Oasis of Peace

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ZenYogi, Oct 24, 2022.

What drives you most towards sobriety from PMO?

  1. I want to live a better life without this addiction weighing me down

  2. It’s a religious abstinence for me

  3. It takes up all my time and energy I want my health back

  4. I don’t want to die knowing I lived my whole life doing nothing but PMO never having lived at all

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  1. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 79

    im glad the memberships just Muay Thai. Doing the Thai then the bjj then powerlifting makes me a tired ZenYogi.

    I’m alright with this tho. Place is relaxed. Looking forward to rest day today. I wanna get my 1+ hours study time in and hit Walmart for some groceries.

    I’m grateful for this community. My life’s changed a lot for the better since doing nofap.

    I’ll put my rower in the van and get my big jacket from moms. Also I’m going to Om I want more sleep.

    I’ll get more willow bark tincture . Life’s good. I must stop talking to and training with R. I’m allowed to choose my friends and I don’t want to make him a personal friend for now. You are acquaintance zoned sir. I invited him to a gathering so I won’t rescind the invite. But I’ll try to just not respond to texts he send. I may just honestly tell him I don’t wanna talk for now aside from the club events. And don’t wanna train together either because it’s triggering my anxiety too much and I’m sorry .

    honestly I don’t do super well at it I’ll try talking to my tp about it. I tried to have with lele too but got anxiety -_-

    it’s only worked with I guess Kyle for solo hangs. And Kyle’s the one I’m not that interested in hanging with heh . Oh well. It was ok to hang with lele as long as we weren’t at my home, also gabs I think was ok? No I didn’t solo hang with her, when we called yesterday it was good tho

    so I guess that’s two friends I can feel comfy talking to solo that’s something . Even tho I’m not ecstatic about either of them tbh
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  2. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 80

    Om good to be on here posting. I’m in my ten dollar used gaming floor chair. Really a decent thing for $10.

    felt like I was gonna pass out today. Four hours exercise yesterday was a lot for this 34 year old desk jockey. And I thought typing was tiring

    this water taste so good. What can I do the next four days at moms?

    1 ask mom to text me when she’ll be out of the house
    2 read books in my floor chair in my room
    3 study at my desk in my lil office
    4 train in the AM using that ten lb dumbbell to do weighted pull ups
    5 mooch free groceries off mom ^_^
    6 hit up tacos and bbq spots
    7 maybe read in my office chair will be better
    8 avoid the tv when moms home lol she will talk my ear off and I won’t get a moment in on the tv.
    9 rest. Rest a lot. Like 2-3 days no rowing . More yoga
  3. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 80


    two weeks till test day. Let’s try to double the normal output and hit ten hours plus per week. Final push let’s go team.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  4. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Hey @ZenYogi, two questions for ya, if you don't mind.. I'm taking a break from a hellish study sesh myself, And enjoying the hell out of a bowl of Matcha tea.. Do you have any tried n true techniques for study and focus? Matcha's been my latest go-to. Also, what's yoga look like for a zenyogi? I want to do more of the yoga typa thing- when I can muster the motivation, I que up Adriene on the ole youtubes... Have u got any go-to prompts?
    ZenYogi likes this.
  5. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Hey Joseph thanks for the shoutout. Turning my phone off and putting it in the farthest corner of my home is step one. Then I refuse to read books or watch TV until I've met my study quote for the day or even for the week!

    I study as long as I can go in intervals and breaks. Usually I do two hours and take a break of maybe 30 minutes before I do another two hours. I keep trying to do more than 2 hours at once but I usually fall asleep X'D

    Fourthly I put a towel over my tv with the remote away to prevent myself from using it. Basically if it has ever distracted me from my studies I put a bunch of barriers to entry in front of it and get to work. Nothing but my morning routine (meditation/yoga/exercise) study and food until I meet quota. Then go do wahtever I want with the remaining evening time. Usually I try to not even touch any 'entertainment' besides paper books during the work week to maintain high level focus and presence of mind! (0_0)

    This is my yoga favorite:

    She does a 30 and a 90m video coming out with a 60m one.

    I memorized the 26 bikram poses and practice them 3x a week (okay sometimes I slack XD

    After I finish my 26 poses I do four Surya Namaskars, shoulder stand, plow pose, supine twist, bridge pose and corpse pose to finish it off. I like that stuff a lot took me about 50m this morning to complete yoga followed by some upper body calisthenics training. :)) Hope this helps! Bikram Yoga from a purely physical perspective is an awesome compliment to strength training because it gives your upper body a break from doing lots of hard push up and arm strength stuff. Which leaves me more energy and strength to practice my peacock pose or handstands. It also allows me to memorize it so I don't need videos. I was thinking about trying Ashtanga but I don't want my arms to be gassed when it's time for upper body training so I've been doing Bikram. The four Surya Namaskar are just a warmup for getting into elbow lever and dips.
  6. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 81

    I can’t wait to go bench tomorrow. Todays lower rower so bench gets a rest.

    getting back in a weight lifting gym means finding a way to cope with that social anxiety. Usually that means listening to hip hop tbh. Somehow helps. Or Christian music but I don’t really like to do that since I converted to Buddhism.

    yeah then I can do not just bench but some dumbbell curls and ohp. Finish with weighted decline situp. Although the Dec isn’t as good as at laf. Their gym has a huge pool to swim in after which is good.

    cora swims so much I’ll probably be able to finish the weights and swim by the time she just finishes swimming . She’ll do like 4K and I’ll do maybe 1500 :)

    I tried to practice buddhism and Christianity but I was going kinda crazy. I felt it was too difficult to go in two directions and ended up getting no spiritual practice done

    sooooooooooo these are just affirmations not bragging.

    I can do anything. Anything! Anything . I have clear skin. Yes always clear no matter what

    Well . I got some time before babe comes through. I’ll get in some studying hopefully down in moms office where the better chair is. Or bring up her bunk backup chair.

    I love myself
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  7. Joseph Campbell

    Joseph Campbell Fapstronaut

    Hey thanks for the yoga rec's! I'll def giver a try. Dude you've got solid little buffers all over to remove distractions... THat's brilliant. I'm rearranging my deranged and disorienting apt set up over the holiday break, I'll have to think up a bluprint that's conducive to compartmentalizing my "study" life and my "eat an edible and binge coconut figs and Tigerbelly podcasts" life.

    Get after that bench press tm aye?! Good luck
    ZenYogi likes this.
  8. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Thank you C: I’ll see if I can do at least 155x5 as I get back into the groove with powerlifting. I still dream of the 700x5. Zen can do it!

    I learned the phone thing by my friend who is in grad school and the tv towel I made up. The “I won’t do anything else but eat and drink water till I’ve met my daily study quota.” Is standard zen dedication haha . Edible and YouTube sounds nice. I love chill time and binge watching anime. So good
    Joseph Campbell likes this.
  9. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 82

    Om the 90 day approaches. Looking forward to working some yoga and throwing in a bridge pose today . I’ve been doing Mike Tyson neck bridges. Learned them from a Jack Dempsey book and my wrestling friend demonstrated them. His neck is so thick . I want that.

    Dang mma class is bank. 190/month is steep. My girlfriends on a swim team and that cost 400/year. Lol, oh well. Such is life. Mma has teachers so it’s really a school. Plus they have a powerlifting setup and high pull up bar . A decline bench would be nice but that’s alright they got that climbing and rowing machine for cardio.

    I like this school so far. Only a couple classes but it’s so non injurious compred to my previous schools.

    cora and me are staying over a couple nights at my moms. We each have our own room and bathroom here for space, and we take naps in the day if we’re sleepy. It’s so good to have her around while also having my own space to self care
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  10. Unmet Potential

    Unmet Potential Fapstronaut

    Wow I just read your initial entry in this thread, I felt a lot of what you said, I'm also heavy into buddhism and naruto :p
    I'm one of those people at day 0 and I've been trying to quit for over two years now, addiction has only grown stronger and my average streak is under 24 hours, but this time it's different.
    This might not be my final streak but this is the streak where recovery starts, from now on I will give it my all because I must live a better life than this, for the people around me but mostly, for me.

    Thanks for giving me hope!
    MindfulWarrior and ZenYogi like this.
  11. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Thanks UP. That first post was kind of a charged one I mellowed out as posts went on. But I’m hope it can light a fire for you to carry on with nofap. It’s a much better life for me now than it was when I started and all I did was work and cave to my addiction.

    as I’ve kept my streak going I was forced to find something else to occupy my time and took to better habits. Exercise spirituality and anime heh . May we maintain our streaks my friend
    Unmet Potential likes this.
  12. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 83

    welp. I still did 185x5 on bench so I’m happy. This skinny kid has gotten bigger over time C: progress not perfection. May I do 225x5 someday .

    let’s see. I’m taking to easy today as it’s a rest day. I feel like I could hit the rower so I guess I will do that. But 10-20minutes is the max. Gotta give my body time off. Monday is yoga, upper body strength training (aka upper) and then Muay Thai class in the evening if I’m able to study and hit the mats

    Yea I’ll probably need a lot of energy for that. But no rowing Monday so should be okay ? Haha.

    alright after reading that I should take it easy darn it. Rest days are the hardest for me to be honest. I feel like I want to train daily with more than just a ten minute walk. But when I go at it seriously everyday I end up feeling like I’m gonna pass out from exhaustion like when I did Muay Thai in high school.

    As I’ve scheduled two rest days a week I’ve made a lot more progress physically and also regained a lot of energy from when I did 7 days a week.

    Murr :( lean beef patty said two rest days is good and just so light cardio or abs on those days max. Walk and passive stretch is more normal for her
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  13. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 84

    I feel good when I post here. Free and clear. I have so much space to write about my life.
    On the accountability thread I feel like I can stay clean a day at a time

    and on the shinobi thread? I think I feel powerful and driven. Excited to take on new challenges with all the grit of a gutsy ninja. I wanna watch Naruto c:

    the bulking continues. I’ll be doing some tuna eggs and brown rice today. I need veggies I need four days worth of groceries.

    that’s about 11 meals. Hmm breakfast sando Turkey sando bana and pb sando. Then ground Turkey two lbs with broccoli sweet potato and cucumber C: that’ll be the bees knees
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  14. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 85


    Only two weekly goals to adhere to for now: 7 days no PMO and 5+ hours study time. I shut down the power in my apt on the right wall. I'm too tired to ask my landlord to reset the power right now. I just don't wanna deal with them telling me to stop accidentally over using electricity down here...I'll try to just hold out until friday then I'll be able to leave and tell them via text while I'm not here hehehehehe. Then they can't chide me unless it's over text and I can just delete those texts without reading them.

    ....... >_>

    Guess I can just face the music at some point while I'm here too. Either way's fine.

    I may go out for vegetables tomorrow and I can text them to reset it while I'm out that could work.

    Walmart's so far though. Giant's close but it's expensive :(

    I wanna keep trying to use my air fryer to cook brocolli. I've burnt it both times I attempted it so far. It's so cold at 65 degrees in here my feet are like ice but the rest of me is fine. I can get used to sitting cross legged on the couch to keep warm if that works. That's about all that'll work. Oh well. I tried to plug in two space heaters at once on high and it short circuited the wall they were plugged into :(

    Oh well, I'm hungry but don't feel like moving to get food. lol. That's a good kind of lazy that keeps the weight off you XD

    No time...no time left. ten minutes and my alarm goes off to clean up and go to bed. It's a bummer but it's better than feeling tired all day. Dang. Only 3 hours from 6-9 when I've time to actually do something in the evening. Most of it's spent cooking and cleaning. Then some of the time can be used for anime or other videos. I guess books are the best but it's harder to read when stressed than it is to watch tv sometimes. Especially when I don't have any fiction laying around. I ordered a couple light novels for $10 each. That'll be nice to read.

    It's a story about an alchemist who was frozen for 200 years. Now they can make a killing opening an apothecary but all she wants to do is relax and take it easy. I love those relaxing stories . I've just read and watched so many action genre things I want something more soothing. It's a genre I'm slowly creeping into with the alchemist books. Hope it goes well.

    Laid back camp was the one that got me started. Hope this alchemist series is good. I'd be down to read all six light novels. Then search for more relaxing light novels to read. It's just nice to read paperback books. My gf got me into them.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  15. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 85

    man I did like seven pages on here that’s epic to me. Anyone who wants to post to the Naruto challenge come join us and become Shinobi of the leaf or whatever village u like :)) click the link in my signature to join

    enough plugging the Naruto challenge 2.0 I’m doing yoga 30m flow then I’ll be into calisthenics and dumbbells 30m. Zen gonna out on mass mark my words I’ll hit 175lbs. Once I get to maybe 180+ I think I’m good. Got my 30s I can do curl and shoulder press

    Hang clean to push press might be more fun and better than strict press Though. It’s good to do at least one explosive movement for mma to help me move faster and explode better in my moves. I’ll drop by Cora’s tonight for Hanukkah so I wanna get my spiritual practice on point to keep making a good impression

    if I’m being honest I don’t feel or think the best all the time. It’s up and down. Sometimes I’m over the moon for Cora other time I want space and feel frustrated with small things.

    but no one can control their emotions all the time 100%. However I can control my actions . Regardless of how I feel I can still show up and be kind to her, spend time together. And hope that getting through my anxiety about being left again will abide with continually spending time with her in a balanced healthy way
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  16. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 87

    I'm just looking forward to reading tonight with my reading crew. Gonna read Dharma and or light novel. Das cool. I'm embracing taking it easy right now. Maybe that'll be my intention for the break. Just to take it easy. Instead of going hard like I always do heh.

    Whatever I'll be back in it after a weeks rest it's fine. I'm ok. So tired dang.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  17. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Thank you :) I’m glad you’re doing well too. What’s your training schedule like and how often do u rest ?
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  18. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Day 87

    okay! I’ve cut down my workout to four days a week and my work week to four days and my nofap calls to biweekly.

    I’m finally beginning to feel some energy building up to take on the day again. Instead of over worked and over trained. I am so not missing the feeling of being tired all the time and welcoming this new feeling of extra energy hanging around to do good things with.

    :) yay . I’m thinking I may either just forget about powerlifting. Or do calisthenics two days and powerlift two days. Otherwise I could just calisthenics 2-4 days. If I do 2 days cal no PL that’s more free time and energy that can be used to take an mma class and study. If I row today I’d have energy to class tonight no problem.

    but if I calisthenics row then class with PL after class. I’ll be exhausted tomorrow. So I’m gonna try to model my training to favor an upper and a lower calisthenics workout, two yoga+ two row sessions, and 2-4 Muay Thai classes per week. That’s good with me. When I’m able to handle that much, I’ll try to add in two days of powerlifting. When I can do that much and still have enough energy…..it’s time to maintain all of that and add one BJJ class per week till I can handle 2-4 Muay+bjj classes per week with the other stuff maintained. This would result in a flexible, healthy, jacked, good cardio mma beast version of myself. Don’t forget fun friendly kind and loving . Hooray !
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  19. ZenYogi

    ZenYogi Fapstronaut

    Weekly goal totals (endgame):

    2 calisthenics workouts
    2 powerlifting workouts
    2-4 Muay Thai classes
    2 rowing sessions
    2 yoga flows
    2-4 bjj classes

    Big thanks to my gf who inspires me to focus on today and live a day at a time.

    Do a full rest week where I just do a light version of my training the last week of every third month
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  20. Unmet Potential

    Unmet Potential Fapstronaut

    Getting very close to 90!
    ZenYogi likes this.