Advice from someone with 1000+ days in

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Agent, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,
    I realized lots of desperate people looking for quick answers on how to get rid of this addiction in this section and others, short and cold answer to that is, no it's not going to be easy at least for the big majority, and you can't simply say i won't or i will do this and automatically it becomes the full solution to overcome it.

    Remember this is a progress that takes a big impact in you and most likely you will relapse or almost do it many times until you feel you've overcome it totally, its an hard journey but leads to the best place there's no doubts in that.

    You are already a warrior if you decided to put an end in this addiction, this is not for everyone and like you probably already know, many give up so be that small % of people who decide to not give up and do it.

    These are some things that helped me get rid of PM overtime.

    1 - Get closer to God, especially through Christ, many will skip this step but in my opinion is the most important.

    2 - Avoid going to your smartphone in your bed / before going to sleep, isn't it true that usually its when we start looking and porn and some images and then you already know the rest...

    3 - Working out or having a active hobby, this is also very important it keeps you active, also boosts your health in general physically and mentally too.

    4 - Unfollow / block past youtube / instagram, websites etc that have provocative images, this is essential in the begginning especially because we are very vulnerable.

    5 - Have patience and live day by day, do not pay too much attention to the days because they mean nothing, focus on how you dealing with your addiction and try to improve slowly everyday in everything you can to keep you away from your undesired habits.

    6 - Hanging out with people that keep you motivated and don't bring you down can help a lot, not everyone can benefit from this, just a good extra not a necessity to beat this.

    7 -
    Find a Accountability Partner, it is really good to have someone fighting with you and motivating you, this can make a big difference!

    8 - The most important don't give up, you might fall a lot of times but everyone does. Have patience and do not lay your head down when you relapse, get back up stronger and forget the past.

    Keep strong warrior!
  2. .......7

    .......7 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much. These words are deep, and they really help a lot. You are amazing
  3. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    My wish is to help others now, i hope you get through this bro!
    skylark, AB.Wisher, Swazzy 1 and 4 others like this.
  4. .......7

    .......7 Fapstronaut

    all respects to you my brother
  5. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    me too
    IWantToBreakFree123 and Jarad999 like this.
  6. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    congrats bro.:).....Did u get any benefit in social akwardness???.. I feel very self concious when i meet any one .. Will Nofap help it ?
  7. Am i i right here to say, long periods of disinterest in sex and abstention results in dropped testesterone levels?

    I am hypothesizing, becuaese testesterone can be secreted only through activation of sexual glands, and losing interest in sex in itself kind of shuts down this role of the sex glands, hence muted testesterone levels. if you are to look at those llamas abd buddhist celibates, can you picture them as someone having testesterone flowing in their bodies? Ofcourse they are masters of celibacy, but for me its now, whats the point of keeping celibacy long if it doesn't reward you with testesterone.

    What would your answer be to this?
    I would appreciate your answer. Thank you!
    Jarad999 likes this.
  8. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    A lot, you have no idea how much it slowly starts making a big difference overtime
    PMO addict1 likes this.
  9. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    This is not about celibacy. But about porn and masturbation addiction.
    Swazzy 1 likes this.
  10. You could help a lot if you answered truthfully, not just me, but a whole lot people who will eventually come across what i did.

    I had a long streak end today and i would like to not argue with you.

    It means almost same, i know, you know, we all know.
  11. The only time he/she can be anything but celibate while on recovery is if he masturbates, either to porn or without.
  12. I agree wholeheartedly with this post. I will restate your points in ways that make a lot of sense to me:

    1 - Find motivation through SOMETHING and love yourself.

    2 - Internet bad.

    3 - Healthy coping strategies - workout is king. Engage yourself with fun hobbies.

    4 - Make NoFap your whole life - your friends start talking about pornstars or hot celebrities? Leave the conversation. Do this in every area of your life. Don't look at women jogging on the sidewalk, etc.

    5 - Have patience and live day by day, do not pay too much attention to the days because they mean nothing, focus on how you dealing with your addiction and try to improve slowly everyday in everything you can to keep you away from your undesired habits. - don't need to change this

    6 - Have friends, but have good friends. Don't hang around with coomers who talk about porn or sex all the time. It is very hard to do this alone.

    7 - Find support of some kind, whether it is the forum, an AP, or a friend IRL.

    8 - The most important don't give up, you might fall a lot of times but everyone does. Have patience and do not lay your head down when you relapse, get back up stronger and forget the past. - this is perfect, but I highlight that shaming yourself will not make you better
  13. Hoth

    Hoth Fapstronaut

    Did you have pied? Monk mode the whole time? Did you start having O? If you had pied when did it fix? Ive gone on multiple 150 day monk mode streaks only being interrupted with long periods of O from sex. Still have pied pretty bad and im gonna go a year of monk mode maybe more if thats what it takes.
    I Am Somebody likes this.
  14. If you have ED than you have ED, I would consult a doctor
  15. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    I call it the my mode recovery, came across softcore porn many times because its widely spread on the internet, i prefer to learn to deal with the problems instead of running from them or ignoring them, im not saying you should be watching softcore or porn itself, but do what you can control.
  16. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    what do you mean by this?
  17. Congrats for this amazing feat :emoji_fire::emoji_fire::emoji_fire: and thanks for the advice.
    skylark and Agent like this.
  18. PMO addict1

    PMO addict1 Fapstronaut

    were u on monk mode???
  19. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

  20. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Pleasure brother!
    Swazzy 1 likes this.