Is quitting it the most difficult thing ever !?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Thetree22, Apr 15, 2020.

Is it relatable with your case?

Poll closed Jan 10, 2023.
  1. Relatable

  2. Unrelatable

  1. Thetree22

    Thetree22 Fapstronaut

    Firstly sorry for my bad English
    I have done I think, literally everything to get rid of this porn and masturbation addiction. Nothing works out for me. After relapse I think so much about my next day that I am not going to repeat it and give myself plenty of reasons not to do itb when the urge strikes me I forget every harm of it and then you know already what happens. I don't understand what kind of magic is it that I can't control my own body. The reason why I want to stop doing it is the energy and focus loss that comes with it. I myself have experienced this and no one could deny it. I am a student and I know the importance of focus and energy I would need during my study hours but as I said before when the urge strikes I literally forget everything and get indulged in that time I feel like there is nothing else in my life, as it's the ultimate goal of my life. My actual goal of achieving my life's aim is fading away as this porn, masturbation and desire to have sex is becoming the upmost priority in my life. I know it very well that if I did not prepare for my final exam that is jee advanced then I am gonna lose everything in my life but this porn kills all my motivation to study. Is it happening with you too? Please share what worked for you (if it did)?
    drkarim, Dragonkmp67 and nirav2696 like this.
  2. QuiggyG

    QuiggyG Fapstronaut

    I find it is harder than say a nicotine addiction or even a drug addiction because PMO relies on our basal instinct for procreation and sex. The urges are way worse when it comes to being a compulsion and it takes over our daily life, such as skipping study, work and other daily activities.
  3. Darkness84

    Darkness84 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like immense pressure nirav, you can do it though.

    Maybe if you can't focus on your studies it would help to take a little breather, get some fresh air, walk around the block? Have a healthy snack break or make some tea?
    I study in my own way. I have hobbies, chores and periodically texting family and friends during the day. Night time I do my online reading with a to go mug of tea, some trail mix and chill music..I must be gettin' old! It helps though.
    Dragonkmp67 and QuiggyG like this.
  4. Karl-95

    Karl-95 Fapstronaut

    This addiction is definitely worse than drug addiction because the ease of access. Heroin and cocaine are expensive drugs. You need to get enough money and you need to find available drug dealer. Imagine what would happen if you could get a gram of heroin for free every time you reach to your pocket. This is porn. All you need is a smartphone or tablet or a computer and just few clicks. And what about mainstream society? They tell you that heroin is horrible and you must stay away from it. But the same society tells you that porn is good, masturbation is good and the people who refuse to watch porn and masturbate are labeled as “white supremacists”, “antisenites” etc. So, unlike drug addicts who get praised for quitting, you become a deplorable for improving your mental and physical health.
  5. Thetree22

    Thetree22 Fapstronaut

    I see it's your 8th day (maybe 9th now). My longest streak is of just 10 days. On the 10th day I had no urge but the thought of masturbating and the pleasure it gives, made me do it (I mean when the addiction strikes). Today I did not do it and I feel like this is the beginning of my long streak. But... this is what happens everytime... I feel like I am not going to do it anymore but this addiction "outpowers" my will power. I don't think so I can overcome this addiction ever... After sooo many failures I am tired now... I think I should reduce the frequency of doing but I can't stop it totally
    drkarim and Dragonkmp67 like this.
  6. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    for me it was actually super easy.
  7. It's harder if you don't actually have any relationships, if you have normal healthy relationships sex is much more than what you get from porn . When you watch porn all the time and don't have any relationships you lose all that ,and porn is the closest thing to feeling any sort of satisfaction in a world of shit, men are hardwired to be this way , and the higher your testosterone level the stronger and more frequent the urges . Hit the gym , and focus on life, if you have good relationships it's easier
    Thetree22 likes this.
  8. Well the problem is that quitting this addiction is the only thing you're thinking about. You're trying too hard.

    Trying to quit/ remove something while constantly thinking about is isn't going to connect. Whatever you try.

    The magic you're talking about is the addiction. Not you. Thats how addiction works.

    Go offline. Give yourself time. Hold on for 1 second when the urge strikes. Then 2 seconds and begin question your next move. You can do this!
    Thetree22 likes this.
  9. MrYang29

    MrYang29 Fapstronaut

    Hard, but possible.
    Thetree22 and Deleted Account like this.
  10. Thetree22

    Thetree22 Fapstronaut

    I have been trying and cultivating in my mind all what you said (even much more) since 4 years but unlike I said even after losing have to keep trying due the energy loss occurs after doing it (it's very crucial for a student like me). The satisfaction is so so strongly addicting that when urge comes my whole body and mind turns against me. A year ago (when my frequency was 2 times a day) I was at a point that if someone did give me a sex slave I would have given him/her all the property I have. It felt monstrous, didn't it? It's one of the reasons I want to quit it. Fortunately I am in control now and it's not impossible to reduce the frequency. My fréquence now is once in 2-3 days. And yeah I think I should keep trying to get it to zero. I will be successful someday.
    QuiggyG likes this.
  11. Well there you go. You've already learn to cut down. Keep doing what you're doing and that'll probably work out.
    Thetree22 likes this.
  12. Talhah123

    Talhah123 Fapstronaut

    just keep trying you got this one
  13. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    For some people it is. Some people find it the most challenging thing they ever do. And some people never manage to break free.

    It is mainly a psychological addiction, although there are some physical aspects too. So it is very different from drug addiction (although we often make that comparison here).

    I would draw a parallel with food addiction - it's 'natural' to desire food and of course we need to eat to survive. But some people - quite a lot of people esp in West Europe/America - are killing themselves by overeating. They need to be constantly vigilant about what they eat, or they will eat themselves to death. They're normal, healthy desire for food has warped into something excessive and dangerous, and they need to control it in order to maintain a healthy and normal life - which most of us take for granted.

    It's like that for us with sex. Except (most of us) are not even having proper sex, but just pretending with a screen and with ourselves. our normal sexual impulse, which should be inspiring us to pursue women and interact with the world and better ourselves, is instead forcing us to stay in, ignore women, and neglect our personal development. And we are not even getting proper sex out of it!
    Thetree22 likes this.
  14. Outspaced

    Outspaced Fapstronaut

    I relate to your story...being a student too. Studying gets hard coz you can read for hours and not even understand or remember what you have been reading. Its even making me feel like im becoming dummer. I cant properly express myself coz my thoughts are kinda shifty and confused. Like i even told myself today that i want to stop but am not really ready. Coz i keep going back. But nothing really just happens bro, you have to get it done. You wanna pass the exams you got to study. Same as this,if you want to stop make yourselp stop.
    Btw this is also a message to me.
  15. Thetree22

    Thetree22 Fapstronaut
