Post published by Blessed Saiyan

Speaking with God this morning I’ve had a sort of breakthrough that I would like to share about my porn addiction and why I feel I can’t break away from it. Porn for me has become a refuge of sorts, whenever I feel mad, stressed, tired, or whatever PMO has been my go to. And it’s gotten to the point where PMO is something I thought about everyday. I’ve learned that PMO has actually taken the place of God. In those moments when I’m feeling those emotions and even my day to day life when I engage and think about PMO I should be engaging and thinking about God. Of course I want to stop this and let God replace this but I have to surrender. But I can’t surrender to God because I’m scared to let PMO go. And after contemplating this all day I’ve began reading the book of Job, one where we are shown what it looks like to surrender in our suffering and lean only on God, nothing else. Now that I know this I have to take that first step. (Prayers are needed and appreciated)
Bruskimp, Gzimo, Dr. Serizawa and 4 others like this.
Thomas8 more_vert
God help us see PMO for what it is and turn away from it and turn to you in our time of need, God you are our strength, be not far from us and come quickly t our help.
CLAW66 likes this.
CLAW66 more_vert
May strength and wisdom be yours in Christ.
Skywalker127 more_vert
That is a fantastic revelation my man! Thank you for sharing. Behind all these things that we hold so dear, is a fear of letting go, and letting God. Let's do this!!!!
07בן אור more_vert
07בן אור
psalm 102.19-21,God through Jesus, He came to help every kind of problem, He is at your side to help, He helped me, He helps you, talking to him all the time in thought, He teaches us about a friendship that makes us endure our difficulties.