Post published by Sean Edie

It's been a tough week and I need to fill my weekends with more activities. Been praying without ceasing
dethly, Youyoung, SevenLee and 3 others like this.
dethly more_vert
Have you read a book called The Way of a Pilgrim? It's amazing for learning about praying the Jesus Prayer without ceasing
Tao Jones more_vert
Tao Jones
That book may be helpful for some, especially contemplatives, intellectuals, and ascetics -- but it is far from the only way to "pray without ceasing." Learning to do so is truly a life-long practice for the disciple.
dethly likes this.
dethly more_vert
Of course. There are so many ways to communicate with God. All the book does is help teach about the importance of prayer, and urges the followers of Christ to stay in constant communion with Him.
Tao Jones likes this.