Thinking of quitting nofap....

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, May 8, 2020.

  1. This is a sad post. But I'm thinking of quitting the nofap community. I've tried this site back since 2018 when I started going to the gym and changing myself.

    I had a few good streaks some almost two weeks and some that have lasted 20 days almost. Unfortunately all ends well from a bad break up? Last October I was confessed to from a sincere text message only to be a promise being broke after a month. I felt torn from this woman for quit a while and I pray every day that I can forget about her. After that I couldn't get any clean streaks and yes I was back to watching some porn. Currently I'm only having 1-2 day streaks to be honest. I believe I'm in need of some more help. I don't feel this rush in my Solar Plexus like I used to and its been difficult this year as I was put in the hospital as I could of even had the virus when it just started. My symptoms were pretty bad.

    I'm not sure what to do or tackle this anymore. I was in quarantine leave from work for about a month and that didn't help either. My week spot is the afternoons and evenings now. Mornings I can fly by them but... my mind wonders during afternoon/evening times. I'm not interested in talking to many woman at work anymore especially some cute ones that I see. Mainly because I know for a fact almost all of them are already taken.

    My passions are low for creating music and to play video games witch I don't do anymore rarely.

    I've been looking for AC partners but no one ever response back from time to time. I've been reading 90+ story's but I'm not getting a motivation boost anymore.

    I feel I'm at a stopping point right now and a flat line is happening. Not the good recovery flat line but one I can't get past right now. I wish I could find a group of people that would support me here and be good friends with.

    Today I will do my best to try and succeed. A Saiyan is struggling..
    kammaSati and josh309 like this.
  2. Post this to the ac group forum, Im sure you will get some replies, people here tend to be friendly. If I can help im here too.

    The truth is, quiting nofap solves nothing. And nofap by itself doesn't solve anything either.
    The point is, that YOU have to solve those problems you have. It's just a training to do so. The trick is, that people with complex problems cannot solve those problems with one blow. Feeling depressed , having no motivation for woman, hobbies anything doesn't just "go away" easily. Since you can't fix those, nofap gives you a simpler goal. But to reach that goal, you have to change yourself for the better each day. By the time you reach a good long streak in nofap your life quality will get better too this way. So the point is, not to concentrate on nofap too much , because eventually you will fail. Or even if you don't fail , you won't get anything out of it. Change old habbits you don't like . No motivation for video games? No problem! They get you nowhere and they cause addiction aswell. Plus you can't talk about them to anyone especially girls. Get interesting hobbies, start writing, start hiking start learning photography. Things you can share with others, things that make you more interesting, out of the ordenary. Some say, nofap makes you better with woman, why? because woman get a TON of attention from men, boring men, who only want to have sex with them. While on nofap you avoid being too sexual (so that takes out the "creepyness" factor) but also you get new hobbies that make you more interesting. Also physical activities help you with nofap and also they make you more manly more muscular which helps too! Not only with visuals but with confidance too. You no longer see a gap between how beautiful the girl you like is, and how ugly you are. Because you feel more manly and it makes you more confident.

    Nofap is a trick. Nothing else. But a good trick, if you know how to use it.
    Plus it has an awesome community, which helps a lot, since after a long day where you met a bunch of rude ignorant people , talking to helpful people is golden.

    Thats what I could add. Good luck with your goals, and also nofap.
  3. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    Do whatever you feel. The only sad thing is that you never did Nofap. 20 days streak is nothing, you're not even supposed to improve in that short amount of time.
    Мобильный likes this.
  4. Мобильный

    Мобильный Fapstronaut

    20 days? A bare minimum is 90 days, and that is only where things inside of your brain BEGIN to really change. It can take a year or even several years.
    As of right now you have never experienced the clarity of mind nofap gives, the purity of soul it can grant you. You have never lived freely without the chains of demonic filth that is porn.
    Your problem is that you treat nofap as a magical gateway into paradise. Nofap is a tool, a sickle, that, if used properly, can bring bountiful harvest to your table - but only after a tiresome process of reaping. It is a source of energy your brain needs to find your place in life, but it is not the purpose itself.
    All that happiness porn gives you will return as suffering, but as any loan, it will come with high interest. Cravings, fetish spiraling, anxiety, awful quality of sleep. You are selling your future for the illusory pleasure of digital tits. I suggest you think carefully about dropping nofap, because it will do you much more harm than good.
    Dodgy uncle Rogy and phwrancesco like this.
  5. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Whether or not you quit this website, you shouldn't quit recovering. I believe in you!
    Rothbard likes this.
  6. mythdunk

    mythdunk Fapstronaut

    This is a sad post A Saiyan. I'm very new to the forum, I joined 2 days ago, am only 2 days clean, so I am not an experienced member able to offer too many wise words of wisdom. What I will say is this though. I sense you are quite a bit younger than me. I'm in my late 40s and it's only now I have felt strong enough to attempt a disconnect to pornography. I have been a slave to porn for decades and break out in cold sweats when I think about how many accumulated wasted hours I have spent feeling miserable with my dick in my hand looking for a quick but meaningless dopamine fix through masturbation. It would be comical if it were not so serious.
    I envy you that you are coming to the right conclusions about porn and its effects on you while you are still a young whipper snapper and if you can mend this, you will gain hundreds if not thousands of hours in the rest of your life to do positive things wherby otherwise you would have wasted them away like I have done.

    I hope I am proof that it is never too late to try to fix things and I hope the knowledge that you are young, have time on your side, have been intelligent enough to work out how negative porn is to you so early in your life... I hope all these things with the awareness of how many positive years you can have ahead of you, will inspire you to keep going and succeed with this and with life.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  7. Bro you are blaming everything other than yourself. A bad breakup caused your problems? No. No one owes you a relationship if they want they have the right to leave you and so do you. Why feeling sad over a breakup? It is just nonsense. People come and go, come and go, rinse and repeat. + you can't forget about her and are feeling really down over her not being with you anymore. That's kind of an addiction you see. Almost as if there was nothing going on in your life and she was the only fun thing that you ever had.
    Grow up.
    And no hard feelings.
  8. TrackHawk007

    TrackHawk007 New Fapstronaut

    Whether or not you quit this website, you shouldn't quit recovering.
  9. I honestly am against this 90 day minimum streak. Honestly the fact that you go more than 1 day at a time is more than great. However, the fact that you still want to continue the streak is all you need. So you fell, everyone falls. Get up and get back in the fight Saiyan.
  10. You propably aren't reading enough, since if you were reading you would have said it right? There are atleast three books on Nofap that I know, I have read two of them and im planning of reading the third, since reading is like installing software on your computer, but for your brain. I would advice to read 100 pages of any book each day for starters, since this habit will also change all aspects of your life and if you want to find new gf well then reading helps for that too, there is nothing that reading doesn't help, it's only that it tends to be hard to start reading, but after a while your brains will adjust and you will be quite of a good reader. I read 3 books(2 audiobooks) on week, this has changed my life and since I want best for you I may only recommend this habit with humble praise for it.