The lonely wife of PA spouse

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Eve26, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    Her journey:

    I feel uninvolved in his recovery. Its like life with him is still a big secret. Has 9 years of lies not been enough? I have done much to support him! Still feel he is being dishonest with me about his recovery such as no urges, triggers, thoughts. I'm in the dark on what's going on with him mentally. He has been P free for 30 days and I can't imagine he's been doing this for 13 ish year and nothing going on mentally about it. And no he's not in a flateline, morning woods he gets are about all he tells me about. I completely know his recovery is his choice and in his hands. I still sense his lies and deceptions to not only me but himself.
    Not sure if we should do couple workshop together or I do a seperate workshop.

    He moved out per my request which I believe was necessary. If nothing changes, nothing gets changed. I feel all the weight of the family/house is now on my shoulders; no help in daily chorus, task, getting kids ready, etc. I fear this could lead to even more resentment.

    I feel I need to seperate myself from him to heal myself but fearful of the outcome this may cause. Furthering distancing us as a couple, even more distrust (If that's even possible), no help with the insecurity he has cause on me and my self esteem ( i find myself crying myself to sleep all alone).

    Yes I noticed the trend of a lot of I and fear. ;) the I is because I've devoted all my energy to him since he confessed to me a month ago after another year of lies saying no he hasn't been PMOing or what his favorite seemed to be is called edging. I've caught him in the act I don't even know how many times before in our relationship always followed with him being sorry and empty promises of stopping. This time he finally added he can't stop. All my thoughts, prayers etc..all have been on him. I have fallen into my own depression. I feel so broken and drained. I have not been able to sleep or eat well or meet my needs.

    Back ground history. We have been married almost 5 years and been together almost 9 years. He has had PIED through ALL of our relationship and lies ALL of our relationship. Not just about porn either. Our sexual relationship has been very far from good and pretty much sucky. Lately I found myself remembering good healthy sexual relationships I had in prior relationships. It CAN be wonderful and I find anger he stole that from me for 9 years of my life.

    I feel like I'm on a daily rollercoaster of emotions but I'm trying to remove some of the emotions in this writing to be more black and white. I'm sure more RAW emotions will come as this journey continues.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  2. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It does get worse before it gets better.
    That's the unfortunate side.
    However, I do know from experience that doing workshops together, as well as separate is beneficial.
    If I may also recommend therapy... For some, I do know that helps.
    Explore this site, as you are among friends here and see if you can find some peace.
    PIED is difficult to deal with, all on its own.... It's its own special breed of horror, as I personally know. It can make you feel completely devastated.
    Remember, anger is always the second emotion, so try and listen to your heart as to what you are feeling under the anger and deal with those emotions.
    I know it's tough, the daily roller-coaster ride.
    The truth is, if he wants to stop, he can.
    Plenty of men and women here do.
    It's all about ambition and whether or not he's got it.
    Then being armed with the mental toolbelt to get the job done.
    Alot of people, also, in the same respect, don't want to heal.... You don't have to be dragged down at the same time.
    Regardless, I hope you are feeling better today.
  3. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to focus on myself and my pain but find my mind asking tons of did he do it on our honeymoon..did he do it when I was about to give birth to his son...i know these answers don't matter. But they are in my mind just the same. I'm raking my brain with the How, Why, what was he thinking...
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Kika likes this.
  4. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    For me, I knew the answers and yes.
    Yes they did matter.
    And I was Furious.
    Honestly... Just assume it's all a yes.
    Then take a deep breath..... And try to get over it. (easier said than done, I know, I know)
    If he's starting the Reboot... Then your new life starts now.
    And it's time to get your mental toolbelt together and get ready for the journey into the new world together :)
    A P-Free life
  5. Hanging by a thread

    Hanging by a thread Fapstronaut

    Hi @Eve26, I'm glad he has taken steps to try to get better. It definitely is a long process to recover from addiction bit i believe it is lossible if the addict is ready and gets the support and treatment to manage the disease. If he is doing all this work, what made yoi throw him out? Did he relapse? Did you see,something?
    Let me tell you, by experience, my ex did the same things when i found out, begged, pleaded for a chance, we started addiction therapist for him but umfortanately she turned out to be crazy! He relapsed but im sure he wouldve rehardless of if she was or not, we then started couples counselibg where the first few visits, after his relapse, would be him saying he would do anything and everuthing to get better, even start a treatment program, time passed and he didn't find one and became once again complacent and passive aggressive so ofcourse, what happens? Relapse, then he decides to agree to joining saa and was going 2x a week, then he would start to miss meetings and make excuses. Most addicts appease to buy time and then make excuses as to why they will not be going through with what they promised. They are cunning. When you bust them they know there is no where to run so they "pacify" by telling you what you want to hear. The problem is the addiction is still there sitting, waiting for when they are weak and alone and throws them right back to the lying.
    If it were not for the software I pit on his,device I would be in the total sark, I however knew something didn't feel right, and I was right, he continued to lie,and try to cover up until I could,shoe and tell him the proof, by then there is no more excuses to make. So, his giibg to saa group meetings, couples tgerapy, even church! were fake and appeasing tactics but eventually the addi t in him showed itself again and he could not continue the facade be sure if always be ahead of him, only due to that software!
    So this is not to say that maybe your guy really does,want to get better,and just needs more professional support of treatment or maybe he hasn't hit his bottom, but you need to ask yourself this, as I did after what happened to me. Do I want to live this way? Constantly suspicious, not trusting him, not being able to go places because he may be fantasizing about the waitress, bartender, etc? Feeling unattractive, like an object to be used? Can I rely on him? Will he flee at any moment for another object of desire? Will I get a disease? Can i ever respect or be attracted to him again knowing he is turned on by the things he watches in porn? I have a child, not by him, so I also fear that you will be exposing your child not only to that negativity but the stresses you are going through trying to understand all this and im sure makes you emotionally stunted for your child, I found myself not being mentally available because of this mind fu*k that my ex put me through. Since we broke up, as hard as it was the first few days, my God, what a relief I feel and I feel that God was looking out for me and thankfully it ended up this,way, i feel freed from chains! Literally. I spent almost 2 years with this person, over a year of it trying to get him I to recovery. I'm not going to waste any more of my time, youth, energy and love on a person that only loves himself and his drug. I deserve more, my son deserves more and you know what? So do you and your child!
    My advice is if this is ongoing cycle, get out as fast as you can so you can rebuild your life. If you feel you have put in more then enough time, energy, effort to help him and he isn't helping himself, jump ship to save you and your kid!!!
    SOSo, Kika and Eve26 like this.
  6. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    When does that gut feeling of being lied to go away? Once the truth is fully out or should I continue to trust my gut?
    SOSo and Hopefulgirl like this.
  7. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    He didn't tell me he couldn't stop looking at porn until after I already made the decision we are minimally separating if not divorcing. Our marriage was already at last resort a year prior for a number of things. I moved out for a month and came back believing marriage counseling for the 2nd time, AA and truth would fix our marriage. He just lied to me and the marriage counselor about porn and never worked the AA program. He just said he had been looking at porn through the last year even though he was fully aware our marriage was already at last resort stage. Nothing I'm i have PIED from it. I was done at that point. I already would have gone to a lawyer if I had not done research on PA. I still may...its in his hands now. He either chooses porn or his family.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  8. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    I love him and truly hope he fixes him self. But I will NOT continue to put myself and my kids through this hell. I will support him and love him but will definitely reassess his commitment to recovering from his addictions before I even think of bringing this back into my home.
    That s not even thinking of rebuilding trust and all the damage done in our marriage. Right now he has to fix him self. That's the priority because there is no us if he doesn't.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Kika and Hanging by a thread like this.
  9. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    I can't wait for the day to come when I don't feel like crap when I wake up and have to force myself to get out of bed. I hate this! Within minutes of waking my mind is racing. Racing with how, Why, what.... I'm exhausted with this.
    Deleted Account and Kika like this.
  10. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    Question about husband wants it and I don't. He says we are supposed to work on our intimacy together and help to rewire his brain to want real women but I'm hurt! I don't want to. I've been doing it anyway and I feel empty and used afterwards. I feel like I'm just some thing in his PIED experiments.
  11. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Truly the hard reboot. 90 days abstinence and have him work on his issues No Relapses. Have him show u he's Really working on it.
    On top of FANOS and whatever other workshops you are implementing.
    Me and my SO do LOTS of things to work on our relationship.
    I talk about it in my journal A New Hope.
    We Have a Boundaries List and he wrote me a promise list and he reads a relationship/trust building article a day. On Friday he takes what he's read and over the weekend he has to choose his favorite things from the articles and try them out. He started these things over his hardmode.
  12. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction of any kind make most of us feel like we want to vomit when we think of sex with the man. A big part of it is we no longer feel safe with him. When someone lies to you you don't feel emotionally safe and a lot of our desire for a long time partner sexually as women is safety. I'm not quite vomit stage more completely turned off but agree with this in every other way. Both the lack of safety and inability to feel comfortable with our bodies mean we cannot be vulnerable with our partner which is what sex is all about. Found this and feel exactly like this so posted here..
  13. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    I liked taking a break too.
    The hardmode I think gives partners some time and trust (at least a little bit, if can) because you can see some progress. (depending on partnership)
    It's rough.
    I know that after a 16-17 year addiction, my SO is doing all kinds of stuff (Finally!) after his last relapse because I was actually leaving, like I got a bag and he wrapped himself around my feet and begged me to stay so I said Fix it.
    So he's pretty gung-ho.
    He did a hardmode because I was completely grossed out with the idea of touch and he respected me.
    I think we all go through it, at some point.
    We have to grieve and heal.
    It takes time. It's not a linear process.
    They have to respect that if we stay.
    My SO said once...." It's his horror movie, I'm just the escaped victim at the end and he was sorry. "
    One of the best things he's ever said about his addiction.
    TooMuchTooSoon and Eve26 like this.
  14. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    Hard reboot gives me fear..fear he will go to porn because he doesn't have a "release" of his sex needs. He says people have more success in soft reboot.
  15. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It varies.
    My SO was scared too.
    He had never gone longer than 5 days without Oing.
    I told him that I didn't care.
    It was time to make a choice and a change.
    But he relapsed after a year.
    The first year we did a soft reboot.
    If I could go back in time.... I would have started the way we are doing it now.
    I feel like he's Much more successful this time around.
    To each their own.
    As long as you feel like he's making progress, truth is, he probably is.
    I don't know you or your guy personally.
    If you feel more needs to be done, then it probably does.
    That's why people reach out to others here.
    This place is great at being a helpful resource for each other.
    At the same time, I worry about the comment "release"
    Sounds like he could be using you as a masterbatory aid.
    Which isn't helpful to healing either.
    Just my opinion.
    I don't know if you have heard this term or know about it.
    Are you being intimate in other areas of your relationship?
    Eve26 likes this.
  16. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    He has come over and feel asleep holding me but only after sex. He use to be an affectionate type he liked being held, cuddle etc when we first met. so he's trying some of that but we dont see each other often. The past years his affection consisted of grabbing my butt and whistles across the room. So there's some progress in this area. Affections from him still feels cheap if that makes sense.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    It's the "monkey see monkey do"
    If it's in P and it gets the goat (so to speak) he thinks it gets people IRL. this can be annoying. P is set up for a audience. It's camera and lighting and other stuff. It's degrading.
    Don't get me wrong, I like my butt slapped occasionally, but it's not like it's foreplay.
    I have heard lots of stories about this too. The exhausting retraining of "how could you think I like that? & don't you remember?" it's simple... Watching over and over the lines blur.... Between the screen and what is at home.
    Rebooting is time to straighten it out.
    Intimacy and doing things to increase it helps. Not just physical intimacy, but intellectual and emotional too.
    WifeInTheDark and Eve26 like this.
  18. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    You are under no obligation to have sex. There are plenty of ways to work on trust and intimacy that don't involve sex. Neither of you are healing if you are not feeling connected in any way. Sex can sometimes be a reset button, but when there is so much damage then sex makes the problem worse.
  19. Eve26

    Eve26 Fapstronaut

    Intimacy isn't about sex. Sex is the special gift you get but it's not the goal of intimacy. I sent this to my husband so posting here for a reminder if I need it again.
    LizzyBlanca and Kenzi like this.
  20. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    And sex isn't always about finishing, either.
    Me and my SO do tantric and karezza (which alot of the couples here like)
    Because it's more about intimacy and bonding than the finish line.
    Maybe look into those?
    Eve26 likes this.