Emergency Toolbox that helped me during my first 320 days of reboot

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fercho29, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. That is a great idea @Jodo Kus , any tool that suits you will be useful.
    It is not so easy to quit porn, so we need to get creative :)
    Keep on fighting
    Jodo Kus likes this.
  2. renowned fighter

    renowned fighter Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Just what I needed. I'm just a newbie and I'm kinda lost. Your reply helped me find my way. Thank you for the tips and pieces of advice! Regards to you my friend. Let's continue fighting!
    fercho29 likes this.
  3. Glad this stuff was useful @lk137
    Let me know if you need any help
    renowned fighter likes this.
  4. Anotheraddict

    Anotheraddict Fapstronaut

    Thank you! I really need help :( and I think this will help me a lot

    fercho29 likes this.
  5. I am glad it helps you @Anotheraddict

    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:


    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    Ocultar el mensaje original

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.

    Anotheraddict likes this.
  6. Anotheraddict

    Anotheraddict Fapstronaut

    Thank you for these! :)

    fercho29 likes this.
  7. Gotbn

    Gotbn Fapstronaut

    If I was to make a list of the best posts I've read on nofap, then this will certainly be somewhere in the top 3. Hats off, simply amazing.
    fercho29 likes this.
  8. Thank you so much for your compliments @Gotbn
    This compilation of posts and writings was a big key for my reboot success
    I wish they can be useful for you too
  9. Gotbn

    Gotbn Fapstronaut

    @fercho29 just a question. What does the green sign with the crown under your name mean?
  10. Hi @Gotbn , it means that I contribute monthly to this site
    NoFap does not sell advertising not they sell member's list, so @alexander does not have any other way to raise money to
    Keep this site online but from our contributions
    I strongly recommend you to contribute 10 or 20$ if you can
    It is important to keep this site alive
  11. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut

    I appreciate this so much I need this greatly I am really going through it in my life and this helps
    fercho29 likes this.
  12. Glad to know that this post help you @thegoodfight
    You can reas my post of last Thursday where I mentioned two other posts that may also help you
    Keep on fighting
  13. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut


    Ok thank you so much let's keep persevering
    fercho29 likes this.
  14. I want to share with you an inspirational post written by @SolidSoldier , a fellow Fapstronaut and Heir of the Sun member:

    So nice to see this furnace burning with the heat of life. I can catch up every now and then and I really enjoy your words, keep up the good work.

    I frequent the chats since it seems easier, and I'd much rather talk about push ups then PMO. I was talking with a senior Heir the other day and we both agreed: that life of pmo is gone. I'm almost at 300 days and couldn't care less about a computer screen full of sex. Hell, I can't even think how to help anyone anymore.

    Someone in the chat, two people actually, mentioned something about urges, fapping, porn, flashbacks. Honestly it took me a minute to realize they were serious. Going backwards? Again? How much time do you think we have? Snap out of it man. It's like a daydream to think about relapsing. Laughable. Really? You crave it? Sorry, I'll come back later when the man I knew returns.

    You can't fap anymore. You can't go backwards. We must think like adults now, we must think like men. Honor, courage, honesty, love, we must start acting like we mean what we say. Another challenge? Good.

    Yesterday was too easy. No challenges came. What is the point of a challenge free life? Give me a chance to prove myself, to myself. Can I be any more clear to my mind? I'm in charge, plain and simple.

    Today, tomorrow, next week, next year - I will remain the same man. What does that mean? My core values of manliness, of spirit, of strength, they remain the same. Different challenges come - god willing - and I will face them with glee. Tough people? Tough moment? Stress at work? Gimmie, it's mine.

    Robert Speer says no strong man was ever made without resistance. No strength ever made without some force pushing on you. Demanding your reaction. Give it all you've got and you will find a bottomless pit of energy. You don't "run out." You don't end.

    Work hard. Get tired from service and love the ones who curse you. Why not? What are the other options? Revenge? Ha! Only for cowards.

    I must find a challenge if no challenge finds me. Easy days are for the dead. If I am not pushed then I am not trying hard enough. We are unbreakable.

    Specifics? Details? Fill in the blanks with any word. Cut out pmo and put diet. Remove lust and fill it with greed. The work here pertains to all things under the sun. Take your pick. Dishonesty? Chapter 4. Thievery? Chapter 8. Doesn't matter what your issue is, all things lead back to one truth, one teaching, one good Man.

    I am afraid I succeeded. I got in. I got better. And I'm getting on with life. I can only hope to see you right alongside me. But, I can no longer look back. My only desire is others success, but it remains unfulfilled. I suppose the one thing in life that you can depend on is yourself.
    wwart1020 and damirios like this.
  15. I like this sentence from @Flowing , which he considers his mantra: "Life is uncomfortable. Progress & growth is uncomfortable. I accept it. I feel comfortable in the uncomfortable."

  16. @The Wizard posted this as the footer of his profile, I found it very inspirational and want to share with all of you:

    "I lay on my bed in a pretty decent en suite room in one of the best universities in the world. I'd made some great connections and my career was looking up. But something was wrong. It was 2:20 am on December 15th, 2016, and i'd just come off another week long pornography and masturbation bender. I read Robert Downey Jr's quote, that quitting is not that hard, but it's the decision to quit, that is very difficult. I thought about that. I'm not sure I've ever actually made a declaration of quitting porn and masturbation, of transmuting my sex energy and trying to become my best self. I'm usually wary of those things because of the tendency to disappoint myself. But there is a NO inside of me that must be fed. I said then: "I have a choice. I'm 34 years old now. I'm not old, but I'm not young any more, and the next few years could be crucial as far as my life is concerned. I can change, I can transform the pain and the challenges and use them as fertilizer, or I can keep getting knocked over and wallowing in shit forever, only getting to see half of what my potential was. I don't want to waste anymore time. I don't want to reset my counter. I want to be the best me. I want to contribute my best work to the world. I need help. Today I make the decision to quit pornography and masturbation forever. Today I decide to be in control of my sex drive and my releases. Today I choose NO for the next few years to sex." And with that statement, I got off my bed, opened up my computer, and changed my signature. It seemed like a simple thing back then, but, looking back, that was the beginning of the biggest change my life had ever experienced. Everything I am, and everything you see before you today, was based on that simple decision that fateful night."
  17. Mark Queppet from NoFap Academy told me today in the video call in reference to a big urge of having sex with a guy at the gym which I could stop last week: " The newcomers ask how long the reboot will take and when the PMO addiction will be part of the past. This example shows how is life after reboot. We will keep having urges some times, we will have fantasies and temptations because we are human beings. What we learn during reboot is to say no to practices that are not in agreement with which type of person we want to be. We may be tempted, but we learn how to say no. We learn that it is not worth it, and that we may face some discomfort now, in order to keep having a great life in the future".
    This is my new reality, I am learning to say no to things that I know will hurt me.
    im_alive and Hanging by a thread like this.
  18. Hanging by a thread

    Hanging by a thread Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing that. I think for alot of SO'sad we wonder,what the urge feels like and why you can not control it, especially when you know it's not good for you and leads,to terrible consequences. For those without addiction problems we find it hard to believe you can't control such destructive things, especially being it's a matter of saying yes or no to something and especially out of respect for your SO'stays, why is it we can say no to temptations but you cant?... . Obviously it's a loss of control and compulsive issue within addicts brain compared to normal brain.
  19. Jman123

    Jman123 Fapstronaut

    Thank you, getting back on track now. I realized this addiction is what's in the way of Love. Please, lets plow through this addiction to Love, and life today.
    fercho29 likes this.
  20. Exonyte

    Exonyte Fapstronaut

    I've bookmarked this, amazing post. Thank you
    fercho29 likes this.