who else noticed profound changes in mindset and how you perceive the world, like a deep mindset and paradigm shift?
    Skielr likes this.

  14. This is exactly what I've been saying but very few people are willing to believe it.
    AspiringVitality likes this.
  15. Sorry but i simply cant hear this nonsense any longer. Heres a post from sane again summing up this topic pretty well...
    I have heart palpitations when doing physical labor such as lifting weights, before this i could lift all day long and never experience even one. I also get a much faster heart rate doing simple things like walking up steps and stuff of that sort, Along with shortness of breath. I went to the hospital and everything checked out not to mention theirs other people on here reporting the same thing as me. I also have eliminated nearly as much stress as i can from my life at this point no caffeine, barely any sugar, dairy occasionaly but definitely nothing over the top. So, tell me, mr.whysolong, if its stress how am i supposed to eliminate it? Because ive already done everything i can do. Not to mention saneagain said the same thing he tried meditation cutting bad stuff from his diet ect. ect. it doesnt work.
    Freeddom_Taker and Younameit like this.
  16. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Dude.. let me tell you, I suffered from this shit during most of my reboot as well, more than a year actually, I went as far as going to a otolaryngologists to check if there was something wrong with my nose dude.. besides treating my rhinitis thankfully he found nothing serious
    I've been doing the bioenergetic exercices and deep breathing exercises that I've mentioned here since the beginning of my reboot, it took a long time as well but nowadays I'm breathing like 80% better, still not 100% but compared to the early days where I felt like I was breathing just 10% of my capacity is a huge improvement
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  17. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    It takes time to recover from this. PAWS are real.

    We believe you are doing everything you can do to become healthier.

    Have a little faith in the process bro

    Btw, considering your symptoms you may let a doctor check your thyroid. Probably nothing serious, so they probably find nothing. But it could be functioning "out of sync", so to say.

    Speaking from experience here.

    You could try to cut out bread and dairy completely 100%. Add a minimum of 350 grams of vegetables and 5-6 pieces of fruit per day in addition to what you normally eat. Do this for a month or two. No exceptions, no "cheat" meals, nothing. Watch what happens ;)
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2019
  18. Rexbrent

    Rexbrent Fapstronaut

    What causes headaches anxiety from sex thoughts i.am Miserable
  19. humbleone

    humbleone Fapstronaut

    Lets be clear there's tons of conflation happening constantly within the forum and this thread. I'm sure tons of people have underlying mental health issues they will also need to address etc etc, but that doesn't discount the existence of PAWS

    Nor does acknowledging PAWS mean we are being hyperbolic, dramatic or dwelling in a state of non-hope - quite the contrary, if it wasnt for knowing about it I wouldn't be half as care free as I've been this past 10 months, I'd have been travelling the world seeing doctors, or even worse back to my old life style of cocaine, random casual sex and pornography. Knowing that what I've been growing through, is both a thing that exists, and subsequently with enough time ceases was enough for me to accept the situation and stay strong and determined

    There was a user named DarkSetur who's post helped clarify things and as I walk the same path myself, becomes very clear - nothing apart from time and paying your debt helps or works. But the good news is it definitely will heal at some point, I've never doubted that.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2019
  20. Not only saneagain who said all these things, there were another dude also who said " I've done everything but Time was the only solution."