What's your opinion on Andrew Tate ?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by she-dernatinus, Aug 26, 2022.

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  1. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Call me whatever you want, but I'd rather do that than let anyone toy with my expectations and portray themselves in a better 'light' while hiding their true beliefs.
  2. But you realize you just exposed your biggest insecurity in doing all this right? You just exposed a giant glowing sign that says "manipulate me!"
    MrPriest likes this.
  3. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Even if you replace it with race or creed, it is sill relevant. There are hispanics who sympathize with to alt-righters, even though these guys would find no problem dehumanizing them.
  4. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    How so ? I don't understand your logic.
  5. You admitted you manipulated everyone because you don't want to be manipulated. Also this kind of stuff is a HUGE red flag for anyone in your social life.
  6. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    Alright, you're going too far now. Putting aside the topic for a moment, there's no need to be so bitchy with regards to other users, it doesn't help your argument, it demolishes it into little pieces. You're being more sexist than anyone else on here by implying TakingTheSteps is a pickme, which is unfathomably dumb considering I'm pretty sure she's married.

    Women are not a hive mind that all have to agree with you on every issue. This insane tribalism of yours, that I keep seeing across off-topic threads is destroying any realistic chance of having a meaningful discussion. Do you not realize you're turning people against your point, even if they might otherwise be receptive to it?
  7. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    If you think that being married exempts you from being this way, you clearly don't understand how these mindsets work. It's not about being married or not, it is about the need to gather as much validation as possible.

    I am sure you came accross 'pickmes' who are married, but still acted this way.
  8. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    that's not the point, it is about helping potentially dangerous and creepy individuals stay hidden, by tossing another woman who wanted to expose them under the bus in order to appear as some pseudo-angel.
  9. What manipulation can happen on this site that you would be so worried about? Worrying about what people really think? My thinking is that you can only take people at face value, if deception is at play, that's on them, not you.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  10. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Also, @Kim Wexler what I want to imply is that the desire to appear as the 'better' one, the 'kind' and 'considerate' one is so strong that revealing the dangerous tendencies of those you want to catter to, becomes irrelevant. It's a matter of what is your top priority, and in the case we are talking about, the answer is evident and indisputable.
  11. @she-dernatinus Stop treating this discussion forum like it's Reddit, thanks. :emoji_rage:
  12. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    that's not what I was asking about, why do you think by thinking like that it would be like having a neon sign saying 'manipulate me' ?
  13. Kim Wexler

    Kim Wexler Fapstronaut

    Yes, because that is exactly what's going on here. You absolutely weren't trying to troll and are upset it didn't go your way. In the words of true feminist icon, Carmela Soprano,

    Taylor25 likes this.
  14. If I was a psychopath or sociopath and I read this forum, you exposed yourself as a target. Most of the people who watch Andrew Tate don't care about some person on NoFap's forum, They'd be in Hustler's University or trying to make money some other way, or they're too dumb to manipulate you. The real psychopath's don't watch Andrew Tate, they're invisible and lurk until they find their mark, which you just exposed yourself in this entire thread.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  15. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    did you read the following comment I have made ? And besides, I didn't hold this thread that much to heart. It is again a matter of what is your top priority, and if your top priority goes against exposing demented individuals who dehumanize your gender, and instead finds no issue vilifying a fellow woman trying to reveal them, it is very telling.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022
  16. You can have this super moral goal, and this elaborate way of doing it, but you're just a jerk.
  17. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    I am not saying it would work on anyone, but surely with dumb narcissists and sociopaths it will be effective. As for the rest, even if they don't reveal themselves right away, there would be enough clues about them later on.
  18. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    that is up to you, but those I am targetting are far, far worse than me. And those who defend them, or implicitly serve their interests are no better.
  19. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    @she-dernatinus Ok look, the thing is you tried to play some manipulation tactics here.
    I can completely understand where you are coming from and what your aim was, but let me tell you this, considering people in this place is shielded by anonymity, yes openly stating your true feelings about Tate, and your truthful position about it, would have brought in any advocate of him to defend him and you would have accomplished what you wanted to do.

    I know we have quite different opinions, but I can understand your concern, but resourcing to such tactics is in fighting fire with fire, you just attempted to do what you want to avoid done to you, and rightfully so, but just consider that.

    It was silly, it didn't fit your character or the views people here we know you have, it wasn't even required for anyone to intervene, I recon even meshuga noticed the discrepancy, as you speaking in a softer and more bening way about Tate, than you apparently did about Jordan Peterson, when Tate is far FAR more despicable in terms of misogyny, something we know you have a warranted zero policy about, but also very very strong views that makes you interpret many things as signs of this.

    Again, being upfront would have very likely derived on a more constructive argument where both supporters and detractors would get involved, and you would have get what you wanted, now, you just pictured yourself as the sociopathic and manipulative one, even if your intentions may or may have not come from a different place.

    Think about it.
  20. You don't need to set random traps on the internet, you need to see a therapist. Please don't rope me into your trauma, I got enough.
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