Cold Showers

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Hey friends. Hope you're well today and enjoying your journey.

    I wanted to ask you if you've ever experimented with taking cold showers, and if so, what your experiences are with them. Do you take them regularly? Daily? Weekly?

    I have contemplated started it soon, and have always flirted with the idea but never fully committed myself to it. I feel I might be able to do it soon, and would like to make it a regular thing.

    On a somewhat related note, I need to dive into Wim Hof's work again.
    leetspeak and | Nico | like this.
  2. L3t'sG0

    L3t'sG0 Fapstronaut

    I have done cold showers for I believe about a month. Honestly, they make me feel a lot more alert then warm showers. Plus, they're good for the summer.

    Here are 3 videos explaining the Wim Hof method (including cold showers) -> Note that it's not just cold shower but breathing exercises and commitment as well.

    There's also an app called Wim Hof method. It's on ios, not sure if on android. This app will help with keeping progress.

    If you feel down, who cares? Tell yourself this is for your future!
    WinstonDotMY, | Nico | and { Ben } like this.
  3. Thank you very much! I'll check this out and definitely get that app!
    | Nico | likes this.
  4. | Nico |

    | Nico | Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yeah i did them for a month, would definitely recommend you try them for a month as well then you can decide if you want to continue.

    I felt awake, its a good urge killer and you just feel great after taking one :)
    { Ben } likes this.
  5. I experimented a few times over the years and always felt very nice afterwards. It would be something I'd like to properly discipline and have as part of my regular routine. I just need to remember to go incrementally.
    | Nico | likes this.
  6. I take them every morning, i have not had a hot shower in 3 months. When i go for a couple of days i notice the difference. Their are the benefit i am sure you have read about online but this are my own:
    • Its like a coffee shot for the body
    • great for when i am hangover, for the body and brain
    • when i feel stressed out i take cold showers, the best area to the body with cold water is the chest and forehead. Thats where your body is most sensitive
    • It has improved my breathing
    • it gets me use to the uncomfortable. if i can have a cold shower then i can handle anything else life throws at me
    • helps me focus on the moment
    • improves my mood
    Ease your way into them, start with 30 sec cold shower then increase the time, and focus on the deep breaths
    { Ben } likes this.
  7. Libzam

    Libzam Fapstronaut


    I think they are life changing. Its good for the mentality. If I can stay in a cold shower for 5mins hating almost every min of it, going for a run the next day I can jog a extra km where normally I'll just give up soon as I'm tired. I've done it twice a day for a week now and feel great
    { Ben } likes this.
  8. Thank you! I went for about 15/20 seconds today and felt good! Looking forward to working incrementally up.
  9. Wow, that's amazing! Thank you for sharing your experience!
  10. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    I've been doing them for a few weeks now and the only noted benefit I can tell is that my skin is better.

    I've always had these annoying red dots called keratosis pilaris on my arms and no matter what I tried(various oils, lotions and potions) none of it ever made much difference but I swear, three weeks of consistently only doing cold showers and the appearance of my arms have improved by about 60-70%, I no longer feel self-conscious wearing a short sleeve or sleeveless t-shirt. I haven't changed anything else in my life that I can think of so I can only conclude that it's due to the cold showers, hopefully it stays this way or maybe even improves further.

    I did actually have a hot shower one day during these few weeks as I just wasn't feeling up to facing the cold but about 30 seconds in it almost felt "wrong" so I cranked it down to cold again, it's weird how you get used to things after a while.
    Deleted Account and { Ben } like this.
  11. Thank you for sharing! I have experimented with cold showers before and do know that feeling of wrongness you've mentioned, but I guess I fell out of it. It was a long time ago haha. I'm looking getting into this again.
  12. Its addictive to be honest. The cold water helps reduce inflammation in the body i think thats why your skin problem went away. I would also look at you diet. Keep up the cold showers
    Timecop and { Ben } like this.
  13. 7seeds

    7seeds Fapstronaut

    Try counting as you get it and concentrate on counting as you shower , it helps to take your mind off the cold.
    { Ben } likes this.
  14. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

    I take two cold showers daily. Would definitely say they are the highlight of my day.

    Cannot give enough praise for them, honestly.
    7seeds and { Ben } like this.
  15. Man, cold showers may be good. Some people like them and they do have some benefits. I've tried them for almost a month and gotta say it doesn't feel worth it. I believe that it is just some weird stuff youtubers do for views. Not trying to offend anyone, that's just my opinion. If you are trying to improve yourself, there are probably other much more efficient and important ways you should follow instead of cold showers.
    { Ben } likes this.
  16. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    I always had cold showers since childhood. My mom used to say that hot water is not good for head and scalp.
    Since childhood, doesn't matter what the temperature is, I used to bath with cold ( tank stored) water in the morning.

    Last year I took hot water bath 4 times but that was because temperature was negative and I was in Nepal for everest base camp trek.

    Also, whenever I feel depressed or feel like crying, cold water help me a lot in getting out of that mood and re-energise my senses.. also cold shower helps in controlling weight as the body uses huge amount of calories trying to maintain the temperature..
    { Ben } and leetspeak like this.
  17. leetspeak

    leetspeak Fapstronaut

    First of all, clout chasing on the internet is very unhealthy for you anyways.

    Secondly, cold showers have been scientifically proven to have a whole myriad of benefits of you. Killing urges, boosting willpower, releasing endorphins, etc.

    It's not the be-all-end-all per se, because what you do with those benefits is up to you. But the benefits are still there.
    Timecop, { Ben } and Muphy like this.
  18. Really appreciate all your input, guys, thank you.
  19. I'm almost at the end of two months of doing them. I can honestly sympathise with some the criticisms in regards to whether there are actually any benefits so it most definitely comes down to the individual. It also depends what you want out of it?

    For me, I suck at getting up in the morning. Terrible. So when my alarm goes off, I switch it off on my phone and walk straight into the bathroom for the blast of cold water. I'm not under for long, for me it's purely wake up. But as someone else mentioned here it's literally like a shot of coffee for the body, you feel so alert and ready to take on the day and that has helped me craft a better morning routine for myself personally. It all stems from that cold shower. So I get a ton of value out of it!

    Also, someone mentioned it helps when you're hung over. THIS! It can snap you right out of that after drinking grogginess, it really helps.

    I would personally suggest just putting your shower on the coldest setting and getting under no matter what. I went through a slight faze of trying to start hot and reduce and it just isn't the same. Just jump in! Laugh at "The Flinch" Something Matt D'Avella discusses in his cold shower video on youtube. You'll get what I mean.

    Best of luck!
    leetspeak and { Ben } like this.
  20. Josphat

    Josphat Fapstronaut

    I di it daily but today soap got into my left nostril, man it's like my head is been ripped apart. I produced and am still producing a lit of mucus. I guess in one way it is good for reducing inflammation but you need to have balls of steel to handle it.
    I recommend cold showers they make me feel more masculine, embrace myself and am calm
    leetspeak and { Ben } like this.