For anybody who have spent money on prostitution.....

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. As someone who has never faced prostitution, I would like to hear your thought on this.

    How's worth meeting a brothel for the first time? How much did it cost?

    Truth, please.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2021
  2. Georgeduffy12

    Georgeduffy12 Fapstronaut

  3. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    In my country in the red light district you can have sex with a decent prostitute beginning at € 50,- for a quick.

    In a brother it costs € 70,- for 30 min.

    Doesn't sound like a grazy amount of money, but it's addictive and does not really get you any further.
    ForceMaster likes this.
  4. ForceMaster

    ForceMaster Fapstronaut

    WoW , i didn't know there were decent prostitute !!! ahahhahahahahahahhahahahah :emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy::emoji_joy:
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  5. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    Well not addicted to Heroine and crooked teeth.

    Young and from Eastern Europe.
    Google women from Eastern Europe and you'll know what I mean.

    It's great and not so great If you have a tendency to be addicted to sex.

    Makes me spoiled and not want to hunt regular girls.

    Just saying.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  6. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    It is the same as porn… artificial sex. It gives your brain a bad message - that you can’t find a woman who likes you. Then you start thinking you are worthless and go down the road of femdom etc.

    it is better to find a girl who likes you, then you can have sex whenever you want and it is much more fun
  7. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    You are right.

    You can notice and feel most prostitutes do it for money and it will result in you feeling inadequate.
  8. KKS123

    KKS123 Fapstronaut

    It is not artificial as you are physically having sex with someone and its not true that just because you see a prostitute you automatically start hating yourself and liking femdom. If you really want a real woman and are going to feel guilty about yourself for seeing a hooker don't do it. But if you can do it without having it become and addiction and hobby and move on with your life then do it.
    Cyberpunk3000 likes this.
  9. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I disagree. Sex with a prostitute isn’t about connection, it is like masturbating but with a woman. True connection between 2 people who care about each other is much more sexually fulfilling. When one out of the 2 is not doing it because they care/are attracted to the other person, it is no where near as good. For people into second rate experiences, maybe it’s an option.

    do you think any man would be proud of himself for having to have to pay for sex because he can’t find a woman who likes him?

    who when they were young dreamed of having to pay for sex? As men we shouldn’t settle for second best, we should do the best for ourselves

    Taylor25, Reborn16, Stanger33 and 5 others like this.
  10. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    I don't think everyone follows the femdom road. Seems rather niche for me. We see a lot people in that condition here because they realize there is something wrong.
  11. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I agree that not everyone does, but I am seeing more and more discussion topics in this forum regarding it

  12. It's fake, it's all fake. I almost traded in porn addiction for a prostitution addiction. It's not worth it. Not from a monetary standpoint but from principle. You're having sex with someone who is pretending to like you for the money you're giving them (and their damn good at it). I've actually spoken and become friends with many sex workers and they've expressed how they're basically forced to pretend to like it. To put it into simple words, you are paying to use their body as a sex toy, to masturbate with their bodies. Tell me, how's that sound?
  13. I agreed on that point, Porn also does the same - It somehow makes you more into it by masterbating excessively, It starts with a screen and your hand and by time goes by it will lead to using another human body as sex toy.

    This really disgust me to the bone, I really hated every second i've spent watching Porn, The ugly liking is still there...
    I wounder how long it takes to really heal from it.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2021
    Vanquisher12, Taylor25 and Gina3111 like this.
  14. I have no objections to it, it has been going on for thousands of years.

    With all due respect, some of you lads seem either inexperienced or too idealistic. You have to understand that, when it comes to women, you will be made to "pay" in one way or another, even if she calls herself your "girlfriend."

    At least with a hooker the relationship is unequivocally a commercial one and both parties understand this without any emotional distortions.
    ForceMaster and Mr.Tony like this.
  15. Most of the Prostitutes had some very difficult and ugly past and background since childhood, there is mark in them even if they grow up... Some were raped by men, some were raped by relatives, some been sold in sex trade....

    Having sex with them for money makes nothing more than the Monsters who drove up to this road, they wouldn't care about you, if it's hatred be sure they hate you too.

    Some of them hate men all togather and hate themselves and even commited suicide and suicidal, when you engage with one of them, there is a chance she already has an very nasty STD or HIV.

    Most of these women are Mentally Damaged... Selling your Body for Money, that in itself is the proof of a very very low self esteem...

    She might break out the condom and infect ( And there are infinite numbers how she can infect you. ) - She's already gone dead - why not spread that...

    I heard very very horror stories about people regretting their lives after doing so...


    On the other hand, At least s Girlfriend, Like you for who you are and you do the same, you both are compatible with each other, you work togather and laugh togather and enjoy life togather and help down each other, there is a huge difference between these too...

    But Boy O Boy... Playing out with prostitutes seem to like playing down with the Angel of Death himself.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
  16. Ray S

    Ray S Fapstronaut

    Its like eating the apple from the Garden of Eden.
    RobbyGo36, Drop_by_Drop and Mr.Tony like this.
  17. That's ugly and disturbing and have some very ugly consequences .
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  18. Every sexual intercourse creats a spiritual bond with your partner.
    That's no problem if it's between you and the wife you love.
    But being spiritual bound to a stranger is asking for troubles.
  19. There is no spiritual bound with a stranger to begin with.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  20. What do you mean?

    After having sex there definitely is a bond.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
    Mr.Tony likes this.