My road to being free of Massage parlors/Online-Dating/etc.

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by CarryThatWeight, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. Jamessto

    Jamessto Fapstronaut

    @CarryThatWeight You're on the right path. You just need to continue putting in that work. Don't let your mind trick you into thinking that you're over it or that it's not a big deal. Day-in, day-out, consistent work. Good job.
    CarryThatWeight likes this.
  2. oceanicintimacy

    oceanicintimacy Fapstronaut

    Wow brother, what a powerful story you're living! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure that as you continue to transmute the addictions, you will be empowered to help others get free from their addictions because you have the first hand experience, hard-earned, through suffering and then getting real with yourself and taking action. I hope you continue to look compassionately yet critically at yourself and your actions so that you can get free, experience the "love of your life" again (perhaps with the same woman or a different one), and help others who are not as far as you along the path of recovery.

    It's stories like yours that remind me that I'm not alone and that my challenges are the challenges of "all mankind" (metaphorically, but sometimes literally, speaking) and that "we are only as sick as our secrets." I'm so glad you got your secret out! You are now free. If you continue the hard work of awareness, honesty with yourself, and transparency with others and getting the coaching support you need, you will succeed into further greatness and satisfaction in your life. You got this!

    What you say that you "hope that you will be successful at this" I sense some uncertainty in your tone. I work with clients all the time who have recovered and I, personally, have recovered from horrendously deviant sex addiction behavior. That's what makes me a great intimacy coach! :) My guess, like so many of us, is that, in addition to the science-based neuroplastic associations in your brain in the reward circuitry, you have unresolved emotions from you past, potentially your childhood, and your attachments with your primary caregivers, that make it hard to stay sober because "we" (those that have these wounds) are often trying to satisfy a spiritual hunger with a physical food such as sex, drugs, porn, money, literal food, etc.

    I am glad to hear you have a therapist. Hopefully they are helping you go deeper under the surface to the root of the addiction (not just addressing the symptoms).
  3. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much! Reading to this made me feel even more motivated to face all this. And yes, my childhood wasn't a really bad one, comparing to what others are dealing with in theirs. Though there was a lot controlling from my parents and my father also cheated on my mother (not sexually, bot emotionally). And I always thought, because it just felt ike this, that it wouldn't have an influence on me. But I was so wrong. Everything has an influence, and when I found out, I guess my 12 year old brain just couldn't cope with it. I remember them fighting so many times, for years after this. And when I look at myself at that time, my addiction grew more and more. They stayed together fortunately, but I sometimes think that as a family, we never dealt with it afterwards. I just promised myself to never be like him and well, I guess the things I have done are even worse.

    But that won't stop me from fighting. I am more than my mind, I am more than my story.
  4. oceanicintimacy

    oceanicintimacy Fapstronaut

    I'm glad my words helped motivate you even more! You have awareness of your history and how your parents' relationship affects your present-time way of intimately relating with yourself and women. Have compassion for that 12-year-old self of you. He did the best he could in a f*cked up situation that he knew, deep down, was wrong. Don't beat yourself up for repeating the patterns of your Dad's infidelity. That pattern is simply trying to "heal" through you by acting out one more time. It is, however, your responsibility to stop the cycle from passing on more pain and suffering to others. You can do it! Imagine if your Dad went to a forum or support group when you were a kid so that he didn't pass his pattern down to you. Now you have the chance to change the story.
    CarryThatWeight likes this.
  5. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Powerful story! Great of you to take ownership of what's happened, I think it's the first step to acknowledge the demons within. I can definitely attest to the effort you have put in so far.
    The road is only going to get harder and tougher, different to drug or gambling addictions, the only thing that is messing with you is your mind, your hormones, your inner thoughts.

    I'm on a similar journey, we are not alone, and we can conquer this together.
    CarryThatWeight likes this.
  6. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.
    What terrible days the last few have been..
    Remember when I told you that my ex and me wanted to stop talking for a while? Well, that was until Monday, because she feels very bad these days. What troubles me the most is, that she somehow managed to download all the chats from my deleted telegram account. She hasn't read them so far, because she fears what she would see. But the fact that she does have them, makes me feel even worse. She said, that this is my chance to tell her every truth I haven't told her before. And well, I did tell her some things, I haven't before, yes. Others, are minor details, that she wants so much from me. And this is driving me completely crazy. Because I know when acting out, you are like in a trance. Of course, I remember a lots of stuff. But I don't remember the exact thought I had, when writing this or that person. But she wants to hear things like this exactly and I think, that this information doesn't change anything.
    The other problem was: Remembering those things, the chats, the dates, etc., just made my urge very strong. I haven't slept the last two nights. The positive is, I did not fall. I did refuse actually, and I am proud. But I had moments where I wanted to just smash my head against the wall. It's hard for me, when my ex wants answers, but I can't give her, because those feelings can make me feel this way. There's is this poem by Goethe "There sorcerers apprentice" (Der Zauberlehrling) and in Germany we often use the quote "Die Geister die ich rief, die werd´ich nicht mehr los". I think you also have a translation for that as in "The ghosts I called, keep haunting me".
    And this is what I feel like right now.
  7. foryan.lastchance

    foryan.lastchance Fapstronaut

    Hey - my two cents on the matter.

    As hard as it is; even just doing it for yourself. Lay it all out, in all honesty to her or a therapist or just anyone. I think you at the least owe it to yourself to lay it all out to someone. It's the first step, it will be weight off your shoulders I promise.
    I think it's not about fearing the ghosts that keep haunting you. In fact it's more about facing the ghosts that are within you

    And like many others have said, you owe it to her to give her a response, it's the least you could do, she's understandably angry and distraught.
  8. oceanicintimacy

    oceanicintimacy Fapstronaut

    Well said. I recommend surrendering your ego and telling her everything you can remember. Get humble, bro. It's time to get real with yourself. This is not a time for manipulation, hiding, secrets, or playing it cool. Free yourself from your past by telling the truth and giving it up to love. We have a quote in English, "You're only as sick as your secrets." Telling the truth will set you free and heal you. The more you can embrace the darkness now, the better chances you have at a full recovery. But you have to want it!

    And good job saying no!
  9. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much for your replies! It really helps to hear other peoples opinions, thoughts and general feelings. I am glad, that some people may find inspiration from my story.
    And yes, I get the point about telling the truth, and I have told most of the things for now. Fact is, I really can't remember everything, it's just so much of it. This is what makes I even worse.
    I had therapy today and the topic was, whether my ex and me could have a session together (or maybe more). I really feel, like this could help, in whatever direction it may be. But for now, we just can't go on. Our talks or very destructive, she asks things I can't give her, it's really bad. We just don't come to conclusions, and just repeat the topics. A lot of time it's also telling me that I am the worst person ever, which, to be honest, I feel like sometimes. But it doesn't help neither of us.

    There is also a narrative of, I am doing to less in her eyes, to recover, or to get better. She sent me a homepage of a 6-week-addiction-recovery-program, where you live there with other people, and have activities and therapy. And I get the idea, that this can help, but some things concern me. First, it's very expensive, and I don't have the money at the moment. Second, and this was also a thought of my therapist: I think that what I am doing now, actually helps. So, why not go on with it, see where it leads to, and if it doesn't help, then try something like what she sent me. I know her well, and she is a person, that is looking for every possibility on the planet she can find, if she has a problem to solve. But I also think, that she overthought some things, sometimes. In this case, it also follows a narrativ of, you either do this, or we'll never be together. Completely ignoring, that I have made some steps in the right direction.
    I think, it should be okay, to do therapy, read a book on the topic, do the exercises but also continue my life (I am studying right now, and really want to finish as soon as possible).

    Well, we just a need a common ground where we can talk. And I hope we can do a therapy session together.
  10. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. It happened. Me and my ex met.
    It was rather spontaneous. We talked on Saturday and then she said, that it would be better if I would've been with her right now. So that would be impossible, but I booked a train for the next day and yesterday it happened.

    It was very tough at first. When I arrived, I saw the city we lived in together and just started to cry. SO many memories, and unimaginable, that we aren't together at the moment, eating ice cream, but are talking about, how bad we feel. On my way she texted me, if I could maybe take the next train back. She may not be ready. And I felt that, too. Especially when I arrived. But I know, that she can't see me now, without imagining all the things that I have done.
    After nearly 2 hours after I arrived, and I calmed down a little, she too, we agreed to meet.

    Oh how tough it was. She didn't look at me. We just started to cry. She didn't say a word. After a while, we wanted to go for a walk in a park, but after 2 minutes she told me, that she wants to go home. That it was a mistake.
    On the way home, we didn't talk much either, and she didn't react to any question I had. Somehow later she calmed down a little, and we talked more. Even sat on a bench and just talked. About everything, but mainly, how she can't see me, without seeing me getting a massage by another woman for example. But the talking wasn't all bad. We felt hungry later, even went to a place w both liked. It was awkward, because we were eating our favorite dish, but cried a lot during eating.

    But we talked about possible solutions. Of course, some of them are very tough, and with every possibility of how we could go back together, there are a lot of risks. Just the fact, that her greatest fear is, that if she found out after 20 years of me being free of this compulsive behavior, suddenly I do something. She finds out I cheated on her again. This is scenario that often goes through her mind, and how can you not understand that. It's obvious.

    We went to her later and really had a good talk. There even was a second where we laughed. But when I had to leave, she again imagined me being naked with another person, and it was cold again. After I left for the train, she wrote me, if I had a minute. Just for a hug. But I hadn't unfortunately.
    But it somehow gave me with a slight hope. Maybe, maybe it is not impossible. We both don't know. And it needs time, for whatever will happen.

    About my urges:
    The book and my therapy, really helped me so far. I am more than a month clean from visiting massage parlor homepages, dating apps, etc.
    And the book told me a nice trick, I first found a little weird, but it helps.
    It's called the beard trick.

    Whenever something triggers you again (maybe a woman on the street, a pornographic ad, a thought, whatever). Feel your skin on your cheek, feel the facial hair growing (not important how long it is). And remember that you're not a kid anymore. You're an adult, who can completely decide, what will happen next, or rather, what choice you make. And just seeing that choice, makes it easier, to decide for what is actually good for you. Not a short-term satisfaction, that leads to guilt in the end. But an actually good choice, that will make you free.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  11. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Hey guys.
    I have to say, that it really goes well so far. I already see some mechanisms I developed thanks to therapy and the book, that are really working. It's really about having a discussion with your inner addict every time. And may sound weird, but it actually is really possible to talk to him. I always write down the conversations afterwards just to see how they will develop over time.
    One thought that really helps me, is to find "what's always true" about yourself.
    Like yeah, getting PMO will satisfy you. But you know it is a lie. It satisfies you for a few seconds. After that you'll regret it for hours at least. It's just a lie. A lie about yourself even.
    But you can find what is always true about yourself. What you really pursue in life, what gives you real happiness and satisfaction, what drives you.
    I´m in the process of finding these things out about myself. I just wish I had done that 10 years earlier. Or even more.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  12. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    I don´t have much to tell today. Maybe just something I learned yesterday:Transparency. Guys, I lived a double life my whole life. I lied so much to the people I love and care about. They actually never got to experience my true self, my essence.
    There was small room for my own development in my family, or let's just say the way I wanted to be. My parents were strict, not in the sense that they would punish me if I did they dislike. No, my mom used her greatest weapon: Her tears.
    And I mean literally, when I wanted to grow a beard, she bursted out in tears how can I do that, what will people think. We are talking about a beard. Something nobody hurts.
    My family was very religious. I grew up RC and was also very religious. And don't get me wrong, I think a lot of things that happened to me that are good, are thanks to that. But over the past 2 years I lost my faith. And I don't want to discuss this topic so much, everyone can believe whatever they want, but religion was intrumentalized in my family. It had some very toxic impact in the way my parents understood their faith. And I only realized this a few years ago, that they talk about being good christians, but are the first to throw giant rocks on everybody, that may have a different point of view.

    I think this led to me, to grow up playing roles at home and try not to anger or disappoint my parents. It's this, that led me to never open up about masturbation to them. I was told, this is the worst thing you could do. Well, and not opening to anyone, led me to feel something, that was my secret. A space where nobody even my parens could not enter. First masturbation, later some porn, later massage parlor, later sex-dating. Just horrible.

    I want to be an honest person, that people REALLY know, not what I want them to think about me. Just be real. And not lie. Lying feels so terrible, every time.
    HenryforwardV2 likes this.
  13. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    I joined a 12-steps-meeting for the first time today.
    Honestly: I thought I'd leave after 10 minutes. I felt really awkward at first. It was only 7 people, and I really found some of them.. weird at first? Like, something felt off. In addition to that, I had some problems with the "ritualistic" behaviour. Not in a religious way, but reading out loud the 12 steps, the rules, a "prayer" together.
    It's just not for me these days, this kind of ritualistic behaviour. But I thought, I have to give it a chance. Later, I really got used to the way it worked. I eventually opened myself, too, and just told a short version of y story and how I wanted to change myself. In the group, it is not allowed to comment on other peoples stories or experiences. I still don't know what to think about that. I always thought, that this is the the point of being in such a group. And maybe I will find out, that it's just not for me. It is possible.
    But I want to give it a chance.
  14. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Hello there.
    Well, what should I say. It's an emotional rollercoaster. I hope you don't get the impression, this is a thread about the relationship to my ex. Yes, it's very important to me right now, and maybe some of you are struggling with a similar problem, that's why I´m talking about that.
    But mainly, this should be a thread about overcoming an addiction that is ruining lives.
    I´m still doing okay. It's been nearly two months, I haven't acted out.
    Some things I noticed:
    Besides from the problem I have with my ex, the many many talks we have, the things I am thinking about it and so on, I think I am more focused on things I should be doing than before. Like okay, it's actually pretty hard to get things done at the moment. But when I know, there is something that could be done today, I try to do it. This is something I haven't done before. And I get that procrastination is a common problem. It's very human. And it's not only with ADHD. No, but still I know, that I have spend so many times on consuming the things I have, spending hours of chatting with people I maybe could have sex with (which of course wasn't the case most of the times) or just imagining things. It was horrible. So I see some things happening here for the better.

    I also do think, that I am more aware of my needs. Like I try to get more sleep. It was hard to get any sleep at first, when everything came out. But I know feel really tired in the evening. And yes, it could be, because I am getting older, okay. But I do think, that just being flashed by my phone screen looking up stuff, was just powering my melatonin-levels. Now I really do get tired, fall asleep faster and don't waste so much time before.

    I don´t lie to people randomly anymore. Tho, it's something I do actively now. Telling the truth. I have to remind myself, that what point is there in lying about such an unimportant thing. And it helps, and I feel a lot better.
    Zman99 likes this.
  15. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Well, you know what really drives me crazy sometimes? It's really hard, to talk with my ex about details. I mean the sexual encounters I had. She wants to know a lot, and as I mentioned some time ago, I don't remember everything. But I want to give her answers, because somehow, I think there could be a way for us. Maybe there isn't. But she thinks she would feel better to get answers to her questions.
    The Problem is: If I thin about what I did back then, I sometimes feel very close to what happened again. I feel stressed on the one hand, but somehow curious again. Like there's this thought in my brain: "Oh, you haven't checked the massages lately, maybe there are some new masseuses?". And I fear to relapse, just by talking about it.
    I don't know what to to do about it. I want to give her answers, I really want to. But I don't want it to interfere negatively with my recovery.
  16. Zman99

    Zman99 Fapstronaut

    2 months is brilliant, those massage parlours get so ground into becoming a coping strategy. I used to be into kung fu, Asian and Thai spiritual elements ancient and culture . A good traditional massage or reiki healing would feel cleansing, meditating to the soothing music. When there’s sex involved or shading hand jobs it would kill all that and I’d realise half the time there’s a greedy business owner making the girls work. Yea my private’s would feel like the last place to massage and relax but would feel drained from a spiritual place too.
    CarryThatWeight likes this.
  17. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I remember the therapist Esther Perel saying that when you're cheated on, you may want to know everything but knowing everything doesn't help. It was either in a podcast or YouTube video where she said it, but I can't find it. You and your ex might find reading her books helpful. People wrongly assume she's justifying or excusing infidelity she's not, what she does is take a nuance view on affairs where she tries to help people understand why they happen. Not saying her books will mean your relationship will be saved, but it might help.
    CarryThatWeight likes this.
  18. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the responses guys! This really helps!
    Well, I´m doing fine for the past 2 months. And I still didn't relapse at all, and I am let's say a little proud of that. There are a few things I guess, which have helped me not to relapse.

    First, I guess the sadness and shock, of losing my beloved person. The relationship we had. And yes, maybe it's still not totally lost, there are some days, where I gather hope. But the frustration about what I did, and what it would do to her if she would see, that I would continue on following my compulsive impulses are something that really help me not to to do that. So it hurts on the one side, but it is very helpful on the there.

    Second, it's the daily meditations and the literature I use to get over with this. I really can recommend, to look for help in multiple ways and I even feel weird saying this, cause of course I haven't done everything that could be possible and I tend to be very lazy for researching such things, to be honest. But what I found helped me so far and I bet there are Books, Movies, some blogs or whatever out there, that will apply to you.

    Third are my therapy sessions and the 12-steps-meetings I know attend. This also helps to understand some things on the one hand, but are a constant reminder of where I stand in life now. That for the time being, I should not forget what happened and why it happened. For now, I should reming myself everyday, that there is something that is bad inside of me and I have to get out of that. I should also add, that writing this thread also is really helpful, just to get my thoughts out of my head.

    I do hope, that those aren't feelings that won't vanish suddenly. Because they feel strong at the moment and I see hope in those feelings. The journey is still very long, I know that. But everyday counts.
    onceaking and Zman99 like this.
  19. Paddi

    Paddi New Fapstronaut

    Ich dachte ich schreibe dir auf deutsch, da fühlt man sich irgendwie verbunden. Ich danke dir für deinen Blog!
    Ich bin 26 und deine Geschichte erinnert mich an mich selbst...
    Früh Pornos angefangen, immer schlimmer geworden und ich bin dann irgendwann auf Cybersex umgestiegen und hatte hunderte von online Chats und habe 1000 Bilder von mir verschickt über Jahre hinweg. Irgendwann dann auch Camsex (ohne Bezahlung). Jetzt schäme ich mich extrem dafür wie ich mich und meinen Körper präsentiert habe und realisiere wie sehr süchtig ich war. Ich habe dauert auf mein Handy geschaut ob mir eine der Frauen geschrieben hat. Gleichzeitig war ich aber auch total paranoid mein Handy irgendwo liegen zu lassen damit es niemand rausfinden kann....
    Damit kommen wir zum lügen: Auch das mit der kontrollierenden und emotional erpressenden Mutter und dem Vater der irgendwie shady Shit macht hat mich total abgeholt... Immer schlechte Stimmung im Haus und von mir wurde erwartet dass ich immer der brave Einser Schüler bin. Hat auch eine Weile funktioniert zum Abi war es dann nur noch eine 2 und aus dem erste Studium bin ich dann rausgeflogen... Ständiges Lügen wegen allem. Meinen Eltern sagen was sie hören wollen damit man trotzdem alles machen kann und am Ende hat es keinen interessiert ob ich zu viel getrunken hatte oder man mich beim wichsen erwischt hatte. Man konnte mir ansehen dass ich Lüge aber die Lügen wurden einfach gerne geglaubt. Warum? Keine Ahnung aber bis heute denken sie sie wären so gute Eltern gewesen.
    Aber ja und dann kam eine wundervolle Frau in mein Leben. Sie hat mir geholfen von zu Hause auszuziehen und zu sehen wie sehr ich dort manipuliert und beeinflusst worden bin. Sie hat immer das Beste in mir gesehen aber ich habe weiterhin gelogen. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte ich den Cybersex im Griff aber als wir uns kennengelernt haben hatte ich ein starkes Problem mit dem trinken und damit dass ich trotzdem weiterhin mit Frauen mit denen ich im echten Leben Sex hatte (Frauen auf die ich nicht stolz bin, in deren Aufmerksamkeit ich aber mein scheiß falsches Ego gesonnt habe) geschrieben habe. Ich habe mein Freundin angelogen und wollte weiter mit dem Frauen und meiner Freundin feiern gehen. Ich habe darüber gelogen wie gut ich diese Frauen fand (eigentlich waren sie mir peinlich) um mein Ego zu schützen und lügen ist weiterhin einfacher gewesen als ihr sie Wahrheit zu sagen. Ich bin oft nach Hause gefahren um in Ruhe weiterhin pornos zu schauen und zu masturbieren obwohl sie mir sexuell alle wünsche erfüllt hat bis sie sich nicht mehr hit genug gefühlt hat weil ich immer mehr wollte... Ich verliere mich... Auf jedem Fall habe ich mich dann irgendwann (nach 4 Jahren auf ihr drängen hin und ihre Misstrauisch Art) über meine Sucht und mein Porno Problem (Reddit, Pornhub,...) geöffnet und auch von meiner Vergangenheit (Cybersex) erzählt. Soe war schockiert also bin ich mir allem Aussagen zurück gerudert und hab versucht es durch lügen nicht so schlimm aussehen zu lassen. Und ja das war vor genau einem Jahr und heute sind wir wieder dabei ins zu trennen weil ich es in der Zwischenzeit nicht geschafft habe endlich komplett ehrlich zu sein obwohl wir Pläne für die Zukunft haben und zusammen wohnen. Ich schaffe es einfach nicht ehrlich zu sein wenn ich denke ich verletze sie und ich bin es so gewohnt zu lügen...
    Wir haben auch schon länger keinen Sex mehr und ich schaffe es ganz gut nicht komplett abzurutschen aber ab und zu schauen ich einen Porno oder masturbiere.

    Aber ja danke dass ich das alles los werden durfte ich hoffe das war okay für dich. Ich wollte dir nur zeigen du bist nicht alleine! Und dir Mit zu sprechen "du bist auf dem richtigen Weg!". Du machst viel und du hast mich damit richtig motiviert. Ich hatte ein richtiges Stechen in der Brust als du von Chats erzählt hast die sie gefunden hat. Ich weiß wie schwer das sein ich habe alte Accounts von mir gefunden...

    Aber du machst das gut halte durch und danke für deine Motivation!! Ich finde es stark wie du in Therapie gehst gegen deine Dämonen kämpfst und deine Liebe nicht aufgibst!

    Wenn du Lust hast melde dich!
    LG P
    Zman99 likes this.
  20. CarryThatWeight

    CarryThatWeight Fapstronaut

    Okay guys, so it's been a week since I wrote. As I said, I wanted to write here on a daily basis initially, but sometimes I just don't find the time, or the inner calmness to do so.
    Well, it was a tough week emotionally to be honest. I feel,.. very aggressive towards some things recently. I relapsed not on my sex addiction. But on my addiction to lying. I lied to my ex again and it was so unnecessary.
    We had a longer conversation on Monday over the phone, where I told her, that sometimes her questions make me feel stressed. And stress is, what triggers me, to do bad things again, to relapse and it just freezes my mind. But the conversation went on, she asked me again, what I did the whole day, if there was something I haven't told her. Than she asked if I already started to write a full disclosure of my compulsive behaviour as I agreed with her and my therapist. I knew I haven't so far. But I told her something along the lines: "Yes! Well not everything of course. But I thought about it. I wrote some lines already. Only two lines, but I thought about it!". Of course, I haven't even written those two lines. I told her a minute later, that I lied to her. She was obvously very disappointed, and mad at me. She hung up, and I was so mad at myself, I smashed my phone to the ground. (I know have this "Black blob of death" which continues to grow, and the glass on the back is smashed. Of course I was angry, when I saw what I did, because in the worst case I have to buy a new one. But yeah, that's a minor problem considering all the rest).
    Of course it just hurt her so much again. All the little trust, she maybe gained over the time again, was destroyed in a second.
    This was frustrating for both of us. And I felt even more aggressive. I started to kick random things in my way, jus felt the urge to destroy something. How could I be so stupid?

    The talks we had later in the week, weren't so much better, only today evening, although she felt very bad so far, feels a little better. She really wants to see, what I am doing to help myself and help her. And I want to very much, I just sometimes fear, that I am not "fast enough" in my change and finding my essence, my authenticity.

    As I mentioned, I started to write a full disclosure on my behaviour with my therapist. The idea is very known by therapists, and is supposed to help the other person, or the co-dependent, with her trauma. SO she won't have milion questions, but knows everything she needs to know, to go on. IN whatever direction that will be, I still don't know.