P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    Do any of you guys think ptsd can explain any of these kindling experiences? After long periods of abstinence then either exposing yourself to porn and erotic content or being exposed to it and getting this Hyperarousal hyper reactive chest pounding and fight or flight response as well as confusion, nightmares, insomnia, would it make sense if this could be explained by ptsd? Obviously a huge part of it is those dormant pathways firing back up suddenly and causing a shock to the system which would explain the dead dick, and sexual dysfunctions returning along with flatlining but does anyone think ptsd is involved and if so can we get some comfort in thinking that not all of these symptoms are the return of paws from kindling but are ptsd instead?
    Ezpz likes this.
  2. Hisself

    Hisself Fapstronaut

    Guys look up ptsd and premature ejaculation there are countless pages on how ptsd and anxiety disorders can cause loss of libido, ED, and premature ejaculation. How much of a role does this play?
  3. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Well done on your 12 days P free and your devotion to quit P for good :)

    I have a link for you that will clear up this question for you, see:

    Wet dreams are not the same as engaging in your addiction and they are something we have no control over, so i certainly wouldn't be worried about them. Some do report an increase in symptoms and/or experience some fatigue a few days after so you can watch out for that. Over time its likely that wet dreams will occur less and less (this has been the case for myself).

    Hope this helps ;)
  4. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Well we still don't know much about what we are going through so i would say that a lot is possible. Right now there is no way to tell so its unfortunate that we are in the dark. These symptoms also coincide with major depression too and probably a few other disorders.
  5. parad0x

    parad0x Fapstronaut

    Not sure if it's PAWS but at around 100 days I started feeling really good. My libido came back and things were looking up

    So I started having lots of sex with my gf and that has coincided with a serious of weird symptoms

    Guilt/negative self talk

    Oddly my libido remains reasonable. I'm doing it tough over here Bros. Hopeful that it will pass again soon
    Ezpz likes this.
  6. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    i would say that having too many orgasms all at once may have been too fast for your recovering libodo. I would say that you just need more time to heal, try taking it easy with your partner if you can :)
    parad0x likes this.
  7. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    All I can say is that MO'ing is something I was in denial about for a long time, but doing it at all will slow down your recovery. Going hardmode straight off the bat for long periods of time may be too difficult, but I think it's what you probably need to work towards as soon as possible. In my experience MO'ing is still preferable to using P if you absolutely "have to", but I am training myself to go for longer and longer in Hardmode because I know that's where the best recovery is. Also, I'm currently reading Cupid's Poisoon Arrow, and according to that one orgasm in 14 days is enough to put yourbrain out of wack - so you really need 14 days of total abstinence before you stand a real chance of seeing any recovery.

    Despite what my sig implies, today is 34 days hardmode for me, which is a personal best. I am seeing some glimmers of improvement, but it's patchy and slow. Not expecting to get back to work any time soon...

    P.S - meant to say, facial tension is something I get a lot - I don't think it is down to anxiety as much as muscle issues - can't explain it better, but it feels like I'm whereing a mask over my lower face and jaw. It comes and goes with all the other symptoms.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  8. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    I'd still consider the possibility that any cardiac type symptoms could be real, rather than the result of anxiety. As I've previously said, I wouldn't actually worry about them unless you are in serious pain - just take them as a warning that you've yet to recover from the effects of long term PMO.
  9. Seeking_the_answers

    Seeking_the_answers Fapstronaut

    So in conclusion to this whole thread it seems withdrawal symptoms create huge spikes of anxiety, stress, depression which generates all sorts of physical and mental symptoms. And as time goes on in the reboot, the anxiety, stress and depression goes away slowly and so do the symptoms that come with it all.
  10. dudealone

    dudealone Fapstronaut

    I started NoFap on Nov 3, 2019, and in my first streak only I had 28 days of streak till 1 Dec 2019. In that streak I experienced some withdrawals symptoms like headaches and chest pains, abdominal pains and that worried me so I went to doctor and examined all the tests and all came back fine but since my first relapse I have been relapsing again and again and not went past single digit streak in last month. I even relapsed on the first day of new year and relapsed just 4.5 hrs ago.

    I am deep into chaser effect despite the severe withdrawals. what are your thought related to this @Big Lebowski
    Ezpz likes this.
  11. That's the thing, for alot of people the stress and anxiety doesn't go away and therefore the symptoms don't go away.

    Then people get locked on a merry go round of forum posting and telling themselves they've got PAWS that is on the same level as hard drug PAWS. It's all a self fulfilling prophecy.
  12. Seeking_the_answers

    Seeking_the_answers Fapstronaut

    Aside from that, I do agree that behavioral withdrawal does produce spikes in anxiety and stress. Just look at Gabe Deem's case for example and he fully healed from his symptoms but the anxiety and stress from withdrawal is very real.
  13. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    Hey friend, the first 3 months of recovery is generally when most of your initial withdrawals will happen. They are very common and most addicts will go through at least some sort of withdrawal during this time. The best thing you can do for yourself is do some research on what to expect in your journey so you know what is to come.

    I would suggest:
    Check out the FAQ section to get some of your questions answered

    Sorry to hear that you are in a relapse cycle but just know that there is always hope and you can make it out. :)
    dudealone likes this.
  14. AspiringVitality

    AspiringVitality Fapstronaut

    I get what you're saying. But it's definitely not ALL a self fulfilling prophecy and certainly also not for everyone.

    But, yes, some people need to step out of their victim mentality.

    But then we need not to be arrogant and tell which person is in victim mentality and which one is not.

    People come to this forum to understand and be understood. Personally I'd say let's try to keep that our nr. 1 priority.
    Dave G 123 likes this.
  15. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Most guys here didn't have a victim mentality
    guys like me, saneagain, beanburrito tried everything under the sun, we spent thousands of dollars in supplements doctors, exams etc..
    I had to learn a lot of shit and put them into practice to lessen the severity of my symptoms, and I learned this by my own
    although it's been a hell of a journey (pun intended) I've learned and acquired a lot of knowledge and information so at least one positive thing came out of this
  16. I'd agree that for 3 to 6 months it's purely the addiction causing certain symptoms and issues. When it becomes chronic (1 to 2 years) it's other issues at play which in my opinion and largely psychosomatic, anxiety , and stress induced. Coming on the forums and reading that they have PAWS akin to heroin withdrawal helps no one and is not true at all.

    I didn't mean to imply people have a victim mentality, I guess I'm more saying they are winding themselves up, being fed false information, becoming shit scared when reading about 2 or 3 year people who haven't recovered and becoming obsessesive hypochondriac's.

    For the 50th time before anyone says so, psychosomatic does not mean all in your head or all imagined, it does not mean the symptoms are not real and people are faking suffering.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2020
  17. humbleone

    humbleone Fapstronaut

    All I can say is that I'm at 10 months (1 day relapse at 6months), and my brain has a weird pressure throbbing at the front which is non stop, and gets worse if I think about sex, and I also have weird social anxiety, that is slowly improving, I'm about 60-70% recovered

    There is nothing psychosomatic about my condition, I can assure you
    Don Quixote and Younameit like this.
  18. Just curious, what do you think I mean when I say psychosomatic?
  19. Actually reading about paws has been a blessing to me more than a curse. When i was on the verge of quitting pmo, so much damages have already been done from excessive pmoing, edging to kindling especially the latter. This situation has created "chemical imbalances" in the brain. And when I go play ball, one moment I'm performing good then all of sudden I'm down, I lost cognitive function(back & forth). Then people getting mad at me for playing stupid and I can't even defend myself due to huge brain fog. If I happen to make a mistake while playing, I can defend myself when there's no brain fog. My symptoms were so bad that i became suicidal, people lost respect for me, I became isolated from people completely. So by reading from other severe rebooters who experienced the same issue, I have learned to take it easy instead of fighting with myself.

    I've been doing pmo heavily for 5 years straight with minimal streaks(7-45 days). And that's a joke compared to the damages already been done.

    My point is some people need more time than others to become functional. I had to quit working because my paws were so bad. It took me 7 to 8 months to even walk for 30 minutes and still felt like I was passing out due to heat exhaustion, weak legs, extreme back pain, dizziness, cracking joints,diarrhea etc... And when I reached a year, some symptoms started to diminish such as tremors, constant shaking, constipation, brain fog, restless legs, mouth and teeth aches, burning skin, anxiety, heart palpitations, imsomnia, brain created bunch of noises etc... They would give me a break 3 to 6 hours in a day then strike in the afternoon and last 7 days to a month straight with pain. I lost hope but this forum helped me so much from keeping faith..... There were an issued I experienced also, only Saneagain mentioned it in one of his treads. The issue happened 2 or 3 times in my journey. While I was on my bed, I felt like I was floating around the room like I my eyes were roaming without a body.

    When I finally reached 16 months, brain fog diminish by 50% and my cognitive impairment started returning back and forth. That's when I know my "reboot is legit."
    One more thing that the reboot has caused body dysmorphia. For instance one of my my knee look deformed compare to the other one. Now they almost identical. Ringing ears and tinnitus reduced to 20%. Every paws symptoms I had reduced to 40% Now.

    After 16 Months , I watched porn 2 times and pmoed one time. Some of symptoms let me know that they're still present down low but did not affected me that much.
    If I didn't return to pmo, I would have completed 18 months harmode by the end of this month.
    I still think I have 6 mo to 1 year to feel complete way before the addiction. Things I'm going through right now are agoraphobia, anhedonia, low libido, nerves tissues are getting repaired slowly, gut healing, chronic constipation, constant cracking joints in hands or legs. I almost forgot the head tingling pressure and sensation which seem to last way longer than other symptoms.

    I can compare my reboot to some other rebooters even they one who are claiming they have paws. I can tell who had it severe like mine.

    I would never forget what I went through PAWS since mid 2018. And even before the symptoms were already bad(Acute ones). Sure there's depression but not comparable to PAWS at all.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    AspiringVitality and Dave G 123 like this.
  20. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    Are you having social troubles like social anxiety, awkwardness, etc. or are you just trying to fix PIED? Because if you suffer from social anxiety, you need to do something else also. Join an improv club, acting class, etc.