The Lord of the Rings Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by RiseToGreatness, Sep 22, 2019.

Should the Thread Title be extended?

Poll closed Jun 21, 2020.
  1. No, leave like that: "The Lord of the Rings Challenge"

    18 vote(s)
  2. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Fellowship of Nofap"

    15 vote(s)
  3. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: Rising Fellowship of Eärendil"

    0 vote(s)
  4. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Journey to Mount Doom"

    5 vote(s)
  5. Yes. "The Lord of the Rings Challenge: The Quest of the Ring-bearer"

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    Brother ,please do yourself a favor and read this hot Book from cover to cover without stopping for a day.It should help you as it already did for some brothers.:)
    As there are so many ways to God I think that if you follow any one of them in the spirit of good faith you will definitely reach your destination, so and this book is a good way to leave the PMO behind you.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2021
  2. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

  3. Verissimus

    Verissimus Fapstronaut

    Day 11 for me. Going well so far. Stay strong brothers!
  4. UpInSmokeTour

    UpInSmokeTour Fapstronaut

    Can you pinpoint why and how you relapsed? Getting to know my weakspot is something that has helped me a lot, since you have more control on what you should and/or shouldn't be doing in order to prevent a relapse.
  5. UpInSmokeTour

    UpInSmokeTour Fapstronaut

    Day 30 is in progress. Getting close to 1 month free again. Almost an Elf!
    I'm still having trouble getting out of bed early. This is something I am working on.
    I haven't used my whiteboard in a long time. Before I go to sleep, I am going to write down my goals for the following day, so I have tasks that I want to accomplish, even if they are very small and easy.
    Keep strong everyone!
  6. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Well it is not to have clear vision so everythime there is problem I try to find an easy way. And also the big problem is not to have control over my own arm.. :mad::mad:
  7. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Day 97 complete. Really weird dreams last night that were for sure based in old stuff I used to watch. Really freaked me out to be honest, I hate that my brain can still go there. I have CR tonight which I'm grateful for. Being with that group of guys and being able to talk about stuff to other men who understand the addiction is really helpful in staying in recovery for me.
  8. MyGodandMyAll27

    MyGodandMyAll27 Fapstronaut

    Day 3. I'm feeling good, my life of prayer its getting better , I did my work out yesterday so everything went as I planned , and now its time to do it again, prayer, work out , remind myself why I'm doing this and to use that energy to do everything to acomplished it in all the things I'm going to do today.

    God bless you all brothers and sisters.
    Saint Francis Pray for us.
  9. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    ...and ...
    in order to progress you have to analyze what happened ,what circumstances led to the relapse and out of them create a plan to overcome the triggers and urges and evil thoughts when they arise in the future.
    You definitely got perseverance and not a quitter all you need is to carefully take lessons from your own relapses and study some tested rebooting materials everyday !
    Maybe it was your last relapse, don't you think so ? Cheer up and believe yourself already PMO free ! :)
  10. Well ... Time to fix my shit!
    Day 0
  11. belio123

    belio123 Fapstronaut

  12. americanbison

    americanbison Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Long-ish ramble. Take it with a grain of salt.

    I had a bit of a breakthrough in helping myself respond healthily to fantasy. I'd been using a method similar to what I've learned about meditation and BRACE, where I relax my body, breathe, and let the thoughts go. The problem was that my rationalizations for fantasy are much stronger than my rationalizations for PMO, so I'd just end up returning to and building up the same fantasy over a day or two, which would just make it more difficult to ignore. But, I've realized that just like dreams, fantasies are:
    A: inherently unrealistic -- They involve other people, physical action, communication, and a lot of other things that are completely absent from whatever is revolving in my head.
    B: based from feeling instead of causing it -- Because they don't actually reflect any reality, the only thing grounding a fantasy is usually some feeling or emotion. The fantasy will seem to be causing a feeling, but the feeling always came first.
    C: never surface-level -- Like a dream, there are always underlying motivations for fantasy that manifest themselves abstractly. They're an automatic, self-sustaining response loop that my brain can fall into.

    Because of the dreamlike nature of fantasy, I think I can practice both responding to them in the moment like waking up from a dream, saying, "so my brain just did that, huh. Does it mean anything to me for real?" If so, I can redirect to address the original feeling. If not, I can let it go and focus on freedom in the present moment.
  13. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    :D :D :D
  14. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Hang in there brother, don´t punish yourself. see where you acted wrong, what boundaries did you cross and improve your strategy. Onward!! :)
  15. 12ove

    12ove Fapstronaut

  16. RiseToGreatness

    RiseToGreatness Fapstronaut

    Check in Fellowship :)

    The following brothers have upgraded and reach places in Middle Earth. You´re the man!!!! ;)

    @bmcmanansmith @Onan the Barbarian - Uruk-Hai

    @UpInSmokeTour - Elf / Rivendell

    @I will break free - Pass of Caradhras / Misty Mountains

    Checking out Fellowship :D. Have a great day full of love and peace!!! :)

    Let´s go to easy_peasy cultivation ;)

    "Chapter 2 The Easy Method

    This book’s objective is directing you into a new frame of mind. In contrast to the usual method of stopping – whereby you start off with the feeling of climbing Mount Everest and spend the next few weeks craving and feeling deprived – you start right away with a feeling of elation, as if cured of a terrible disease. From then on, the further you go through life, the more you will look at this period of time and wonder how you ever used any porn in the first place. You will look at other porn users with pity, as opposed to envy.

    Provided that you’re not someone who had never become addicted (reading for your significant other) or had quit (or is in the fasting days of a “porn diet”), it’s essential to keep using until you have finished the book completely. This may appear to be a contradiction, and this instruction to continue masturbating to porn causes more objection than any other, but as you read further your desire to use porn will gradually be reduced. Take this instruction seriously: Attempting to quit early will not benefit you.

    Many don’t finish the book because they feel they have to give something up, some even deliberately only reading one line per day in order to postpone the evil event. Look at it this way, what have you got to lose? If you don’t stop at the end of the book, you’re no worse off than you are now. It’s by definition a Pascal’s Wager, a bet taken where you have nothing to lose and high chances of large gains.

    Incidentally, if you haven’t watched porn for a few days or weeks, but aren’t sure whether you’re a porn user, ex-user, or a non-user, then don’t use porn to masturbate whilst reading. In fact, you’re already a non-user, but we have to let your brain catch up with your body. By the end of the book, you’ll be a happy non-user. Easy_Peasy is the complete opposite of the normal method, where one lists the considerable disadvantages of porn and says:

    “If only I can go long enough without porn, eventually the desire will go and I can enjoy life again, free of slavery.”

    This is the logical way to go about it, with thousands stopping every day using this method. However, it’s very difficult to succeed for the following reasons:

    Stopping PMO isn’t the real problem. Every time you finish your session, you’ve stopped using it. You may have powerful reasons on the first day of your once-in-four porn diet to say “I don’t want to use porn, or even masturbate any more.” All users do, and their reasons are more powerful than you can possibly imagine. The real problem is day two, ten, or ten-thousand where in a weak moment you’ll have ‘just one peek’, want another, and suddenly you’re an addict again.

    Awareness of the health risks generates more fear, making it more difficult to stop. Tell a user it’s destroying their virility and the first thing they’ll do is reach for something to surge their dopamine: a cigarette, alcohol, or even firing up the browser to search for porn.

    All reasons for stopping actually make it harder. This is due to two reasons. First, we’re continually being forced to give up our ’little friend’ or some prop, vice, or pleasure (whichever way the user perceives it). Second, they create a “blind”. We do not masturbate for the reasons we should stop. The real question is, why do we want or need to do it?

    With Easy_Peasy, we (initially) forget the reasons we’d like to stop, face the porn problem and ask ourselves the following questions:

    1. What is porn doing for me?

    2. Am I actually enjoying it?

    3. Do I really need to go through life sabotaging my mind and body?
    The beautiful truth is that all porn does absolutely nothing for you whatsoever. Let me make it quite clear, it’s not that the disadvantages of being a user outweigh the advantages, it’s that there are zero advantages to looking at pornography.

    Most users find it necessary to rationalise why they use porn, but the reasons they come up with are all fallacies and illusions.

    First, we’ll remove these fallacies and illusions. In fact, you’ll soon realise there is nothing to give up. Not only that, but there are marvellous, positive gains from being a non-PMOer, with well-being and happiness only two of these gains. Once illusions that life will never be quite as enjoyable without porn is removed – realising that not only is life just as enjoyable without it but infinitely more so – and once feelings of being deprived or missing out are eradicated, we’ll go back to reconsider increased well-being and happiness—and the dozens of other reasons for quitting porn. These realisations will become positive additional aids to help you achieve what you really desire: enjoying your life free from the slavery of porn addiction!"
  17. lonercub

    lonercub Fapstronaut

  18. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I will. Actually I have to!
  19. Day 266. My fiancee got LOTR: War of the North the other day and I've been playing that with her. Pretty fun. Anyone have any similar game recommendations?