PMO Addict for 17 years :/ Serious About Quitting This Time!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by yngmoney, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    This is my first post here, but I have read many threads and success stories of some of you over the past several years.

    I am 30 years old and have been looking at porn since I was around 13. When I first started, it felt like the greatest thing on the planet. Initially I would only view it once a week or so, when my parents weren’t home, and then gradually I increased my usage.

    By high school, I was masturbating almost daily. I didn’t always need porn back then either, I could easily get off to a girl I saw in class, or something as innocuous as a fashion magazine left open in the bathroom (not even overtly sexual) lol. I do think my daily “habit” caused me to become more introverted and less likely to ask out girls I liked, I was quite shy.

    By college, my pmo continued regularly for years, but I started venturing into more “hardcore” versions of porn, and even started looking at stuff I find repulsive on a moral level. I also started noticing my erections were becoming less hard than before, and I was experiencing some “leaking” of semen when aroused. This leaking, which worsened over time, has lead to weaker and weaker erections.

    Fast forward to today: I only ever look at extreme porn (no softcore or imagination like before), I require a pill (starts with a C) to have sex with girls, and even that isn’t foolproof, and I get angry and ashamed thinking about all the hours I’ve wasted looking at this crap, and some of the weird shit I look at (no idea where these fantasies materialized from). I am determined to quit, but I have failed so many times its hard not to give up. My longest streak is 20 days. My average now, is 1-2 times per week but after a week I usually give in to an urge.

    I need to quit this addiction and take back control of my life!! Any tips are appreciated :)

    p.s. The fact that Porn Addiction is not classified as a legitimate addiction, is ludicrous.. it ticks all the boxes of addiction..
    Mr. Kruger, lampt7392, thikk and 5 others like this.
  2. My biggest piece of advice: DO NOT WAIT FOR "SCIENCE"

    Don't worry about what's classified as an addition, why or why not. If you're been looking into this for a while, you will already have seen or read most things that people can point you to. In any case, you should watch that long Gary Wilson video on YouTube as it does get into at least one topic relevant to your situation: extreme and disgusting content and how the brain gets to that point with excessive use of porn. Information can sometimes be as overwhelming as anything else but in this case, I think the more you know, the better. It should motivate you knowing how this stuff destroys you (and all of us) so that you can track the motivation to fight it harder.

    If you're already abstaining regularly for a week at a time, you're ahead of many guys who are here. I'm your age and I personally currently can go 2-3 days before giving in. It's a hell of a lot better than when I was in HS... I was ejaculating at least 7-10 times per week.
  3. BankCapable8877

    BankCapable8877 Fapstronaut

    do not wait for science i love that line
  4. The Hometown

    The Hometown New Fapstronaut

    Heres a small piece of advice, you need to think of the man you want to be not the man you don't want to be.

    Ill explain, if you focus on the feeling of anger, shame and the hours of your life you have wasted looking, then you'll gravitate towards that, instead you need to accept that and let go, your past is not you. Instead focus on the what you do want, productivity, drive, goals and health etc.

    I see many people refer to this as fight or battle, I disagree, fights and battles are bloody traumatic and I feel this needs to looked at as growing and evolving. Instead of fighting yourself or former self how about accept it and understand that you are just a man, we all make mistakes but this does not define us. I am not perfect and this is just one mans advice to another but imagine there is a film crew following you around and documenting your life, this is your story.
  5. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut


    Hey man, great to see you reaching out to us.

    I am 29 and started watching porn at 14, so we are of a similar demographic.

    With the fantasies, think of porn use like drug use. When people start using drugs they start with "soft drugs" (cigs, weed etc.) and then escalate due to building tolerance (needing more of something or new novelty to get the same high). It's the same with porn. It starts off with revealing photos, then porn videos, then hardcore/extreme stuff. So that would explain where your weird fantasies came from.

    My tip for you is a simple one. Make the decision that you don't watch porn anymore. Right now. Say "I don't watch porn anymore" to yourself. And really mean it. I did this yesterday, and it is a liberating feeling.

    Everything else is just about managing urges/finding better ways to deal with negative emotions. You can't truly do that until you have made a 100% commitment to a porn-free existence.

    Feel free to message me if you need anything!
    thikk and youngmoney19 like this.
  6. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    I like that advice. And as we've seen during the pandemic, scientists are constantly changing their minds on "the science" anyway.
    I'll check out that Gary Wilson video.

    Thanks for the support, and keep fighting the good fight, we can all overcome this!
  7. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    Ah interesting perspective, I see what you are saying. Yes, I will try not to look at it through a negative lens, but rather strive for improvement and be optimistic. Thanks for the advice!
  8. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    Hey man, cheers to the 90s club haha.

    Ya, I really do think porn use is similar to drugs, especially how you're talking about like "gateway" porn, and then how it keeps escalating. That does make sense. I have read that the longer you stay away from porn, the easier it becomes because the addiction has less of a hold on you.

    I just said "I don't watch porn anymore", and you're right, it felt great! Now I just gotta stick to my guns.

    Appreciate the advice dude.
    sh0gun likes this.
  9. No worries, man. Happy if it helps.

    And that's right. The science community is full of money-hungry fakes and spineless assholes. Now that CNN is telling the normies that tHe SCiEnCe HAs cHAnGeD, maybe some people will finally see this circus for what it really is. Here's hoping. Either way, I have a feeling that many of us here are in tune enough with our bodies and minds to know certain things due to our own adversities we've faced with our health.
    youngmoney19 likes this.
  10. Patxx

    Patxx Fapstronaut

    Hello, I also suffer a lot about it and I have a similar story. Currently I have to take tests and I find it difficult to concentrate since with the stress I fall back on the PMO. But I don't want to lose this year and disappoint my family so I have to lean on other people going through the same thing. Of course you have my support too. Success and strength.
    youngmoney19 likes this.
  11. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut

    Hell yeah man, you can do it!
  12. m1nd0v3rm4tt3r

    m1nd0v3rm4tt3r Fapstronaut

    People who say porn isnt a real addiction are full of shit. Anything that destroys ur life can be an addiction. CLEARLY ur porn use has negatively affected your life and thats all that matters! Good luck man I believe in u!!
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2022
    hsb0617 and youngmoney19 like this.
  13. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    So because you don't consider yourself addicted, porn addiction therefore isn't real?
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  14. He's gone into other threads as well, trying to normalize consumption of porn and minimize the effects it has on way too many people.
  15. This is exactly the kind of thing that confuses so many guys who frequent forums like this. People like you even had me thinking about this for the longest time. Fact of that matter is that this is not always the case, not even close. There wasn't ever something "not right" with me in this sense. I came across P before I started HS and with gradual, casual consumption, slowly I got hooked. I was a normal kid who was into baseball and basketball and playing cards and shit like that. Now I consider many aspects of my life to be in ruins because of PMO throughout the years.

    P IS addictive. You know that as well as anyone else here. Kinda leaves one to wonder why you'd claim otherwise.
  16. @engelman I take responsibility for what I've done to myself. Do I blame porn regardless? Yes. Why? Because it's made to ruin lives. If it doesn't do that, it has a pacifying and emasculating effect on men, it makes them shadows of their former and true selves, never allowing them to live up to their potential. And it's all by design. Countless stories here and on similar forums are a testament to that. It's people like you who attempt, while miserably failing, to minimize the severity of the effect that porn has on many people who consume it. The fact of that matter is that you don't know shit about anyone's personal life; you are only able to speak for yourself based on your own personal experience. You don't know what goes on behind closed doors for others, whether they're addicted to porn or sugar or whatever else. Porn isn't the industry it is because most people consume it casually and "normally," in a so-called "healthy" way. But someone like you will never bring up that industry for obvious reasons. Moreover, you'd much rather lay blame on people who are powerless before something they have no clue is actually akin to the worst of drugs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2022
  17. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    People these days worship science as if it's the final arbiter of truth. It's not. It's literally human beings trying to understand the world through tested and repeated evidence. You know what's tested and repeated? The fact that every time I watch porn, I feel horrible. And the fact that when I stay away from it, I am way more productive and happier. That's science.
    youngmoney19 and OhWhenThe like this.
  18. Good for you. That's all you need. I wish more people thought like this. I think part of the appeal of waiting on science and holding it up as if it is that arbiter of truth as you mentioned is that you don't have to take any action or change anything in the immediate term. "Well, we'll see what science comes up with." When? Does anyone here really think that the science community has any reason to tell the truth about something like porn? Something like masturbation? Think twice. The porn industry is cherished and protected by all means by the governments of the world because of the fact that they need men emasculated, pacified, docile and fucking stupid. That's science.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2022
  19. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Yes, yes, yes, and more yes.
  20. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    Just reset. Streak was 11 days, which for me is not bad but I need to do much better...

    I find I'm more likely to relapse when I'm feeling down and/or bored, both of which I just was. But, I need to remember, fapping does not make those feelings better!

    It sucks starting at day zero but I guess it gives me a fresh start and the ability to do better than last time. So here we go