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For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Si.. tienes razón . Podría ser un buen propósito.. lo haré aunque sea unos minutos y luego si viene la tentación también..
    Muchas gracias.
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    If you like, just try this for the period of advent. Stop counting days without sin and only count days with afternoon and evening prayer. Only reset your counter when you fail to pray. Let's see how it goes?
    Keli likes this.
  3. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's a very interesting view. We are Catholics, a day without pmo is nothing worth if we didn't pray that day, if we didn't do something for other people etc. Non-addicts can go to hell too. And addicts can go to heaven (we always must remember that addicted to pmo Catholics don't commit mortal sin when they pmo provided they don't give up fighting (even unsuccessfully) against it.

    So, only to be pmo free for some days, weeks, months or years means nothing because it can be only abstinence but recovery is something additional (automatic recovery happens if we pray honestly - this is the only means to change our hearts, plus sacraments - but tell me which sacrament is without prayer? Even when babies are baptized there is prayer. Yes, babies don't pray then but there are some people who pray for them in this sacrament.

    I would add to the counter of recovery days prayers at the time of temptation. For example:

    morning prayer - yes,
    evening prayer - yes ,
    at least one longer prayer at the time of temptation thanks to it I could postpone pmo - yes

    So three times - yes, make the day a day of recovery, a day of victory ( even if an imperfect victory when somebody gives up to pmo later that day) and the longer sum of such days brings some day a perfect victory over pmo.

    Who wants to try it?
    CPilot and Keli like this.
  4. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Suena bien.
    Es verdad q yo hago oración en la mañana pero camino al trabajo mientras conduzco . Ya en el trabajo escucho las lecturas y reflexiones diarias también hago oración en la noche antes de dormir. Y después del trabajo voy al Santísimo y/o a misa a veces. .
    Lo q no hago es una oración en la tarde después del almuerzo que es cuando más tentaciones tengo .
    Esa debería agregar..
    Y hacer un contador en físico en algun diario aquí.
    Lo q me cuesta es hacer silencio y ponerme realmente en la presencia de Dios durante algunas oraciones...
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  5. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have mentioned this prayer concentration technique before, I hope it is helpful to others. When I am praying silently, like during blessed adoration, I try to picture Christ and His sacred heart as a huge image floating above a quiet forest highway. When a thought enters my mind, which is not consistent with my prayers, I image that thought to be a car passing on the highway. It is a minor distraction, I let it pass by, pay it no more heed, and return to the image of Christ that I am savoring in my mind.

    When I am praying as part of mass or another group prayer, I make sure to have a missal so I can read the words as well as say them. Of course, after so many years I know the words by heart but my mind is not so easily distracted and I am more aware of the significance of what I am saying if I also read the words while speaking or while listening to the priest recite his portions.

    Do others have such techniques to avoid distraction while praying? I would love to learn of them.
    1 Peter 4 and Keli like this.
  6. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Gracias por compartir [USUARIO=420461]@CPilot[/USUARIO] . Parece muy buena. Yo no tengo ninguna...

    Les queria compartir un salmo q estoy haciendo en este adviento.. de unas reflexiones que envian a diario en un grupo en q estoy .

    Esperaba, esperaba al Señor, él se inclinó hacia mí y escuchó mi clamor.
    Me sacó de la fosa fatal del barro del pantano; puso mis pies sobre roca y seguro
    mis pasos
    Puso en mi boca un cántico nuevo, de alabanza a nuestro Dios.
    Muchos al verlo temerán y pondrán su confianza en el Señor.
    Feliz el hombre que cuenta con el Señor, que no escucha a los cinicos ni se pierde en
    sus mentiras
    ¡cuántas maravillas ha hecho, Señor, mi Dios, cuántos proyectos en favor nuestro!
    Nadie se te puede comparar. Yo quisiera publicarlas y contarlas, pero son demasiado
    para enumerarlas.

    Espero poder decir esto algún día. Y que Dios me quite del lodo. Ya se que también depende mucho de mí y mis decisiones pero sigo cediendo fácil y sin saber cortar de raíz los recuerdos y pensamientos de PMO .
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
    Leon_GTO and CPilot like this.
  7. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Ayer fui a misa y al Santísimo..
    También rece en la mañana..
    Pero hoy después del almuerzo volví a dejarme llevar por la tentación.. también rece después pero volví a buscar la tentación y caí ..

    Empezando más una vez.. no quería empezar mal el mes .
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  8. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Esta semana me entró la curiosidad de saber si algún día podría volver a desbloquear Instagram en mi teléfono. Y no sabía cómo. Y me preocupe porque aunque lo sexualice demasiado tiene muchas cosas buenas .
    Ese pensamiento y esa búsqueda me llevo a caer el martes y también hoy..

    Hoy logré entrar en Instagram de otra manera y lo primero q hice fue buscar lo que no debo . Y aunque rece una vez ya había jugado con la tentación y ya se había encendido el fuego por decirlo así, ya no conseguí cortar y caí .

    Debo cortar inmediatamente cuando venga la tentación.. quiero estar limpia lo q queda del año.
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  9. A great book I’ve found about growing in mental prayer has been “Conversations with Christ: The Teachings of St. Teresa of Avila about Personal Prayer.”

    I was unable to find a Spanish translation, but maybe you can find one.
    Keli likes this.
  10. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    [CITA="1 Pedro 4, publicación: 3469282, miembro: 498917"]Un gran libro que encontré sobre cómo crecer la oración mental ha sido "Conversaciones con Cristo: Las enseñanzas de Santa Teresa de Ávila sobre la oración personal".

    No pude encontrar una traducción al español, pero quizás tú puedas encontrar una.[/QUOTE]

    Muchas gracias..
    Lo voy a buscar
    Leon_GTO and 1 Peter 4 like this.
  11. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Is it possible that some times we focus too much on not sinning as opposed to loving the Lord? It is kinda like focusing on not doing a task badly as opposed to focusing on doing a task really well. It seems to me that leading a holy life is a byproduct of an intense love of the Lord but isn't loving the Lord what Christ called the greatest commandment?

    In no way do I suggest we should condone sin but rather I suggest the way to fight the temptation to sin is to focus on growing our love of the Lord to such a level that sin no longer holds any attraction for us.
    1 Peter 4 and Keli like this.
  12. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Día 0

    Entré al Instagram supuestamente para ver algo sobre un viaje q voy a hacer . Pero lo primero a hice fue buscar la página q me lleva a caer.. ver algunas imágenes y una brevisima conversación pero ya hubo algo de MO así q voy a reiniciar..
    Más una vez falle en este adviento. Olvidé la oración y el versículo bíblico a la hora de la tentación. Cuando reaccioné y dije debo parar ya era tarde.

    Tienes razón @CPilot . Debo enfocarme en amar más a Dios y a los demás.. quiza principal y primeramente por medio de la oración..
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  13. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    In the early days of my reboot, I could not trust myself to be alone with my laptop. It was inconvenient but essential for me to keep it out of reach during the night and to only use it when someone else was around me. Dear lady, you know that at this stage you are not yet strong enough to look at Instagram when you are alone. Our Lord stands ready to help you but He expects you to make these small steps as confirmation that you choose Him over the enemy.
    1 Peter 4 and Keli like this.
  14. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    To lead a holy life means no pmo too. So the best way to get rid of pmo is to focus all our energy and thinking on only one issue - how to become a saint because if you lead a holy life you are a holy man - a saint.
    We should answer a question - how can I become a saint. What to do and what not to do to become a saint.
    What are the means of sanctification? Because the process of sanctification is as a byproduct the same as the process of recovery from any addiction.

    So, which of us will write here - What to do to become a saint? What says the church - what are the means of salvation? Because salvation includes sanctification...
    CPilot and Keli like this.
  15. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Es verdad @CPilot . No debo volver a entrar . He sexualizado demasiado el Instagram y mi mente esta muy contaminada infelizmente..

    @Mr Eko creo q para ser santa necesito una sanación y conversión de corazón .. aprender a amar más a Dios para no ofenderlo y aprender a amarme para no hacerme más daño con PMO.
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  16. I think it’s important to call Instagram what it is for you and that is an occasion of sin that must be avoided.
    CPilot likes this.
  17. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I completely agree. I think that the very idea of becoming a saint was so incredible to me that I have never considered it until the last couple of years. To me, achieving sainthood was an impossibility but since I have eliminated the sin of PMO from my life, I can see that holiness is possible even for a wretched sinner like me. Perhaps the road is a little different for each of us or at least the road has different sorts of obstacles. In my case, I am sure that I must learn humility if I am ever to be the holy person that the Father calls me to be.
    Keli and 1 Peter 4 like this.
  18. Keli

    Keli Fapstronaut

    Hace varios días no caigo en P..
    Pero sigo cayendo en M por leer lectura erótica . Se que igual está mal y que M me hace mucho daño . Pero me está costando dejarlo.. recen por mi..
    Debo reaccionar a tiempo y dejar de leer esas cosas.. lo se..
    Pero aunque me repito que me.hace daño y aunque le pido a Dios.. no lo estoy logrando..
    Leon_GTO likes this.
  19. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Have you ever spent time praying to the Holy Spirit during which you describe the erotica that tempted you to sin? It is humbling to do this but worth remembering that God knows already about your fall and the temptation. However, when I pray this way, invariably the Holy Spirit helps me see that I have made a false idol out of the things which tempt me and that those idols have no more validity and no more power than golden calfs of old.
    Keli and 1 Peter 4 like this.
  20. During times of temptation it can be very powerful to invite Jesus to see you as you are in your misery. Tell Him you’re attached to these erotic stories and M, and beg Him to help you carry the cross of recovery for love of Him.

    He is the divine physician, and like any good physician he draws himself closer to the sick and needy. The lies and fantasy sin present cannot co-exist with the Truth and Reality, who is Jesus Christ.
    CPilot and Keli like this.