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Post published by Mystery Man

Dear my fellow brothers,

I just want to be fully honest with you all before I relapse (hopefully not) and say I am struggling. I am really struggling with bouncing the eyes away. I have noticed that this has become my biggest issue in falling into PMO. It is so hard to change this as I dont even realise I am doing it. It is really sad to say it has become quite a default habit in doing so. When I do notice I am doing it I turn away only to be gravitated back to doing it again. It is sad to say that this is the worst it has ever been. I recently worked away from family and the wife for a month in a small country town. Unfortunately, I exposed myself to so much filth on the internet that my eyes are now constantly looking for any form of gratification from the opposite sex. I really need help...

Is there any tips or strategies you guys have found to work in this particular area? I know that I need to pray and ask God daily to renew my mind and eyes and to only see what he wants me to see.

Bless you all!
DriverPaul likes this.
bennettthef4pstronaut more_vert
Don’t look at women as they are walking past. That’s the start of self-control and disclipline
Mystery Man likes this.