Animal Rights

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ilm_123, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    We haven't had to do taming in order to eat healthy/tasty meat but we had to do so about plants. That was my point. If meat are not food then I don't know what is.

    You wrongly blame meat and animal products AT ALL for the problems we have with the processed products. Most of other plant-based foods we are eating are also unhealthy. But alas, healthiness is not your problem.
  2. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    In our family we always buy them alive from farmers and we do all the stuff ourselves. I know it's not usual for the most people. But that's how we do it. We've had animal farm in the past as well.
    The Passenger and gsherman100 like this.
  3. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    There is only a couple things I agree with when it comes to Animal rights. I do think chicken farms are fucken gross, and they smell for miles. Chickens are so fucken bloated with steroids they often cant walk and sometimes they are straight up dead in the cages cause their jacked up bodies are too huge for the cage. A good Documentary is Meet your Meat it gives you a nice inside look in the big cooperate meat producers. I'm not a vegan by any means but personally I try to find out where the meat is coming from and how a brand produces their meat. The big boys that produce a lot of the meat are getting away with disgusting practices to pump out as much as possible. Just do some research.

    Not true. The problem is the amount of what people consume and ignorance as to how a certain product is produced. People honestly do not care that what they're eating is on the verge of exploding with all sorts of chemicals jammed in and this certainly doesn't apply to meat alone.

    The amount of what people eat combined with the ignorance of what exactly they are eating, and lack of self control is why obesity exists. Discipline and informing yourself will make obesity disappear.
    The Passenger and Hadrian3 like this.
  4. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    It does, in fact it has a much harder time handling vegetables in general, but whatever mate...
  5. Lol dude... your concept of “taming” is absolutely ridiculous. People still harvest and consume wild rice all the time. There has never been a toxic plant that we’ve “tamed” in order to eat. There are some plants that have consequences of eating them as well, like grains. However, you will never be able to tell me that any edible fruit has needed “taming” in order to eat. Fruit is the most nutritional food on the planet. Again, blood sugar. Blood sugar needs to be maintained in order for the human brain, and entire body to function. If it’s not, you literally shut down and die. Why do you think insulin is so important to diabetics. Now, have you ever heard someone concerned with their “blood fat” or their “blood protein?” No.

    No vitamin C in meat, among many other things. Humans can’t make vitamin C themselves. Carnivores can. What does that tell you? I can go on and on man. You really think humans have “evolved” to drink another species milk? I mean.. it’s just ridiculous. Highly intelligent species that drinks the breast milk of animals. Crazy world.

    Ok, you buy them alive from farmers? And that makes them wild animals? Do you eat wild caught tuna? Do you know it’s absolutely riddled with mercury?
  6. Oh nice argument bro. “It does.” You got me there.
  7. Discipline and “informing yourself” you mean like not eating high fat meat that causes heart disease? Btw, if you think chickens are gross, might want to check out pigs. Your options are becoming limited.
  8. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    Lol. Every house cat in the world: "If I was just a little bigger and you were just a little smaller."
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  9. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    And that's on god.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    There's an argument to be made that humans are not supposed to eat the excessive amount of meat some people eat, but to argue we should eat no meat whatsoever is asinine. Why do we have teeth for cutting and chewing flesh? Why do our bodies depend on nutrients from eating meat in healthy quantities? Why do a lot of vegans end up having to take supplements to stay healthy?

    If anyone wants to be a vegan then sure, your choice, but we warned. For every scolding a vegan gives me, I will eat a cheeseburger.
    Hadrian3 and The Passenger like this.
  11. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I know your type, I used to be like you, arguing with people like you is kind of pointless, you think you know but barely know the tip of the iceberg, have a nice day.
    The Passenger likes this.
  12. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    I don't think chickens are gross. Its how the meat is produced is what's gross. Meet your Meat shows footage of what they do to pigs and how most pork products are made. And as far as options, do some research. You will find plenty.

    You seem like you got it all figured it out anyway.

    And when I stated "Yourself" I am not specifically meaning you.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
    The Passenger likes this.
  13. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Being vegan is the diet of the priveledged. Especially since you have to buy supplements for the nutrients you aren't getting and that shit costs booko bucks.
    Hadrian3 and The Passenger like this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

  15. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Yeah it seems that way. My family cannot afford to eat a vegan diet that is also healthy, even if we did want to. I have health problems that mean eating meat/dairy/eggs are all very good for me because of the protein and lack of carbs.
    FirefromAbove likes this.
  16. Lol dude, you probably just had a big bacon sausage and egg breakfast. You don’t even have enough glucose to argue. I get it. I forgot to mention that when your blood is thick you get less oxygen to the brain.

    I barely know the tip of the iceberg huh. Based on your comment about vegetables being problematic, I bet you actually believe all the nonsense about “lectins” and “oxalates” and “anti-nutrients.” You seems like the type of fool that would go for that. Do you follow sv3rige on YouTube by any chance?
  17. Teeth for cutting and chewing flesh? We don’t, lmfao. Go look at carnivores teeth and take a look at yours.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    When the body has less carbs, it can break down protein into glucose, causing a healthier sugar rise over time than carbs. Protein is known to have a stabilising effect on blood sugar levels too.
  19. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    download (76).jpg
    Hadrian3 likes this.
  20. Hahah yeah man.. nutrients your aren’t getting. Meat is so nutritious... I mean all those antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, biophotons, anthocyanins.. crazy how nutritious meat is.