Post published by pisces star

Guys today is my 10th day to start NoFap journey, I am very first time trying NoFap in my life, I do not know how many days I will be able to keep up with it And will it be of any benefit to me or not? but I want to try it.
The reason behind visiting this website was because I have been used to masturbating for the past 20 years And I've been accustomed to watching Porn for the last 16 years ,even more dangerous is what I am about to tell you ,It's been almost 8 years since I got married , I have very beautiful wife and now we have 3 kids as well,In the beginning of marital life something was better but because of my bad habits, anxiety is increasing ,At the beginning of my marriage, I felt so much attraction in my wife But gradually
I started asking to my wife what I saw in the movies ,In the beginning she cooperated with me even She never like that & my demands increased ,I always wanted something different ,Unnatural things like bl*wjob, su*king, li*king and rim j*b is my most favourite , herattractiveness began to diminish even I stopped feelings about her presencewhenever we try to perform sexual relation I started facing ED The problem gradually increased but when I start see porn again specially new stuff I feel erection again, even can’t sleep without watching porn . This Porn has ruined my life. Now I have finally come to the conclusion that I’mbadly porn-addicted
And I really want to get rid of it ,This is my first step in getting rid of this disease.
I look forward to all your encouragement
So that I can restore my lost married life. Thanks for your time
Deleted Account likes this.
dethly more_vert
NoFap is definetly the answer to your problems. I would say that you should look to spend quality time with your wife during your reboot, and have her be involved in the process. Tell her what is going on and the two of you can work it out together :)
pisces star likes this.
Looking4Freedom more_vert
@pisces star. Welcome! Thanks for sharing. You'll find support and encouragement here. I too have a beautiful wife and kids and allowed PMO to affect my marriage for the worst (incl going through ED). beginning to learn how to delight in the Lord and in my wife again. How were u introduced to porn? Does your wife know or suspect? Praying now for you also.
pisces star more_vert
pisces star
Actually I was introduced to porn long time back, started with some of my friends, in the beginning I was not regular user but after marriage it became worse.. yes she is aware about my this habit because Many time I insisted her to watch porn alongside me but she never showed interest... and this thing made me more embarrassed and I started to avoid her... I also want to know about you, can you share your suggestions and experience as well
salvation700 likes this.
Craig Values more_vert
Craig Values
Your not alone here, our stories are pretty close except that I have a few more years. From personal experience the first two or three weeks will be the toughest, after that the thoughts still do pop-up but are easier to push away. I hope, and just said a short prayer, that you will have strength and can make it on your first run. If you don't make right away you are in good company, get up and try again because you 'can' do this. It also helped me to read some of the information on this site 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' and the 'Success Stories' are very inspiring. You are doing absolutely great at 10 days @pisces star, keep going!
salvation700 and pisces star like this.
salvation700 more_vert
i,ve neber been married,never had a longterm mate,if ever,i can use your wisdom in this fight!
Craig Values more_vert
Craig Values
Trust that Christ will show you the way, and do read the successes of others. The fight is yours to win, but you're right it is a fight. Stay strong Brothers :)
Looking4Freedom more_vert
@pisces star first exposure to porn were porn mags I found in a box in coat closet shelf when I was about 11-12. Came across more porn on TV later in my teens. The internet was not yet public at that time and porn no so easily accessible for me (without being found out), so I used the lingerie ads in store ad papers when I was a teen and young man. When I came to the Lord in my young adult life,
Looking4Freedom more_vert
I don't remember it being a stronghold. I met my beautiful wife to be, we got married. We had kids but my wife was not into sex as much anymore and was focused on the kids. I became somewhat jealous and not understanding some of the physical issues she was going thru that reduced her libido. I started MO more often to "supplement" the lack of sex with my wife. It grew from using photos of my wife to nudes from the web then to video. Started to resent my wife and find her less attractive.
Looking4Freedom more_vert
Struggling now for almost 20 years and more recently ED. Shame, guilt, feeling of inadequacy, tiredness, stress only feeds the beast. I believe in Jesus but I haven't been following him with all my heart. Trying to rest in him first and let his Spirit work in me to make the necessary changes. Somedays, feel like I also have to press through. Not easy. Lots of ups and downs.
Looking4Freedom more_vert
Coming here has helped. Seeing others struggle also helps me to know I am not alone. I see others who have success. I can interact with this community. Praying for others and trying to help others here also helps take my mind off porn. Trying to better myself and remember my vows to the Lord and to my wife. Sorry for the multiple posts.