P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. jayyad

    jayyad Fapstronaut

    I see you post a lot about ur lack of progress, are you waking up everyday expecting change? Are you doing anything to change the way you feel or are you just hoping. Why don’t you go out and find a some sources of happiness. Could be a passion, a girl, helping other people, anything but just sitting there and wishing to magically feel better.
  2. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    I don’t think you understand the true range of what PAWS can do to a person. If you are very deep into PAWS every single activity becomes a chore and very exhausting. There were times were making a meal took me 20 minutes to actually stand up and go to the kitchen because I was so depressed and left with no life force.

    You need a certain amount of energy and motivation to do things and if it’s not there everything will feel like you are climbing Mt. Everest.

    If those things and feelings are alien to you then I don’t think you are suffering from PAWS and you shouldn’t be giving out half hearted advices like that.
  3. He may not be able to do what you suggested because paws drains you physically, mentally and emotionally. And no matter you do won't get out of it Except "TIME."
    DC1234 and Dave G 123 like this.
  4. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    Could win millions in the lottery and then find the love of my life in the same day and it wouldn't alleviate my PAWS symptoms at all. It's out of our control asides from continued abstinence.
    DC1234, DerJogge and Dave G 123 like this.
  5. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut



  6. JROvercomer

    JROvercomer Fapstronaut

    Hello homies. At about 90 days in I started feeling horrible. Insane anxiety, whole body pain that comes in waves, extreme fatigue, Weird pressure feeling in my head deep behind my eyes, shaking and tremors, nausea, diarrhea, and panic attacks. I feel like I am literally dying and can't even function. My whole body tenses up in waves. Is this due to Nofap and PAWS? The suffering is so bad it is like I am not even living. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.
  7. tigate

    tigate Fapstronaut

    @JROvercomer, is there any other form of addiction (substance or process) have you given up aside from Porn Masturbation and Orgasm? are you on hard mode?
  8. I will say this: as time has progressed, especially this last month, I've been able to gain more awareness about what exactly is happening to me. I have a much better read on my symptoms, and can notice which ones are being worked on each particular day. Also, my sense of time is better. I'm better at knowing what day it is, which is a sad thing to say, considering the fact that for most of these past 17 months I was so mentally destroyed that I DIDN'T know what day it was. I was lost in this quagmire of emptiness. I was like an atom bouncing off the walls of my apartment, dizzy and random.

    My guess is that clarity will come like a slow drip. Going forward, I'll be able to see the world a little more clearly as each month passes.

    I'm still depressed about all of the anhedonia and fucked up sleep/appetite/digestion/mental capacity/libido, but 17 months hopefully means that I'm 6-8 months away from some sort of finish line. There are so many things that I want to do with my life. And a lot of them are simple, like reading fiction and enjoying movies. I also have a bag of mushrooms that I'm going to use as a celebration and, hopefully, a restart mechanism. I hope that it will help me make sense out of this fucking mess of a decade I've experienced.
  9. Danm, talking how similar we are. Our brain n body take some beatings over the years.
    Dave G 123 and zander13 like this.
  10. jayyad

    jayyad Fapstronaut

    What exactly is going on with your libido right now? I feel like I’m in a similar boat I just can’t tell if it’s a flatline or PAWS, they are sort of the same thing though huh. My erections only come from nasty thoughts it’s pretty interesting actually. Just an hour ago I had some pretty sick twisted porn fantasy thought and I was able to get an erection, other then that though my dick is dead. I’m guessing the more I connect with the twisted part of my brain the more my penis begins to work, but I thought the flatline/paws was due to lack of dopamine. Maybe the twisted thoughts gave me that dopamine which got my body working for a second?

    really got serious symptoms 5 months ago when I hard mode quit and wow life has been hell. But this whole addiction thing is still very interesting to me. Not sure where I will end up but I am committed to a full recovery.
    Brain Fog, ReInForced_Elk and UWSDave like this.
  11. DerJogge

    DerJogge Fapstronaut

    Guys I have a question. Some physical symptoms as neck tension, bad digestion left. Others like visual problems, tinnitus are still there. I'm not really concerned about them anymore. But I experience one physical symptom that annoys the crap out of me. It's not causing any suffering or anything like that - it's just annoying: dry and flaky skin.

    No matter what cream I'm using, no matter what omega 3 and vitamin supplements I'm using - I still get dry skin all around my body.

    Is anyone here experiencing similar problems? I mean I know that stress can cause skin problems but I never saw anyone else talking about it so I figured out I might just ask you. I just remember that I kinda get the opposite of a dry skin when I have good days. My skin gets really oily, maybe even a little bit too much. I just like my skin is out of balance. I don't have any acne or pimples and if I use some cream it looks totally fine but especially my hands seem to be dry as the desert.
  12. gangstaLjos

    gangstaLjos Fapstronaut

    I cant say I experience or feel bothered by the feeling of dry skin, but I do look horrible. My looks has been critically affected by this condition, skin being one of the main reasons I presume.
  13. JROvercomer

    JROvercomer Fapstronaut

    No I have just given up pmo. Have never done drugs and don't drink. Doing everything like I normally do.
  14. Hey guys, just checking back in now after a while, feeling pretty good right now, I can feel my days bouncing back and forth in how I feel but it's not soo bad, it's heading in an upward trend it seems, I'm starting to feel tinges of what I felt like before I entered the abyss, It's a shock but I'm not complaining, I'm here tapping my feet while listening to music, my zest for life is starting to come back, only problems so far have been motivation and initiative problems, essentially procrastinating but I've always had that problem, it's just that when I hit this it became severe, I'm going to focus on overcoming it now since it's really holding me back from what I should be doing more, also thank god that moron is gone too lmao.
  15. tigate

    tigate Fapstronaut

    Be mindful with other activities that cause dopamine rush. Binge-watching movies, stress-eating, and even hrs. playing video games or social media can cause dopamine surge. In my experience, I tend to have more fatigue when I'm over-indulgent in
    any activity. My symptoms are more or less like yours and I experience it on longer streaks too.
    JROvercomer likes this.
  16. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    Man it's so easy to convince myself that I'm never going to recover when I'm in a bad wave...

    Just shows that this thought pattern is actually a symptom of PAWS and by recognising that, it eases my mind slightly. For anyone else feeling like this please understand that it's completely normal to catastrophize your situation. The worse your symptoms are, the more you will catastrophize which makes you believe your situation is twice as bad as it actually is! Stay strong :)

    Also, my skin is horrific. It was perfect for 19 years before PAWS hit and as soon as it did I jumped from 1 small pimple once a year to consistent moderate acne all over my face, hoping it goes away when my PAWS does.
  17. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    Binge-watching movies/tv is literally all I can do survive the bad days to try and ease the pain. I'm just hoping it's not going to affect my recovery too much...
  18. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Holy fuck all these testimonials on paws are scaring me a bit. I better just prepare myself mentally. Mind over matter guys, you can do this
  19. wfcasdvwervdsv

    wfcasdvwervdsv Fapstronaut

    If you're not already in the thick of it then I wouldn't worry too much about it. It seems only a small amount of PMO users get PAWS compared to other addictions. It's also the result of severe kindling in half the cases we see here so avoid that and there's a high chance you will be lucky enough not to experience this hell on earth.
  20. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Thank you, good luck to you
    wfcasdvwervdsv likes this.