Why does internet porn exist and why is it so addictive ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Massimo 2002, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. Massimo 2002

    Massimo 2002 Fapstronaut

    Here are two profound questions to ponder.
  2. It exists because it's addictive. People addicted to porn are easier to manipulate and control, and are too busy with their habit to pay attention to the world around them.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut

    Great Fucking Questions! If you are here and you have this problem you probably need to look yourself in the mirror and answer this question every single day until you know the answers, at which point you will not have the problem any longer.

    We invent our addictions. Because we can. Because we like them. Addiction does not occur naturally, as in "in nature." We are one of the few, maybe the only, species, that can alter our environment. We do not merely exist in nature, we alter it.

    We invented the internet. We liked it.

    We invented High Speed Internet. We likey.

    We then invented High Speed Internet Porn, and BLAMO, we invented a super efficient means of giving ourselves a dopamine high.

    It is not porn, per se, that is addictive, it is the dopamine high we can get from it that is addictive. We always, naturally, got a dopamine high from thinking about sex, seeking sex, and having sex, but nothing like HSIP allowed us to think about sex so intensely, or to give us that dopamine high so intensely. Not everyone does, but for the few who do, WOW, it really works. Better than drugs? I don't know. Never used drugs, never liked them. They don't work for me. Porn, when I was using, really worked for me. Now? Not really. I quit that addiction a long time ago, but before I understood how I was using porn to achieve a high, it was an excellent way to achieve a high.

    Stop a moment to understand that when you are using porn you are using porn to achieve a dopamine high. It is the high that is addictive, now porn. Porn is a tool, a means to an end. You are not quitting porn. You are quitting using porn to get high. Truth.

    im_done, Fluyo, thisischange and 3 others like this.
  4. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    P stuff exists since the pre-historic era (paintings on cavern walls), it was just evolved to the internet era with graphics, audio and the variety of 'categories'. Not going to start conspiration theories or likely related discussions perhaps is believed by some that P stuff is a tool of control used to lower the masculinity of men (low sex drive and motivation, less aggressive due the lower testosterone and more prone to be brainwashed due the fogginess).

    It's addictive because it warps the reward system of the brain, releasing abnormal amounts of dopamine and making you think you had sex with tons of partners. There are several impacts in everybodies' lives and uncountable bad experiences that you can find here and in other forums.
    drkarim, kh2013, Melius Cras and 4 others like this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    You could say the same thing about video games, movies, tv shows, etc these are all far more time consuming than porn (on average 10 mins per visit and unless you are a hardcore addict one wank a day or every-other day is enough for most).
    It is noteworthy that the country people associate the most with excessive government control/manipulation (china) does not allow their people to watch porn or spend too much time entertaining themselves(videos games, movies, gambling, browsing, etc)
    hhh999 and Melius Cras like this.
  6. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Because human males have no biological regulation for their reproductive obsession. Human females, in general, are only obsessed with the reproductive act a few days out of out of every month, and it's not like an on/off switch, it's more like a dimmer switch, that's all complicated and it's not important. But human females, and this isn't their fault, this is a feature of us as organisms, hide that time when they are obsessed. Other mammals have a signal they send to the males, then the males respond with their testosterone surge, it's all out war and mating and fighting for mates is pretty much all they do for a while. They don't even eat, they just fight and f*** that's pretty much it. Then the females stop ovulating and the males stop their T surge, and everything goes back to being chill again. Human females don't do that. That means that human males, in a biological sense, have to be ready to do their part to reproduce at any moment. We're obsessed with it at all times. Evolutionary biologists have all sorts of ideas about why this adaptation works for humans, but they are just making up stories that may or may not be accurate and it doesn't matter because the upshot is, human males are biologically obsessed with sex at all times, so we have to develop sociological, psychological regulations to keep our bodies in check.

    Porn is an attempt to "satisfy" the biological urge for the reproductive act, without incurring sociological complications. It's addicting because it simulates something healthy. However, it simulates the healthy stuff poorly, and does incur complications.

    That's the two minute explanation. There's a lot that could be added but... yeah let's just let it rest right there.
  7. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    1. It exists (now in its current form) because it is immensely profitable. Perhaps once upon a time there was simply curiosity or expression.

    2. It's highly addictive because it's a supernormal stimuli and offers infinite viewing consumption (via highspeed connection) without pause or respite. Factor that + it gives many of us a powerful dopamine rush, there is no limit to it.

    Dangerous shiz!
  8. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    It exist because it makes money.
    It's addictive because naturally humans have to want to have sex to populate the earth.
  9. Micheal65

    Micheal65 Fapstronaut

    It's addictive because it's free and almost everywhere, all you need is internet access and I feel it's because of the scenes...the plots.. like the scene of a man cheating on her husband when he is at work...the thrill of the fact that she isn't supposed to be cheating but is still cheating adds to the dopamine high...I feel is the dopamine and thrill
  10. Biophage

    Biophage Fapstronaut

    You can switch to new content at the drop of a dime, and see a hundred different videos in one session. New content (novelty) provokes a much stronger neurochemical response than something you've encountered before. This keeps you extremely and unnaturally motivated to keep watching, which is what leads to addiction.

    I read tons of neuroscience misconceptions on here. It's kind of disappointing that people are so motivated to quit but don't bother to understand the basics of the addiction.

    1) 'Dopamine' has much more to do with *motivation* than with pleasure. Addicts don't actually enjoy using the addictive substance more than non-addicts, they just want it more.
    2) It's not the content of the porn that makes it addictive, it's the extreme variety and availability. You can keep switching to new stuff over and over indefinitely at the first sign of boredom.

    Please read yourbrainonporn.com thoroughly and watch Gabe Deem's videos on youtube.
    kh2013, Summer Son and En?gmatic like this.
  11. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    The reason that internet porn is more addictive than traditional porn in magazines and vhs tapes is because the infinite amount of content, only a few clicks away, available anytime. It tricks your brain into believing that you have a harem of girls to mate with and you should f*ck like there is no tomorrow. It exists because it is in demand an a lot of money in being made in that industry.
    Massimo 2002 and En?gmatic like this.
  12. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    It exists because producers can make so much money from it.

    It's so addictive because your reptile brain thinks you are actually mating with thousands of hot girls and wants you to continue doing so as it believes you have clearly hit the evolutionary jackpot.
    drkarim, Wolves of Wisdom and kh2013 like this.
  13. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    It is addictive because there is a limitless novelty, free to use, 24/7 accessible and available and humans can use anonymously. If you have a screen and internet connection, you can use it literally everywhere around the world.
  14. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    It exists because it's the easiest way to hijack a man's dopamine response and separate him from his wallet.

    Why are so many women posting up sexual pictures and videos on their OnlyFans pages? Money. That's the only reason.
    Massimo 2002 likes this.
  15. Massimo 2002

    Massimo 2002 Fapstronaut

    Why does money exist ?
  16. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Money exists because a long time ago, we discovered it was much easier to exchange value using an agreed-upon currency instead of bartering. But I suspect that's not why you asked the question.
    Massimo 2002 likes this.
  17. Massimo 2002

    Massimo 2002 Fapstronaut

    No it is but thank you for answering my question.
  18. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    The BBC program The Forum did an episode on the history of money.
    Massimo 2002 likes this.
  19. Massimo 2002

    Massimo 2002 Fapstronaut

    I will definitely check this one out thanks again I love history documentaries.
    onceaking likes this.
  20. I think it exists because, like others have said, people really want fast fixes for how shitty life can be sometimes. It's addictive because you can access it anytime and get that pleasure rush to almost no limit really. It creates "perfect" scenarios people have imagined with the "perfect" people, the right setting and oh boy people have really gone down the rabbit hole for that "perfect" video.
    Massimo 2002 likes this.