rewiring with prostitutes

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by mdz, May 25, 2014.

  1. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    During my reboot i plan to visit prostitutes to help me rewire and get rid of my ED.

    The thing simply to be used to human touch again.

    Has anyone tried prostitute for rewiring?

    Are there any pitfalls? Or things to think about?

    I plan to visit them perhaps once a week, for a period of 6 months to rewire. After that i will go out and meet women the "ordinary" way.

  2. Dave1234321

    Dave1234321 Fapstronaut

    How many days have you been free of M and P? I understand your logic but have decided to wait 80-90 days before I think about having sex with anyone.
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  3. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    I relapsed, 2 weeks ago.

    Yes, it makes sense. I better wait at least 2-3 more months before sex, or if i am lucky to get random boners when i see a hot woman RL, which can be a sign that i am ready.

    I have lot to rewire. I came so far in ED that i had to make an effort to get it up to porn.

    best regards
  4. Time4aChange

    Time4aChange Fapstronaut

    That is very dangerous. In theory it might make sense now, but you're just replacing a 2-dimensional fantasy for a 3 dimensional fantasy.

    Do you think the kind of woman you want to end up with would be glad you were banging prostitutes during the last 6 months?
    Musta and Dizzy Lotus like this.
  5. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Yeah... Bad idea. Take advice from a 90 day-er... I believe it's a bad idea because I hold sex in high regards. Sexual intercourse shouldn't be wasted on some women that you don't know... Porn is fantasy... Prostitutes are fantasy... I am having a lot of trouble telling the two apart.

    If I were you, I wouldn't do it.

    ~Squeaky Soul
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  6. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut


    Prostitute sex can never mess up your dopamine system, since even if i had that money , it would be impractical to have that many. ANd some fetishes i had, cannot even be set up IRL.

    Of course, i see it more as a "training wheel", and my goal is to have sex with real women by time.

    THe prostitute thing is just a paranthesis on a path to recovery. Perhaps i will just pay them to practice foreplay first.

    And regardning what women think of me, i simply dont care. In my context its logical.

    THanks for your reply though.

    LetsGetBigGODDAMMIT likes this.
  7. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your input.

    As i said in an earlier reply, its a training wheel that i think might help me.

    But even throught the "hooker" period, i will of course not masturbate, not even without porn.

    (congrats on your 90 days, btw)

  8. Dave1234321

    Dave1234321 Fapstronaut

    Sex doesn't have to be porn or fantasy based. It can be simple and healthy, respectful and considerate. Not everyone holds sex in high regard or wants a relationship. It's not something I will consider yet, though. Too early.
  9. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Why not look for a regular woman who ...
    1) understands the concept of ED
    2) doesn't treat you like you're "broken"
    3) makes you feel good in general
    4) accepts your history/habits and is happy to help you overcome what you don't like.

    The HARD part of that is being open with your date and disclosing what's going on.
    But the GOOD part is you might find a new best friend and ultimate cheerleader.

    I don't know. It's been a long time since I've had to deal with the meat market, but it seems like that would be a much better way to start a relationship than putting on a front, only to discover later that your 'catch' is far from supportive when the going gets rough. And it WILL get rough, eventually. If we live long enough we all develop health problems.

    Good women feel really good when they can do something for you that you can't do by yourself.
    Working with you to retrain your brain... talk about a super ego boost for your non-paid female helper.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
  10. December

    December Fapstronaut

    Hm well you could think about the fact that all prostitutes aren't prostitutes by choice. Or that Ted Bundy also enjoyed getting prostitutes. Or that depending on where you live, it is likely illegal. Or that the prostitute is underage. Prostitutes are just as bad as porn for so many reasons. You're allowing yourself to use women as objects which is what porn does. What is the point of no watching porn? Porn stars are computer prostitutes and its really the same thing. Please don't make me post all the stories of women who have been forced into prostitution. A lot of porn stars go from porn to prostitution. /endrant
    Calvinklein likes this.
  11. This is a bad idea, in my opinion. You may be able to get rid of your porn-induced sexual dysfunction, but it will warp your sexuality in many other ways. It will still be about chasing that dopamine kick, depersonalizing the person in front of you as a means to achieve orgasm, instead of having a meaningful, connective experience with someone you truly care about.
  12. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Uh-oh. I believe there's a typo in that sentence. Here, let me correct it for you:

    "Of course, i see it more as a "training wheel", and my goal is to have real sex with women by time."

    Prostitutes are real women. You pay them for sex, which makes the act a play, a fantasy rather than a reflection of real intimacy. You don't get real sex, in the sense that they are faking it. YMMV. Maybe there are some sex workers who would be a very good "training wheel" for you and leave you better off than when you started. But I suspect there is a lot of potential for getting bad data, and learning things you'll have to un-learn later.

    Perhaps look for someone who advertizes herself as a sex therapist.
    koolman likes this.
  13. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    As usual, there are some good posts in this thread.

    Dear, Mdz.

    It seems like you have made your decision and our opinions and advices seem irrelevant to you.

    I'm afraid, that you're just lying to yourself. Maybe you're too weak, that you simply (think you) can't live without the stimulus. If you start banging prostitutes, then you're still trapped in that hyper-sexualized mindset. You probably don't even feel any kind of chemistry with prostitutes, so you're basically masturbating with a woman. A filthy woman, who is putting a price tag on herself.

    You have to understand, that they are not real women. You can't get sex from a real woman for money. Real women aren't there just to please you. Real women have feelings. Wake up, man!

    Ask yourself: How low can you go?

    And if you're still going to do this, remember this: naked beggars are greedy.
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  14. Dave1234321

    Dave1234321 Fapstronaut

    It depends on who you see, you need to careful. Over here in the Uk it's not illegal. In relationship people have have sex for all sorts of reasons, not just because they are horny. Sex workers are helping out, providing a service and remember you don't have to see them as objects and have promiscuous porn type sex.
    Last edited: May 25, 2014
    koolman likes this.
  15. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    I wonder if you can imagine why some people (especially females) might find that comment offensive?
    Are you interested in having the reasons spelled out for you?
  16. Dave1234321

    Dave1234321 Fapstronaut

    Can someone enlighten me to what real sex is? When both are horny? And just because you have sex with a stranger does it mean you can't care about them as a human being?
  17. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Real vs WHAT is a good question.

    At the most basic level, even PMO could be called 'real' sex in the sense that it's sex with yourself, with fantasies used as tools.
    Kind of like the joke... Man: "Are those breasts real?" Woman: "Yes, I bought them myself."

    In my view, for sex to be 'real' it has to be AT MINIMUM, a genuine interaction between two voluntary participants (both capable of consent) in which ulterior motives are not foremost and in which each partner is invested in the other's experience. Maybe it can be a little favor in the context of a relationship, but again it has to be voluntary and motivated by investment in the other person's happiness.

    Like, what is 'real' friendship? It's not one-sided. It's not based only on desperation or what the other person can do for you. It doesn't usually develop overnight. It doesn't go "POOF" for superficial reasons.

    With regard to 'real' sex being genuine, people can play pretend if they like. That's their business. But there's a big difference between consensual fantasy play and falsely representing yourself or engaging in nasty manipulations. Also, people who are afraid of rejection and present a completely false persona to the outside world, who don't share their true feelings, they can't have genuine connections with others when they're in that state of mind. They have to learn to open up. To be truthful and trusting. To treat other people as whole people instead of using them cynically. That's kind of what I'm getting at. I don't comprehend being able to have connected sex with strangers, and I suspect that most people who do have casual sex are not having that kind of interaction. Whether you're playing a game of conquest or just reaching for the nearest warm body who can give you a fix, using people is not the same as being with people.

    But it's subjective, and it takes frankly examining yourself to figure out what you're doing. Nobody else can figure it out for you, though your behavior will leave clues aplenty. That's my two cents. It's just one opinion among many.
  18. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    I said what I felt like had to be said. If I was trying to say everything in a way that no one gets offended, then I basically wouldn't be saying shit.

    However, if it helps you on your journey to "spell the reasons our for me", then please do.
  19. Fritz

    Fritz Fapstronaut

    I wish I had all the money today that I have spent on prostitutes in the past I also see prostitutes as part of my porn addiction. It is true prostitutes definitely warped my sense of sexuality and what is real in a relationship. And yes in dealing with prostitutes one must be careful it is against the law and in most places and you also could end up being robbed which I have known friends that is happened to.
    Knight Solaire likes this.
  20. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    When the creator of NoFap disagrees... You should probably listen.

    ~Squeaky Soul
    Buzzltyr likes this.