Post published by SAL_VI

So I've been off Facebook 2 years now and I'm also off other social media outlets. Personally don't need it.

But lately I'm trying to grow my blog so social media can help. It's difficult because I know that social media is distracting plus it can be a grounds for temptation. What should I do?
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Why are you trying to grow your blog?
rwilli62 more_vert
So if I could use facebook at work (ironically one place I can't use it) that would be fine as I know I wouldn't misuse it there, but outside of work and especially on my phone, I start "hunting" For me it's not worth it, don't know about your blog, but if you have that thought, this may be your eye to eye or hand to cut. Mat 5: 27-30.
Tao Jones likes this.
SAL_VI more_vert
I wanna grow it to share and create exposure. Ultimately, I want to have it monetized.
St3v0 more_vert
The problem I found is that social media especially facebook can be just as addictive. I constantly find myself scrolling through facebook just for that next funny clip or new piece of news or info. I have decided to cut down and only use it for our business advertisements. If you can limit yourself to use it just for the purpose of promoting your blog then it should be fine.
SAL_VI likes this.
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
Pray about it. Ask the Spirit for guidance. Then listen...and obey.
Bob385 and SAL_VI like this.
SAL_VI more_vert
Another idea would to be able to use a social media ambassador- that someone who post for me
Soulherb, Bob385 and Tao Jones like this.