Death Meditation has changed my NoFap Journey

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Armrnado, Jul 20, 2020.

  1. Armrnado

    Armrnado Fapstronaut

    Hey I've been of the forums for quite some time (this being because I was using it as an alternative for social media). Although I recently came across something that I wanted to share. I found about the idea of stoicism and in that a form of meditation called death meditation. This is a form of meditation where you look into your own mortality and you understand that you will eventually die. Whilst I understand that this may seem depressing for some, it has really helped me on my NoFap journey as I now see in the grand scheme of things that porn is not what I want. Anyways if you are interested here is the video I use for my meditation: . I can understand why you may be turned of by this although I encourage you to try at least one session. Best of luck to you all!
  2. TimHar91

    TimHar91 Fapstronaut

    Love it thanks for sharing!
    Armrnado and Deleted Account like this.
  3. Geezlouise

    Geezlouise Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing this! Where did you learn about this?
    Deleted Account and Armrnado like this.
  4. Armrnado

    Armrnado Fapstronaut

    I first found out about stoicism from a YouTuber called ***. He talked about different ways you can be more stoic and that was in there. I then searched for some death meditation videos and this is what I found. Here is the video by him:
    Geezlouise and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Geezlouise

    Geezlouise Fapstronaut

    Thats Sick! Thanks bro. Really need this. I don't think we should fear death, we should accept it. Not dive towards it but live strong with the knowledge of it.
    Armrnado likes this.
  6. Pigwaran

    Pigwaran Fapstronaut

    That is so true. Ever since my older brother died, I was kinda waking up a little bit every day. I regretted so much time spent abroad, not seeing him or even talking to him, because "there will be time for that, now i have something better to do". I thought about death and becoming old, almost every day, which made me realize how little time I have left, and how precious it is. My life has changed tremendously. 3 years ago, I would spend all day playing online games, staying up whole night, smoking weed, waking up at 2 pm, not giving a single shit about my family or friends, having really nihilistic mindset etc. Now i wake up every morning 6 am, meditate, practice yoga, exercise, run, swim, learn things, play guitar, read books, and of course fight against PMO addiction. I came back to my homeland, where I earn approx. 4x less but I get to see my parents and friends every day. Do this death contemplation every day guys, best before going to bed. It can be really frightening if you do it properly, but it will do wonders for you.
  7. Geezlouise

    Geezlouise Fapstronaut

    Im sorry about your brother. You have such a good way of looking at it. Thats sick that you are getting all of that done. Do you think its possible to curb one addiction without curbing another. You said you smoked a lot of weed. Do you still smoke or did you quit everything at once?
    Armrnado likes this.
  8. Pigwaran

    Pigwaran Fapstronaut

    I haven't smoked weed for like 2 years now. Of course it's possible. It's never a good idea to try to achieve something at once. Everything begins with small steps, and gradual improvement. Don't let yourself get caught in that thought-trap: "I'm A and B, so i can't even try to do C". Of course you can, and you should. Don't bother yourself if you do it badly at first, just try to do a little bit better than yesterday, and do it consistently. I began with simple workout at home, 3 times per week. Still smoked weed and played online games for hours by the time. Btw i strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with a guy called Jordan B Peterson, and his lectures ( you can easily find them on youtube). The biggest change in my life happened after i read his book, and I think this man and his teachings have saved my life in some sense.
    The Symbol of Hope likes this.
  9. I just got into meditation. If I hadn’t had kids, I would have started sooner, however, now I feel it’s the only thing left before I can consider myself completely rebooted.

    Will try this one, thank you for sharing!
    Armrnado and Geezlouise like this.
  10. I do the same .

    It is bushido practice to me .

    Daily meditation on being able to die anytime makes you present .
    Force Majeure and Armrnado like this.
  11. This is why I respect you. You are strong. True strength comes only by accepting that you are/were weak.
    Force Majeure and Armrnado like this.