Wrestling with a fetish all my life

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    A better weekend temptation-wise, and no issues in that respect today either.

    Had a very productive day, which I'm proud of, but have found myself hit with various anxieties in the evening.

    Going to have my prayer time now anyway, so will put it all before God.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  2. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Ah yesss! We are so pathetically weak without God's grace. The balm that heals all wounds, buoys the heart and keeps us safe from the evil one .
    XandeXIV likes this.
  3. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Temptations have felt stronger today, especially in the morning, but no touching. I feel like the fetish is trying to tell me that giving in to temptation is something I "deserve", as if I am depriving myself of a need.

    But as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:13: "You say, 'Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.' The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body.".
    CPilot likes this.
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Yes, good point. At our final hour on earth, all of these ugly desires will be starkly revealed to us for the dross that they are and how painful it will be to see first hand the torture Our Precious Lord endured to atone for our ugly, sinful and vacuous desires.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
    XandeXIV and Tao Jones like this.
  5. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    There's a lot going on over the next couple of weeks, a lot to do. There's stuff to look forward to but it's largely social with little breathing space for an introvert like me! It will be nice to spend time with people but potentially very tiring.

    So stress is piling up again. Prayers appreciated. I felt that desire to give in to temptation purely more stress relief more than out of sexual desire. In any case, I resisted.
    Vicit_fidem and Tao Jones like this.
  6. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Over half way through a busy two weeks. Noticing the stress still but nowhere near as bad as it could be. However temptations are there and have been getting stronger over the past few days. There were definitely points where I felt like giving in was something I genuinely wanted. However, I resisted.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  7. Rebooter2022

    Rebooter2022 Fapstronaut

    Well done. So much of recovery is about learning to manage needs in a healthy way. We get into some dys-regulated state and then the addiction pops up as a false need, saying 'I need PMO/to act out/whatever' to feel better. But actually the true route to feeling better is to address the real needs--managing the stress, getting rest time, whatever it is. And sometimes in certain seasons that involves just waiting until the stressful circumstances pass. If we resist with God's help, we'll feel better when they do pass.
    XandeXIV and Tao Jones like this.
  8. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Yes, absolutely! Recently I've really been thinking that stress is just as strong a trigger as any sexual stimuli.

    Today was tough. My mind has been all over the place trying to balance things and I just couldn't focus on anything.

    Urges to return to self bondage have been the particular temptation over the past few days, which otherwise hasn't come up as often. This morning I even had a dream where I was experimenting with a new idea in self-bondage. I woke up desperate to return to that old practice. I told myself no, but still it was difficult to stop myself just fantasising. I was mostly able to divert these thoughts, thankfully.

    It's make me realise we mustn't just avert our eyes but also "avert our minds". This is what I've been aiming to do with my morning scripture readings and meditations.

    I have the opportunity for a more relaxed evening, which I'm absolutely taking. Probably have the same tomorrow. Thursday and Friday will be more hectic, but then Saturday should be pretty chill.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
  9. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Urgh, PMO'd.

    The stress of all these 2 weeks got the better of me, and I encountered triggers where I didn't anticipate them.

    Yesterday was a business trip to a university. Seeing all the young women walking around the campus reminded me of my own time at university, when I was much less restrained, and would ogle them all and make little effort to fight temptations. It made me want to return to that time.

    Then we went for food and one of the waitresses was very attractive. She was actually very moderately dressed, but still very pretty. It's easy to trick ourselves into thinking it's not lust if it's just a woman's face and hair, but that's so not the case.

    Then there was difficulty getting home, resulting in a longer trip back late at night. Flicking through the news a name of a celebrity came up who I'd always had a crush on. There weren't even pictures of her... just the mention of her name got me fantasizing.

    I got to bed at midnight, and to sleep at 1am. 2 hours later than normal following an exhausting day. I woke up thinking about all of the previous day's temptations... the "good old days". The pretty waitress. The celebrity crush. Before I knew it I was M-ing and O'd.

    I came online to confess this all after this final busy day, but slipped into the trap of making the most of the earlier failure, and before I knew it it was PMO again. I wasn't doing it for long, but I was doing it nonetheless.

    I can't blame my stress. I still made the choice to have the previous day's lustful thoughts. But my willpower is breaking up. And I really, really need to think about how the previous weeks stresses and temptations could have been avoided or at least managed better.

    I finally have a day to rest tomorrow after this crazy time. I really don't want to waste it to PMO. But that's what I told myself before my failure half an hour ago.
    Tao Jones and Roady like this.
  10. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    It’s not been a great week. I had a couple of “aftershocks” I think the day after last week’s failure. Then I was mostly fine for a week but then gave in again yesterday. I’m losing control.

    It feels like It’s all being triggered by a re-emergence of a desire to allow myself back into self-bondage as a release from the stresses of life, especially as Christmas approaches and I’ll have a lot of free time. I think these brief slips into PMO are me acting out on my own refusal to give in to the above temptation, itself likely driven by increasing stress and frustration.

    As I gave in yesterday, I got thinking about what I’ve thought for some time regarding the likely appeal of this fetish, especially self-bondage.

    As a child, seeing those cartoon characters wrapped up neck-to-feet in cocoons of rope or tentacles or even a snake always made me imagine a hugging sensation, like a baby being swaddled or held in a womb. The baby feels safe and provided for. It can just be. So the appeal of just being is likely a strong appeal of this fetish for me, as I have read it is for many others. In self-bondage, so long as everything is not too tight, it’s a comforting feeling, free from responsibility. I can just be, and let my mind wander freely.

    The fetish beckons because in a busy, noisy world of responsibility being tied up in the dark gives me space to just exist as a mind and let thoughts go where they will. But it’s ludicrous I’d turn to a fetish for these needs, because God allows us to seek comfort in him, to break away from responsibilities, pour out our thoughts (hearts) before him in complete honest and just be with him. If I need darkness to help me focus I can always just pray under my duvet!

    If I just want to stop what I’m doing and open up my thoughts to God without restriction I can do that any time I want. I just have to stop what I’m doing and do it.

    So why don’t I? I have devoted prayer time, but it’s more structured, making sure I’m praying for others and for God’s Kingdom to come. If I just let my mind rest and wander where it wants to go (so long as they aren’t sinful thoughts!) and putting those thoughts before God, that also is a form of prayer. The Psalms are full of examples of such prayer – they may even appear to be complaining about God at times, but they are actually honest confessions of anguish being put before God so that He can heal them. However I struggle with prayers like this because they feel selfish. I’m putting my own needs first and I’m not praying for others or for God’s purpose.

    I would very much value opinions and comments on these points. On the one hand, I can see that I am letting my fear of selfish prayer get in the way of just being completely honest before God. On the other hand, I want to pray for others and for the Kingdom also, but from the heart, as when I do pray for these things sometimes it feels more like a chore.

    Of course, I do pray from the heart for others and for The Kingdom. I’m just not sure how to pray on those days when the heart has no interest in others. That said, when I feel I’m doing it out of obligation I confess this to God too, and ask him to answer not because of my heart in that moment but because of the needs of others.

    For the time being anyway, I’m going to try and allow myself more space to just be with God and let my thoughts wander in a more Godly way.
    Roady likes this.
  11. You cannot give out of an empty cup. First, allow your cup to be filled, then you will have extra to give to others. These days, about 95% of my prayers are just me communing with my Father throughout the day, nothing special but utterly vital to staying connected to the Source of Life. From that place of connectedness and out of his strength, maybe I have something left over for others, maybe I don't. One thing I know: His provision is sufficient for all, with or without my contribution.

    I think one of the enemy's greatest deceptions these days is making us feel guilty for desiring and doing normal, necessary self-care. If we do not take very good care of ourselves, then we have set the bar quite low for Christ's command to love our neighbor in that same way.
    XandeXIV and Wilderness Wanderer like this.
  12. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    This has been immensely helpful, thank you Tao. I have been allowing myself to pray for myself more, naturally and from my heart. It naturally becomes confession, admitting my prayers my be selfish, but this leads to humility as I'm reminded of how far I am from God's own perfection. I've found that from this point my mind does naturally pray for others I care about anyway.

    I've been reflecting on how my Christian upbringing may have led to my recent struggles with prayer.

    I grew up church of England. Not high Anglican - but nonetheless very structured. Worship in my life has always had structure. I can see how particular structures can be intended to honour God (praise, then prayer for others, then prayer for yourself, for example) but without the heart these structures lose meaning.

    I also recall a time when I became idle. I was shy around other Christians at university time so I started skipping church and Christian Union meetings. I realised this was becoming bad habit and decided I needed to force myself to keep attending. Others at these same meetings played a part too, checking up on me to encourage me back in. But the point is that without structure or discipline, I don't really trust myself.

    So the fear of praying selfishly is not only driven by a fear that I "should" prayer for others, but more-so a fear that it could be the beginning of a downward spiral. First I'm not praying for others, then I'm not praying at all, nor am I reading my Bible.... and sooner or later I've abandoned the walk with Christ altogether. Structure and discipline have always been habits of self-control to ensure I don't become that idle student once again.
    Wilderness Wanderer and Roady like this.
  13. Structure in support of love is a great thing. Structure for its own sake can never be anything but empty. If your prayers are conversations with the Lord, give and take, they are the very opposite of selfish, even if you do spend most of the time talking about yourself. :) (It's okay. He loves to hear how you're doing.) Just allow a little time for listening for his voice, and then more and more throughout your days. He will guide you rightly if you let him. And then there will be no more "should"s but only delightful "get to"s! :)
  14. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    Happy New Year all!

    I PMO'd shortly before the new year, but I'm counting from New Years' Day. More on that later, as I want to unpack more something I wrote about in November:


    I wrote about these "fetish days", when I knew I'd have my home of the time all to myself to explore my fetish through hours of uninterrupted self-bondage.

    When living with my parents, this might be when they were going on holiday or some other day-trip and I was house-sitting. I'd be double-checking exact dates and times, acting casually like it was just "out of interest". I'd be looking forward to their departure and secretly planning my activities, getting excited about the people I was planning to fantasize about and dissociate as.

    A common pattern when at university would be going home for the holidays - Christmas included - and hoping I'd get back to the house before my housemates so I'd have the place all to myself to spend some time entertaining my fetish undisturbed. In the run-up to these holidays, I'd be seeking opportunities to check with housemates when they'd be away, as casual conversation would tend to go, but secretly plotting my sin. I'd get more and more excited as one more person's holiday schedules aligned with the others until the free days were clear. Anticipation would slowly build as the opportunity to finally be tied up again drew closer and closer, and I picked up more ideas along the way, mentally building my to-do list for the fetish days when they came.

    Christmas was the best time for this as it was the holiday most people went home to be with family, less so at Easter. However Christmas would usually be at the start of the period everybody was away, which meant traveling home to spend Christmas with family first before I returned to my student house for my more worldly "celebrations". What I'm particularly ashamed of is that this meant at Christmas I was heavily distracted by the sin I was planning and not nearly as focussed on Christ as I should have been (and Christmas-time is full of enough worldly distractions as it is!).

    On the train back to university after the time with family, I'd be bursting with sexual desperation as the time for my sin drew closer. What went through my mind as I finally re-entered the student house isn't really relevant for the rest of this post, and I've written enough about my actual activities in other posts anyway.


    Despite living on my own for a number of years I've only slipped back into self-bondage twice within a month or so, almost 3 years ago now. Perhaps the anticipation and lack of opportunity was a factor in the temptation back in those student days, or perhaps I've just matured so much more in my walk with Christ that these temptations aren't what they once were.

    However this Christmas has been strangely triggering of the feelings of anticipation and planning I used to have in those days. Having relapsed earlier at around March 2023 and continued to slip up here and there since then, mentally it's put me in the place I was in those student days. Furthermore the time I've spent with my family was at the beginning of my 2-week break, so it's a similar setup as those days with respect to timing.

    I've wanted to use some of my time this week to go back into the self-bondage practices, but resisting has been so easy that I can hardly call it resistance (this is far from the time for complacency though!). From my heart, the activity seems much more deplorable than it used to. But my flesh wants *something*. Similarities between this Christmas and the ones back then are setting off old neural pathways that clash with my more mature heart, and it's been weird in a way I can't quite describe.

    Any PMO or MO in the past month or so has felt like my inner child acting out against the knowledge that my adult self won't indulge in the self-bondage aspect of my fetish. The war with sin manifests in short(ish) bursts with masturbation or occasionally online content, and once or twice recently drawing. Actually some temptations to draw a bondage story over a period of time to help me "process" my fetish and get some newer ideas out of my system have been there too, but again deep down my inner child is lashing out at the adult me who knows I won't be able to live with a work-in-progress piece of bondage art sitting around in my home. I might get as far as drawing a few pictures but they don't last very long at all before I just shred them. My sin is angry that I can't bring myself to have "planned" fetish time in any form, whether self-bondage or art or anything else.

    Christ has won the war. My heart is becoming a more fierce fighter, but at the same time the battles have become more intense.


    One of the battles I lost was a few days before new year, so a bit further back than my counter currently says. But somehow I feel it more motivating to count from the New Year itself.

    Going with the comparison to my student days, this would be the week that I had the student home all to myself. Temptation for self-bondage is mostly absent. Temptation for drawing and watching online content is stronger, but I also feel incredibly aware of the futility of any acting out on my fetish, knowing that I won't ever convince myself to go "all out", which is what my sin is really tempting me to do. The desire for Christ-likeness aside, wasting my long-cherished 2 week break to something so futile when there are so many other things I want to do is something I'm really afraid of. Giving in just seems like a terrible idea no matter how I look at it!

    But there are nonetheless ever-present battles, and I would ask your prayers in overcoming them, especially this week.
    Tao Jones and Faithe like this.
  15. Happy New Year Xande!
    May the Lord guide you from day to day, hour to hour, moment to moment!

    May He leads you out of your childhood survival patterns into the pure life He has for you!
    Tao Jones, XandeXIV and Faithe like this.
  16. Faithe

    Faithe Fapstronaut

    I completely relate to anticipation for people to leave and to be alone with fantasies. I noticed how irritable it made me as well and I'd get fidgety and agitated when any person in question would be leaving late or taking a long time to get ready, etc... It's a really dirty and guilty feeling and it's terrible. Plus the feeling of wasted time after it's all said and done...

    Praying for you! May this be a better year for all of us!
    Roady, Tao Jones and XandeXIV like this.
  17. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Been there and done that. I just can't waist my time, energy, and seed on that anymore. I need every bit of sobriety and strength to function. When I binge, I'm irritable, distracted, lose track of any real priorities in life. Right now, I'm on the longest streak I've had in probably a year. My mind is mostly clear, and the old fetishes don't appeal. Of course that could all change in a few hours, but I'm going to hold on to a focused mind as long as I can. PMO has nothing positive to offer me other than a few moments of pleasure followed by hours of regret, depression, insomnia, continued distractions and setbacks.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2024
  18. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Xander, I appreciate your honesty about this struggle. I find helpful to look honestly at the roots of my fetish and my childhood wounds that led their. I am a Christian, married, father of 3, and have never acted out physically with my fetishes, but the porn progression toward more and more perversion was real. I think the childhood wounds and inner desires made it extremely difficult to resist. I think it's helpful to look at the roots of these desire and natural emotional needs we are trying to meet with PMO. I don' want to trigger anyone with this, and am trying to make this as clinical as possible.

    I was severely bullied as a child. My older brother would pin me down and torment me regularly, with no other goal than to make me scream. I was bullied by my peers relentlessly, and because of my faith, I thought I shouldn't fight back. My father was there and involved, but showed no concern enough to protect me. This was the pattern for most of my childhood. As as result, I had a huge inner need for male affirmation, friendship, connection, and bonding that I never received. I also associated the bullying with male attention. I became addicted to MO and experimented sexually with other children including boys. When I went into puberty, I became obsessed with the masculine, searching for masculine mentors and role models in media, because I had none in real life. My exposure to Porn was the occasional magazine a peer might have, the smut books my Mom read, and HBO sex scenes in movies. I was usually obsessed with the male. Skip the below if you are easily triggered.

    SPOILER: When I started porn it mostly straight porn, but because of these desires my searches for the masculine would lead me to gay and bondage porn. Even the bondage stuff started out straight (femdom) but would lead to gay because finding masculine men in porn usually means finding gay porn. The more I watched the more perverse it got. Eventually, the fetish went to gay, violent, and even demonic pagan types of bondage and torture.

    I know I will always have these fantasies, but now I'm learning to resist them. I'm learning that the strength I crave as a man is actually physically, spiritually, and mentally robbed of me when I practice PMO. I'm learning that the same demonic spirits that bullied me, hated me, and only sought to boost their ego by dominating me, are the same evil spirits behind the porn that I seek and the predators in that porn. I'm also learning that the more I resist this and fight this, the more my mind is clear, and free, and I can actually feel proper disgust for these fetishes and proper desire for my wife.
  19. Thanks for sharing your story here!
    I would like to add that it's certain possible to get rid of our fantasies.
    My faith in God makes this possible. More, the bible gives me the tools ánd the instructions how to deal with things as fantasies. I really have to do my best to revive my old fantasies, but else they are far away from me.
    XandeXIV and Tao Jones like this.
  20. XandeXIV

    XandeXIV Fapstronaut

    You are welcome, and thank you for commenting in my journal and sharing your own story :) I don't find the honesty too difficult actually, but that's really because I'm under the protection of anonymity here, which I'm very careful to maintain!

    Have you considered writing a journal for yourself here on NoFap? It's a great way to find help from other members in a thread that you have control of. There are also various other journals by other Christian members who have struggled with all kinds of fetishism (if interested I can send links via DM). I think fetishism in Christians (and in general) is more common than many realise.

    I think the fight has to be both bottom-up (looking at causes and needs, then how to find them in God) and top-down (correction of habits etc.), but ultimately it's all by God's grace. Sometimes we will fail but God will continue to change our hearts if we let him. I was doing really well for nearly 500 days, but then since March there's been more PMO on-and-off. However, something honestly does feel different inside. When I give in, I give in more reluctantly, and there's less planning to give in. Failure feels like my inner child getting into tantrum and throwing its toys across the room in a futile attempt to get what it really wants: for my adult self to abandon God and surrender to this fetish entirely. This is what I was getting at in my previous post, thought it's very hard to put into words!

    Just to clarify I don't think having a fetish is necessarily a bad thing so long as any practice is consensual between man and wife. What I mean by surrendering to it is to live for it before marriage, or to be more interested in it than my wife in marriage.

    I can relate to never fighting back. However for me it was more a fear of getting into trouble with my parents. They loved me for sure, yet somehow I lived in fear of them abandoning me. I've never quite understood where I got this unjust fear from. Anyway, the fear of fighting back turned me into a coward and is possibly one reason I ended up with an anxiety disorder. It may also be another point of identifying with the archetypal "damsel in distress" - depending on others to save me from sticky situations!

    I believe that our faith doesn't necessarily stop us from fighting back.... but I wouldn't consider myself to have thought or prayed enough about it to advise when it is or isn't okay to do so! I just always remember that Christ was not a pushover, the best example being His trashing of the temple marketplace in defense of His Father's House. That being said, the vast majority of His defense against opposition was through words.

    I will continue to pray for you and your own battle!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2024
    Roady and Faithe like this.