venting a failed relationship

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by silex_jedi, Aug 3, 2023.

  1. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut


    this winter i met a cute girl working in the same building than i. a couple rooms away.
    i was aware of her before but did not want specially to talk with her as i wanted to focus on work. she is cute and i resonate with her sense of style.

    we took the bus to work together often, at first i could tell she liked me... late january i invite her at my home to have coffee it went well. and i realise there are more things i like about her. i was just happy to share that moment with someone.

    i wanted to invite her to Valentine's day, but she actually invites me back instead... for the date i bought chocolates, i was supposed to buy flowers but the date fell apart but we caught up in march. we were just sitting at her house talking about life, she showed me pictures she took, with family, friends, ordinary events.

    in April it started to fall apart, she started declining my invitations, she did not come to have cake when it was my birthday at the office. i should have noticed but i did not. later i wanted to invite her to go to a concerned but she declined, and told me "she is rather not interested in continuing this relationship/to know me (best translation)". i am still offended by that. i asked her to tell me which from a list of 5 would be the best for me to pick. she picked number 3 i think, which was "ok to say hello". i can't just say hello i'm stupid to have acted the way i did but i don't know what i should do, i don't understand my emotional compass. [... i just send a text message to ask her when i can ask her something, i need to be able to look in her eyes but with what i know i can't right now, and she knows things i don't]. i'm just angry at myself for not being able to act with why can see. like : she doesn't care = i can do other things. that should be simple but i did not act in a way that make sense.

    so anyway thanks if you read that, i feel so immature and stupid, and unlikeable. it annoys me. the past two months, i have relapsed heavily into porn which makes things worse.
    mashedpotatoes likes this.
  2. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    right now i feel stupid i texted her but that's the point. i need to feel at least a bit stupid before i learn something. i want to learn.
    add eddie likes this.
  3. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    ok i wanted to see her so i told her i'll get her before at the exit of the company building and then it will be done.

    she answered that she did not understand what i meant and other things that i'm too confused right now to remember. i guess that's what i needed to hear to understand that i don't understand her AT ALL and i'm shit at expressing what i need to do with someone. i wanted to be honest but i am doing t
    wrong somehow. i feel too ashamed, like i shouldn't be talked to. it's so hard to ger out of somebody's life. but stay near.

    how could i have done something better? i am so "blind" right now. i don't know what the better me looks like nor what he does. i'm writing now because i feel that when i will be back from work porn and masturbation are my only certain directions... i'm scared!
    add eddie likes this.
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    You are running to porn and MO because you can't deal with your negative feelings. That's what most of us do and why we become porn addicts.

    Simple advice:
    1) Forget this girl, there are billions of women in this world, don't get hung up on the one that doesn't care for you in the same way that you like her.
    2) Go find something positive to do instead of porn and MO. Replace the thoughts of this girl with an activity that involves other people.
  5. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    thanks... i just wanted to know if there is something i did not understand because it's hard for me to know how to act sometimes. but from our previous interaction, though it was not the one i wished for i indirectly got the answer i needed. i now understand better emotionally what to do.
    i deleted her number so i that i can turn the page. the only frustrations i might have now are towards myself.
    the only thing i need to do is find social activities. you're right it's an ongoing problem, i'll host a party at my house this weekend.

    for the social thing it's been a problem because there's a lot of activities that i like doing that are solitary but it's also true i'm better when i see people regularly... and it's the same difference as feeling dark thoughts all day and wanting to change my life for the better

    thanks again... by the way how is your journey with nofap and love/relationships?
    add eddie likes this.
  6. add eddie

    add eddie Fapstronaut

    Exercise. You may feel better then.
    GP93 likes this.
  7. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you have this under control and know what you have to do to feel better.

    Thanks for asking about me. This is my return to Nofap, I joined in 2015, had decent success, then slowly started to bring back porn until it was an out of control daily addiction. Since I have been back it has been great. This time I'm changing the problems that caused me to run to porn, before all I did was try not to view porn.

    I've been with the same woman for 25-years and married to her for 15-years so my relationship is about keeping this long-term commitment happy and fulfilling. Marriage is tricky as it's easy to become complacent and take each other for granted. Nofap has given our marriage a nice boost as I don't get my sexual fix from porn and I direct my energy towards my wife.

    Good luck with your journey, and I feel like you are close to finding that special woman in your life.
    GP93 and add eddie like this.
  8. That is only because of your porn usage.
    Use porn = screw up everything.
    And I mean: everything.
    500, silex_jedi and add eddie like this.
  9. Kahuna81

    Kahuna81 Fapstronaut

    Just focus on yourself for a bit.

    If I am deep into a PMO habit, I cannot communicate with people effectively.

    Have you tried meditation, it might help you manage your emotions a bit and give some clarity?
  10. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    masturbation is focusing on yourself, if you know what i mean ;-)

    seriously... i meditate every now and then. i heard regularly it is significant in emotion management, focus and feelings of happiness... i can't say i have seen the effects... if i do it right before work i feel it's useful, but otherwise i am not sure. but that's just my experience. i'd love for it to work if i were more consistent.
    add eddie likes this.
  11. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    do you mean, abstaining improves clarity and decisions? i had an Internet fast in May... my life felt smaller but more manageable also... if i did it again i wished i could keep connection with a number people i like to talk to on the Internet...
    Roady and add eddie like this.
  12. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    thank you for sharing... i don't feel the same but i think that's not important. maybe it is i don't know... sometimes i see people that got together i have known when they were not, and i'm wondering how... and "they just did". the bottom line is i don't understand how these things happen, and usually they happen when i was not trying to control it. and then i fall in love and i become someone else :'( i don't know how to feel about that person. because that person wants to be with that someone i fell in love but it becomes bizarre.
    add eddie likes this.
  13. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    How many times did you hang out with her total? Only like once a month?

    You sound very similar to experiences I have had before... In the past, I had some chances at relationships, but if I actually liked a girl a lot, then thoughts about her would consume me, and I would want to make her my #1 priority, since in my mind, the most fun thing I could do would be to hang out with her haha!

    But this is also porn conditioning as well... viewing sex and women as the best possible option of what to do during the day!

    I am not sure why the relationship didn't work out, but at least now you are maybe a little bit wiser from this!
  14. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    Also if anything by moving on she may catch interest in you again. That's not the goal of moving on, that would be to be happy. But at the same time it wouldn't be the first time someone moves on and then the other person is like oh wow now that I can't have I want it. Atraction can be weird like that
    Kahuna81, silex_jedi and add eddie like this.
  15. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    sorry for the lack of answer it's hard for me to be faced with how i act with people sometimes... i have a tendency to become defensive, though i know only being plainly honest will help.

    • ... on average more than once a week on commute...
    • one time in winter at my home
    • one time in spring in her room
    yeah that's it. not that significant is it?
    however i was obsessed. i get told not to put to much "value" on one person as they also have their own problem to deal with. but on the other hand this exaggeration helps me learn when i meet a new lady every half year. i realise this is a stupid explanation but if i looked outside of myself i would say that's how i functioned.
    why i say this is stupid? well i meet no one and when i meet someone i have made very little progress in my "dealing with people" problems.

    there must be a way to correct that. :emoji_thinking::emoji_thinking:

    500 and add eddie like this.
  16. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    i think i moved on though i'm still trigger when i see her. less but still.

    yes that shouldn't be the goal. my only dream is to be able to talk to anyone i have known without the shame of having acted weird in the past, but people need their space... and at the moment i can't say, "don't worry" and have a conviction there isn't something significant to worry about, like the fact that i'm isolated, that have been bored with life lately, that "you don't have to worry that you will be the only meaningful thing in my life". i don't know if you can relate but that's my situation of past month.
    add eddie likes this.
  17. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    i'm ashamed of that person. and that person is "me when i want you to like me but i see it isn't working out so i'm going to lie and pretend to be nice when in fact i really want to insult you and hug you inappropriately with all my heart at the same time, (this can include: holding tears back very well because i wish i tolerated myself more)"

    thanks for letting me have a place to vent
  18. Kahuna81

    Kahuna81 Fapstronaut

    I used to get obsessed when I was younger. I would place women on a pedstal, as I thought they were special beings not just other people. I would also play wierd fantasies in my head where they were "The One" and I would stop interacting with other women as I did not want to offend "The One".

    I have stopped this sh*t now. Yeah I meet women still, but I don't obsess over them. I generally have other things to be getting on with. So I would say, keep yourself busy. Women should not be "filling a void", I have to make time for them these days, so they need to have something going for them in my eyes, for me to do that.

    Also, I have stopped the nonsense with "The One". If I am talking to Sally, I will still talk to Jenny. Sure if we were to become exclusive that is different, but I don't think you are at the exclusitivity stage.

    I am not going to quote PUA/RP "Go fuck 10 other women", but there is some truth to it, apart from the obsession we create ourselves, what makes them so special. So I would say "Go interact with other women".

    If lack of social life where you meet women is the issue, work on that.
    silex_jedi likes this.
  19. silex_jedi

    silex_jedi Fapstronaut

    i have no idea what that sentence means exactly. could you rephrase please?
  20. Kahuna81

    Kahuna81 Fapstronaut

    How often are you interacting with women.... in person?

    Regularly, daily, weekly?

    I know one person who "falls in love" very easily. As in he interacts with women that little, that the minute he does, he "falls in love".

    I will talk to women whilst waiting in queues, checkout girls, randomly in shops, at social gatherings, when I go out drinking, etc. I interact with enough, that one paying attention to me isn't something out of the ordinary. Where as if women were scarce, as opposed to abundant, yeah I may start getting obsessed.
    silex_jedi likes this.