The reason why you are addicted to "sissy-porn"

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Syx19, Feb 17, 2018.

  1. EndOfTheRoad

    EndOfTheRoad Fapstronaut

    That's exactly it. It's an escape. And the more hurt and embarrassed
    you have felt in your life, the more inadequate you feel the further away you want to escape. That is why becoming a sissy is the ultimate's the complete opposite of who you are.
    Nelly77 and Syx19 like this.
  2. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    Its definitely an escape but i think its an escape through submission, so it is the submission fundamentally that keeps one chained. Through submission they obtain their escape from worries and let the leader take charge. Its a coping mechanism for anxiety. By submission they know the "dominant" or "leader" wont get pissed off on them and wont attack them.

    Anyone with this issue can confirm or infirm this?
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2019
    Nelly77 and Syx19 like this.
  3. well what you say makes sence to me and could explain why i suffer from anixiety more then ever rigth now i mean im back in the addiction and watch porn pretty much daily but its not like before (i did pmo for like 6 years and had a 1 year + nofap streak)
    i really dont like anything about it watching porn to me is freaking boring i just try to escape in it its the only thing that gives me joi in life rigth now which is strange

    But one thing i learned in my journey is sissy porn really is just a fantasy i mean most people would never actualy look at a man and think wow hes sexy but if you watch porn youre like omg this is so hot i think you get what i mean
    maybe thats why im not that into it anymore i mean there are days where im like lets watch it but i think it will never be like before that i really get hardcore into it just because i know that i lie to myself everytime i watch it ...
    ultrafabber likes this.
  4. EndOfTheRoad

    EndOfTheRoad Fapstronaut

    I would be careful before saying that "it is the only thing that gives me joy". It does not give you joy. It merely gives you a temporary relief from reality, which paradoxically, is what makes your reality so painful that you have to escape it. It is a self-feeding circle. Stop it. Watch the anxiety. Be there, feel the pain and observe it. You will see it dissipating bit by bit and you will feel what freedom really is.
    ontheroadat40 likes this.
  5. I know that i didnt say that i like being addicted i see your acpunt is really new so i just guess you dont do nofap for to long the thing is when i started i was super excited and motivated i failed a couple times but got better over time changed my life conpletly and was happy but after a year of nofap sexual frustration kicked in i just was sad 24/7 hated lifed cried all day and then one day relapsed but i still didnt go back to the addiction i maybe fapped like once a mpnth after that but it got worse over time

    Rigth now im just in a wired place idk what to do i dont see any sence in even trying

    Its like this for me i wanna socalize but im super scared of it i want to be alone but dont want to feel lonley i dont wanna fail but also dont have the urge to do anything anyway

    So because of that i spend most weekends and evenings at home alone and also i think im scared of happines i feel like i see no pupose in life so i just create a lot of problems so i have something i can escape from like escape is my purpose in life thats why porn or drugs just give me the most joy because it gives me much dopamin and a big problem the addiction
  6. EndOfTheRoad

    EndOfTheRoad Fapstronaut

    Like I have said in another thread, the addiction is just a symptom. Once you kick the dependence then it's time to start dealing with the underlying causes. Most commonly not having received acceptance and love from parents. Do all the kinds of therapy you can find, read spiritual books, read philosophy, love yourself and accept your past.
  7. fedmom

    fedmom Fapstronaut

    For anyone needing help with this fetish please see a thread in my profile.
  8. calabacin

    calabacin New Fapstronaut

    I think I'm obsessed with femboys because of porn
  9. I have a lot of taboo obsessions / fetishes due to porn progression.
    CrazyCoin, Cactus61 and Steven12191 like this.
  10. Nelly77

    Nelly77 New Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem,I am defo not gay,I'm not attracted to men,but I fantasise about being the woman when watching porn,I sometimes buy and wear slutty woman's clothes,act girly and feel hugely excited,but the shame and guilt has given me anxiety and has caused problems in my relationships,it has caused me ED and I need blue pills to have sex with my gf,past gf's have also said they struggled to connect with me,the shame and guilt are making me stand offish,I can't seem to hold down a relationship,it's ruining my life,I am 43 and my problems only really started in my 30's before then I was a happy guy chasing woman on the weekends and had no problem getting it up
    skylark likes this.
  11. majorfiddle23

    majorfiddle23 Fapstronaut

    Interesting post here.

    I have had and still do have success in dating. Despite all that I have still thought about intercourse with a guy. But I like some of your points where your whole other wasted time habits increases this fetish as well as a ppl’s perception of you

    Good post btw!
    Syx19 likes this.
  12. I watched transwoman porn for a while but I don't had cross-dressing with it at the same time and 0 homosexually interest,
    I watched transwoman porn because its was fun to me,(remember that transgendered person girl from hangover movie ? lol)
    I quit transgendered person and normal porn for `Lesbian porn` Japanese ones,
    since there is no guy in there, and only girls , In my mind its more natural to watch it or fantasize about only girls! its not ?

    i don't think transwoman porn sounds gay, if they are girl like-sound like but having a penis
    i think male-she (guy with vagina!) porn its more weirder and gayer than transwoman porn,

    since I know the porn is fake and 100% staged, from day 1
    I try to watch real-sex clips,from real life cases, not porn
    and its feels much more normal and hotter than porn....
    for now im good, I don't watch anything at all , time to time,
    I never fantasize with or for porn or being in porn, being in it as a guy, yes,
    but only in Japanese ones,aka javhd
    some days I got feel interested and motivated to became a sex performer in a little porn company,even, but since im a spiritual person , its not my thing to do...
  13. sounds hard man i really cant help you with the relationship stuff since even at 20 years now i never had one
    But for the sissy stuff i can tell you the only way to get rid of it is nofap and a lot of time and self understanding
    it took me over a year of no pmo to realize how strange my thougths where and that they are completly wrong but it really will hit you one day where you will be like why did i even watch this

    For me i had this super long streak but it started to crumble when i got depressesion and i said like okay i have to go sissy now i will do this force me idk and i searched it up in the internet but guess what nothing
    Because there is no such thing i mean there probably are guys that have this kind of fetish but its not a full time thing also there is so much more to being woman than just loving men or having sex
    from the way you think you walk you talk everything and i mean i still watch this kind of porn from time to time but i know that im not a sissy and that makes everything totally diffrent
    Nelly77 likes this.
  14. Juststoppin'by

    Juststoppin'by New Fapstronaut

    I'm just here to say that anyone who stumbles across this like I did, thinking that this lot were a bunch of Catholic madmen. Try listening to them they're actually mostly right. You aren't required to go full abstinent on all porn if that's not your thing, certainly ain't mine.

    I'd been watching this type of porn on and off since my early teens until it basically clicked for me. I'm not bad looking (If I do say so myself) and have had many relationships over the years it's just in-between those relationships where I fall back into this type of porn.

    This sort of porn 'preys' on you when your emotions and self esteem tend to be at a low point. It tells you that you'll be desired, wanted and as a man you understand that desire. It also goes into the submission area wherein it basically tells you that everything would be easier if you were submissive (Which in any real life situation is hardly the case)

    It's a 'parasite' that leaves you worse off then when you started, hating yourself more then you already did, all for a short term feeling of desire. There are also arguments to be made about connecting more with women in porn but I fail to see how this would create the 'Addictive' effect of the genre.

    Chances are you're not gay, bi or gender fluid you're most likely just lonely or sad. Take a step back and address the core of the issue rather then the symptoms. That's the only advice I can give.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2020
    ivanhoe likes this.
  15. Yeah what youre saying makes a lot of sence

    i have a lot of problems with liking myself and my low confidence level and porn works just like drugs for me its just a short fix a moment where you dont think about something else but after youre finished you feel worse then before

    its pretty much the same for most addictions

    and yeah you can have a happy life without abstaining porn but if you have to do it multiple times a day plus watching this humiliating pornos then its a problem
  16. Darknite7

    Darknite7 New Fapstronaut

    Hello, I read through the thread and Syx, I just want to say I'm rooting for you because I recognized a lot from your story. Like someone else in this thread I was addicted to gaming (WoW and CS, 5000+ hours) and like you I watched sissy porn a lot, as well as other categories involving obeying men and submitting to mean women (cuckold, foot fetish etc). And yes, it is insecurity and feeling weak in normal life that drives me to both gaming addiction and porn addiction: both are about fulfilling a power fantasy, having control (funny thing even submissive porn is about control).

    I even hooked up with some women (paid) and men (free, men are easy to find...) to try out those fantasies thinking that maybe just doing it for real would get those fetishes out of my system, but that was like giving cocaine to a weed addict, DON'T. The same guilt that makes you feel ashamed after fapping will make you paranoid about STIs, which IMO I deserve to have but fortunately I did not get (tested negative). And those experiences did not satisfy or help my journey of self discovery whatsoever (other than knowing not to repeat it, despite the temptation still being there).

    I think it's good that you recognize the source of your addiction. I DON'T think you should be ashamed of your fetish itself, but only be ashamed to the point where it motivates you on your path to recovery. There are people that live a wholesome BSDM lifestyle because they have embraced their submissive feelings and there are people that successfully 'sensitized' themselves back so they can enjoy vanilla porn and vanilla sex with their girlfriends/wives again. My point is that fetishes themselves aren't shameful, because they can be used for good (when you meet people you can openly share them with in a healthy way) and bad (when it causes you to isolate yourself and hate yourself).

    I'm still working on watching less porn (I'm not a nofap guy, just stumbled here looking for real-talk on sissy porn), but I have a leash on my porn addiction and somehow gotten into a healthy romantic and sexual relationship with a girl that I can openly talk with about my fetishes (it took me a while to open up) and NO not because she's a sexual deviant because she is not.

    I'm not there yet but I hope I can at least offer some advice to help you recover towards talking to women again, and feeling less shitty in general. When I was in a similar mental state as you describe I remember thinking about sex with every single woman I met and that is hugely distracting when you're actually trying to form any relationship (friends, romantic or otherwise). Try to befriend some women and decide from day one you'll never bang her, no simping or white knighting allowed but just be friends. You can compliment and flirt, but the priority should be having a platonic good time for you and them. I'm sure you know what simping is but don't laugh at her jokes if they weren't funny, don't pretend to agree with her if it's a stupid opinion, etc. 80% of guys are simps for girls, 10% of alpha dickheads, you want to be in the middle of that. Actually, disagreeing on stuff with girls is a lot of fun, I mean when you banter on trivial stuff like cats vs dogs or GNR vs Nirvana (AVOID POLITICS THOUGH). That's why simps don't get the girl, because they don't offer anything interesting.

    When corona is over enroll in a gym for a combat sport. It's a safe place where you learn to deal with physical confrontation. And gyms may be scary but in my experience they are always accepting of newcomers as long as you are motivated to improve yourself and you sound like you are. I would recommend a full contact sport like kickboxing, boxing, brazilian jiu jitsu, something where you can feel the pain because that's closer to real life scenarios. You probably won't get the chance to face your past bullies, the next best thing is to be immune to future bullies. You don't need to become a star fighter, when you're experienced enough to know that you can do some damage in return to anyone who tries to mess with you, that knowledge alone gives you confidence for a lifetime.

    I hope this contains some useful stuff for you. I'm 33, far from a wise man but my happiness grew with my age so I hope that happens for you too.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2020
    Syx19 likes this.
  17. Hey thabk you for the worfs soory for my late reply

    There a lot of good and true things you said

    Im just in a wired stage in life rigth now i dont really know what to do or what i want in the future (which seems pretty normal for a 20 y/o) also i feel like i still have a lot of problems that came from my depression but im really thinking about going to a therapist i might actually have to since i kinda got into drugs the last 3 years and eventually i took cocaine on like a few weekends and i had strabge feelings in my left chest and when i searched on google i only found heartatack after cocaine and that kinda triggerd me into beliving that im about to die and i just focuse don my heart and got super paranoid i went to the doctor but everything is fine but i still have the paranoia and the fear of having a heart attack is a actual mental illnes and usually happens to people who have problems in their life and trough it actually forget about their problems but i see it as a wake up call i actually habe 0 intrest in drugs now and have this enjoy every day because you dont know when your last one is coming mentality

    And i also dont really see woman as sex objects that hard atleast if im not doing nofap but i actually arr so scared of actually having sex that im not that intrested in it
  18. i think it does not matter what kind of porn you are like to watch,
    if you don`t get obsessed with `weird fetishes` like cross dressing &...
    but for me its just a different world or different taste lets say, com-pairing sissy porn to normal porn,
    i think sissy porn is one of the very normal ones com-pairing to whipping porn or C-ild porn or things like that...:D
  19. skylark

    skylark Fapstronaut

    To the OP I agree with all you have written but within the sissy porn fetish, as well as low self-esteem which acts as the driver to seek it out is the humiliation factor. Some guys have an emasculation/humiliation aspect to their sexual fantasies and sissy porn fits that bill totally. I agree, the only answer is to stay away from porn, all kinds and let our brains heal.
    Nelly77, redacted and Cassiel Addams like this.
  20. ontheroadat40

    ontheroadat40 Fapstronaut

    This is what meditation is about. Learn to recognise the anxiety and uncomfortable feelings. Learn to observe them, experience them wash over you and know it will pass.

    It is a skill I am trying to practice and develop.
    Cassiel Addams and Syx19 like this.