My Story: 545 Days No-PMO, Hard Mode (1 Year and 185 Days and Counting)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by RightEffort, May 16, 2021.

  1. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Go for it bro don't over think it sex is also something quite normal
  2. lol thanks bro sounds like you are so much in LOVE with sex! :)
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Not really this part is what I think you need to work you are saying you prefer doing masturbation over sex. I can live years without sex you know that. It's not about pleasure or love that is the least of my concerns. I find it strange your reply.

    I'm a practical man, I've study and practiced tantra and tao for 20 years. I don't take sex lightly.

    I don't love sex but I consider it sacred, healthy and see no reason to delay it.
  4. fair enough man I was mostly joking - your view and perspective is valid, and it is a way of being it may not be the best way for every one.
    Retentionman likes this.
  5. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    143 all depends on how you look at the situation that caused the need to forgive. I f you see anyone or anything as a Live God in action then it's you who have to ask the forgiveness for hard feelings towards the will of the One.
    RightEffort likes this.
  6. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    ...if you love Truth then hear this. All porn, masturbation, sex for the sake of sex/sake of experiencing sexual pleasure-stimulation are nothing but the multiple faces of lust, the same way as vodka, gin, whisky, wine and beer are the faces of alcohol. There is anti-education wide spread around the world,as it comes to sexual relationships and organs, leading to short life span and poor quality of life which somehow serves the function of regulating birth-mortality rate of the population on earth. Ant there is no middle ground really drinking alcohol is drinking alcohol no matter if it is concentrated or diluted has the same effect - screwed consciousness and disabled fine awareness. The word itself(sex as a verb) is wrong and assumes that user thinking on the level of the animal(out of true biological need to procreate) or lower(any kind of sex,pmo addict who ruins life by endless indulgence in lust pleasures) which it is if the procreation organs aren't used for their only purpose Creating wanted children by using pure intention with beloved partner and creating children first in their mind in their awareness consciousness, not copulating like animals indulging in lust and thinking wishfully maybe something gonna come out of it...
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2021
  7. I just had another silence day and I feel super clear.

    I am now seeing the events of the last week, as a blessing and a slip from the path that I am on.

    I was lead to a quote by Mahatma Gandhi

    "The Path"

    I know the path. It is straight and narrow.
    It is like the raisers edge.
    I rejoice walking on it. I weep when I slip.
    God word is "he who strives never perishes"
    I have implicit faith in that promise.
    Though there for my weakness I fail a thousand times.
    I shall not loose faith."

    So I am deeply grateful that I didn't actually release my seeds and have an orgasm.

    I am grateful to be inspired again, to walk the path of purity and to renounce porn, masterbation and orgasm.

    I will allow myself to touch my body if i feel it will help me move the energy to higher centers, but avoiding selfish desires and lustful intentions.

    key insight:

    I will abstain from sexual relationship to another women, unless i have seen her in Truth and there is a soul connection - which will come through relating to her through 6-12 months of getting to connect and go deep.

    not because
    sex is wrong or bad, I fully agree sex is a healthy part of being a human, however it depends on what is ones Goal of life.

    If one sees the goal of life as living a good and happy human experience, then yes sex is a normal part of it.

    But once one sees the suffering of life of a normal human, one will seek deep in the soul for something other than a good human life. but a Mystical life of realization of Divinity.

    In this recognition, Sex, money, wealth and health are all part of the passing dream.

    The Bliss and the love and the inner joy is found in something unspeakable, which is impossible for a human being to comprehend, until they are initiated to it.

    I have been touched by this even to a tiny measure, and never again can i go back to the old life, of good human hood.
    Slider8 likes this.
  8. From The Shvetashvatara Upanishads (Sacred ancient texts)

    "Great is the glory of the lord of life. Infinite, omnipresent, all-knowing.
    He is known by the wise who meditate and conserver their vital energy. "

    Attached Files:

    Slider8 likes this.
  9. Thank you! Where did that come from?

    I would have to agree to that.

    The only correction / point i like to make, is making something in to 'animal' or bad, is creating aversion towards it, and by doing so we secretly strengthen it.

    In other words when we demonize something, we actually strengthen it.

    Like if we say alcohol is evil and bad, we are now polarizing ourselves and will be more tempted to drink.

    If we say sex is bad, animalistic and wrong, we are now secretly craving it and even if we avoid it we feel a secret sense of pride (which comes before the fall) as we think we are some how better/ higher than others.

    However, it is valid to feel in to the love for truth, for self control, for solberity.

    We can love being sober, free from alcohol, and move towards health, without taking a moralistic perspective onit.

    We can love transmutation of our sexual essence, and discover our sexless atman within and feel its bliss and share it with all, without walking around and thinking how animalistic sex is and how much above it we are.

    Like my teacher Dr David R Hawkin says, we can love venellia without hating chocolate.

    I feel this is a powerful teaching, to focus on what we resonate with, and avoid the trap of self righteousness and aversion towards its opposite because it keeps us stuck.
    Slider8 likes this.
  10. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

  11. Slider8

    Slider8 Fapstronaut

    ..well the 'bad' here would mean something that causes suffering either to yourself or to the world around you which is a reflection of yourself. How would you express your Karuna for others if in your eye suffering and wellbeing are the same?
  12. Mateus long

    Mateus long Fapstronaut

    incredible, well done bro
  13. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Damn that was a crazy ride man. Also very inspiring for me, not only due to your success and strenght in overcoming this shit but also it seems you have a way for making money easily, which is one of the main reasons I'm into retention. I want to transform my life and feel great but I also want to transmute this energy into my financial success, thank you very much for the inspiration and please NEVER lower your fucking guard.
    RightEffort likes this.
  14. Have you thought about not having sex before marriage? Limiting yourself that way, and focusing on long term commitments with women. Do you want children? It's good you have more control over your impulses now, I also want that for myself. God bless you.
    RightEffort likes this.
  15. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    It was most exciting but then you introduced some boring details. I think you should change the part where you say "As i was writing the post I literally wrote down "I feel a little scared to even consider having sex..."" and instead write "I have had enough sex on this planet" and then travel to other planets, you know virtually, so we can have real love and porn at the same time. Then lose your retention superpowers to later regain them, etc. More action. Cheers
    RightEffort likes this.
  16. Yes bro, I find that when we are more self controlled and connected, we naturally spend on budget, we are aware of more things which includes finances, and we feel we always have enough and even more than enough. It is also the fact that I learned how to budget my money properly and not be so re-active. We created a course on it and it is freely available if you like to msg me and ill send it to you.
  17. Great share bro thank you, yes this is actually what I am now choosing, I feel the depth and the commitment is the right way for me moving forward.
    SuccessInRebooting likes this.
  18. I like your direct feedback, thank you :) The useless details you mean at the start of the post or which post? I like to clean it up let me know
  19. Retentionman

    Retentionman Fapstronaut

    Absolutely thank you, send me the link. By the way why is your streak 10 days now? What happened to the 500+ streak
  20. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    Sorry, my message was for another forum. I made a mistake.