Becoming Vegan

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deckerstar, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Lmao, so they painted hunting scenes for fun I see. Also seasons, no supermarket back then eh.

    No comment on the video? too unpleasant of a reality?
  2. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Older ancestors. The paints you talk about are between 10.000 bc and 50.000 bc, i imagine.

    This said, what comment do u expect from that stupid video? I already know chimp can eat flesh, but its quite stupid to sustain chimps are carnivores, is that what ure trying to say?
    I can post videos of hippos killing other animals...

    U have a lot of confusion in your mind, and are stating things that do not connect with what i say, and don't make any sense even singularly.
  3. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I mean I will trust more chimp behaviour researchers saying they hunt and eat meat and eat fruits and veggies when they cannot and not the other way around, than you.

    Apes hunt that's why I put the video, also humans fish since millenia, humans cannot fish? what sort of joke is that?

    You seem to believe our ancestors didn't hunt, that they ate fruit and veggies, that's just laughable.

    Yeah because no one hunted after the agriculture revolution right? hahahaha when is recent enough for you?

    Yeah it must be all the DHA that's making me confused.
  4. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    You're a pretty young guy, who talks before thinking and reading properly.
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I will take that as you having no arguments whatsoever.
  6. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Please, show me some source on that.
  7. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Arguments about what?

    I never stated i'm against hunting, i never stated man can't hunt. U are basically saying random things that has nothing to do with what i said.
    So, idk, what u want from me.
  8. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Have even seen the video?
    John Mitani statement, primate behavioral ecologist, on the Ngogo chimpazee project.

    I must be imagining things...

    "You say our ancestors couldn't hunt?" "Yeah" I don't know mate, sounds like you say humans couldn't hunt lmao.

    Eating some sardines would be a good start.
  9. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    So, i had to loose 7 minutes of my life to check a statement u did which i already know was false. There is not a single moment in that vieo they say chimpanzee are carnivores (which tey're not), or even a moment which they say eating flesh is part of their usual diet.
    Anybody can easily research what a chimpanzee diet is, and meat and eggs together is about 6% of their diet. They mostly eat leaves and fruits...

    So, please stop lying and make me loose time.

    Idk why people like u get so triggered about vegan diet. It is known for years by now that a vegan diet is ok, u can eat vegan if u like, there are bodybuilders, athletes, boxers, rugby players, olympic gold medalists who are vegan.
    The error is saying that vegan diet is "superior" to other diets, which is not, and is not inferior either. Vegan diet could be made in 1000 different ways, as an omnivore diet can, so when someone says that vegan diet is better, or worst, than any other diet, he is talking by ignorance and superficiality, because u can eat super healthy as a vegan, or super shitty as a vegan, in the same way u can do that as a carnivore.

    Me personally, i think that the paleodiet is possibly better than a vegan diet, for the simple reason that u do not eat cereals and processed food in there.

    About hunting and eating animals, i'm perfectly ok with hunting or fishing and eating the animals u hunt or fish, what i'm not supportive of are intensive animal breedings, that for me should be totally illegal and closed down, or better, trnsormed into sustainable breedings, which is almost impossible when u have a profit target.
    If u need other explaination on how is my thought about something, u can ask.
    Btw, i'm not even vegan...

    P.s. I'm scared about what u could get out of the fact that asutralian tribes kill and eat people from other tribes...
    DeeJ4y likes this.
  10. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut


    I said "that's what they did", eating vegetables and fruit. Man can obviously hunt, and do a lot of other things, like eating other humans, if he wants to.
  11. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I never said they are carnivours but that they eat meat and hunt and look for fruit when is scarce and not other way around.
    Also they eat plenty of insects, yeah "the new superfood" "the meat-eater solution to massive farming"...

    That's more fair, still "super healthy" as a vegan doesn't exist.

    I agree with that.

    Totally agree with this point, I think it should be the main focus instead of prohibiting animal products.


    That humans are edible animals too, nothing surprising.
  12. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    I think we misunderstood each other. :p I copied a joke for fun but I didn't mean veganism is not ok or something.
    I used to be a vegetarian for years myself. I would talk and see so many vegans on the Internet. Many of them were not normal people. Sorry. I hope I am wrong. That's about Iranian vegans. Hope they're not like that in other countries. I thought someone who don't eat animals are full of love for humans in the first place. But I was surprised how they hate people for eating meat!

    Also about the diet, I didn't say veganism is not healthy (Although, it needs much more effort in order to fulfil our body's needs, comparing to other diets.) Some people say they are healthier with the vegan diet. Some other people (after having been Vegan) say another diet has been much more healthier for their body. It seems its different for everyone.

    I think it's a personal choice. I kinda respect people who don't eat meat for ethical intentions. But I don't think it's something to advertise like a religion, trying to convert other people or shame them, calling them murderer!

    Also, I didn't mean our ancestors are carnivore. I meant they were omnivore and they were good hunters too. Vegs I've seen, think our ancestors were vegans and had something like this modern Vegan/Vegetarian diet!
  13. Ok so I would be morally justified to eat human babies. Got it. Glad you agree.
  14. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Yep, u exactly said they eat meat and search for fruits and veggies when meat is scarce, which is totally not true, their meat and egg percentage in diet is 6% (so possibly meat is even lower, maybe 4%?), so it's totally the other way around, they almost never eat meat, and they eat meat very rarely, we're talking about less than 6% :D :D
    Chimps are omnivores, who eat mostly leaves and fruits. Jane goodall website says 50% of their diet is figs, they also eat mangoes, bananas, watermelons, apples, nuts and seeds. When theese foods are scarce, they eat: various types of leaves, flowers tree bark and seeds. They also can eat insects (4% of their diet), honey, medicinal plants.
    So, their diet is about 90% "vegan" (if we consider bugs meat), and it looks like they eat tree bark before eating meat, which is totally different to your statement that they eat meat and toher foods when meat is scarce...
    So, if u wanted to compare chimps diet to human diet, like i wanted to, then start eating 90% vegan, some bugs, and 4% meat...

    Super healthy as a vegan absolutely exist, there are all kind of vegan athletes, even olympic gold medalists. Vegan diet can be so wide that u can eat a terrible vegan diet, as u can eat a terrible carnivore diet.
    When talking about healthyness of vegan diet (if u do not eat sugars and cola all day)we usually talk about b12 deficiency, which is actually bullshit for a number of reason, the first being that b12 is a vitamin produced by terrain microbe, which cows ingest when they eat grass, so, u basically can get b12 even from vegetables. Also, needed quantities of b12 are really minimum, and the suggested minimum quantity of b12 has been criminally augmented by W.H.O. in the years. Many vegans take b12 integration, which is absolutely not needed, they fall in this b12 trap, which is actually the biggest bullshit ever...
    There is no reason, and no evidence at all, thet vegan diet can't be super healthy.
    For my experience, i did a diet which was also vegan (plus, only whole grains, lot of fresh juices, no processed foods), and i reached the healthiest state of my life, i even cured a bad breathing problem that i had since childhood. I've been vegan for only 8 months (i stopped because i came back to my parents house, and stopped buying my foods, and i was feeling so healthy and good, that i thought i could get back to eat anything), and when i stopped, my breathing problem came back harder than before in 4 months. That is my personal experience with vegan diet (which i'm implementing again atm).
    Obviously there are millions of different experiences about vegan diet, there are people who do it for 4 years (a friend of mine) and then go back to eating meat, and there are also people who are vegan since 20 years, and they feel as healthy as ever.
    So, yes, vegan diet can be suepr healthy, as healthy as any other diet.

    Atm i'm getting back to a vegan diet, i eat only some smoked salmon sometimes, but i'm cutting out on that also. Actually i'm going further and try a raw fruitarian diet to see the effect.
    I'll clarify again my personal view on meat, i think dairy, sugars, processed foods, wheat, all kind of gluten containing foods, possibly all cereals, are worst food than meat, so for me is ok to eat a moderate quantity of meat, which means 3 times a week or less. Obviously it should be hunted meat, but we already know that is not possible. I would personally eat hunted meat, but i prefer to cut out from meat that come from massive breedings, the reason is both the quality of the meat and ethical reasons about intensive breedings.
  15. Wait you didn't need to type any of this. Vegan diet being healthy is widely supported in the medical/nutrition community. If someone disputes that, they just don't care about doing research and you should automatically ignore them.
  16. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    How did you come to the conclusion that I agree with your statement? Because I do not agree.
  17. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    You are writing irrelevant stuff, you didn't even try to disprove something, because you have no ability to do so, hence you resort to insulting.
  18. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    So healthy that many vegans end up with a vitamine deficiency (especially B2)
  19. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    I have wrote 2 long posts about all this, after the post u quoted, that explain perfectly my position, which u did not read.

    Post #69 and #74
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I don't have anything against vegans but I can't be the only one who gets the strangest craving for meat whenever I read some of the insufferable nonsense they come out with sometimes?

    Seriously though, if you want to be a vegan or vegetarian or have any other kind of diet, good for you, go for it. But stop acting like you have some sort of moral superiority over those who don't. It does nothing to bring people to your cause and makes people resent you for being annoying and smug.
