Post published by Ajar

Whenever you fail, or screw up - never be down on yourself. Never feel angry, or hurt - because we have to understand that we are trying to fight against something that took years to build. It doesn't matter if you fail 1,50, or even 1000 times. The main point is that you keep going. That you brush off whatever emotions, or feelings you have, and honestly within yourself keep trying to the best of your ability. If not today, then tomorrow. Every step you take towards liberating yourself of these chains, is a step of progress that is not in vain. Even if you abstain from one day of porn, that is still ONE full day without porn. It is still some progress. We should definitely, clearly remember though of where we came from, and where we are going. If you used to Fap 8 times a day, then that is ground zero, that is where you work from - that is the low-point. If you want to progress than you need to work away from this low point. The further away, even if you fall, you'll fall miles from the low-point. Keep fighting guys. Its funny because we all contain the capacity to be Super. Life waits for no one, we need to do this today. Today is the day. Never wait until tomorrow, keep fighting for this change today. It is in your hands. Never give up.
mkinley more_vert
After an year of no pmo, I failed yesterday. This makes me feel like a loser.
Starman123, jw3il, lae and 2 others like this.
jard13 more_vert
Hey Brothers. Just wanted to give some encouragement! Yesterday I posted on my Instagram story, admitting to my addiction to porn. It was more anxiety-inducing than I expected, but i received some much needed support from ppl I love. I've had a bunch of temptations, believe me. But really wanting to not watch porn is the key. For me, admitting my addiction was another reason to not do pmo. along with the fact that it has hurt me and others. So stay strong friends! You are stronger than you know!
quit@porn more_vert
@mkinley , dont just fall back again, i did similar mistake. Once you fall it again take to much o time to bounce back. You have gained much by not pmoing for years, your have achieved much, just don't loose it by doing it again. Best luck brother
|SEMEN| more_vert
After relapse you can have a greater will power
I hate it_I love it more_vert
I hate it_I love it
....but without relapse, you will build up more will power that is much stronger
Mr_possible more_vert
Hey guys.. im new here.. i just relapsed after 5 days. I think im making progress.
|SEMEN| more_vert
Nah bro that make things worse
Self_Made more_vert
Very well said, we have to stick to this but do remember to not fail the same. Rather, we must learn to fail better than yesterday, we must learn today what we did not know yesterday and always remember that today is the new day, this moment is the new moment.
do3do3 more_vert
i am new here and i am on my third day
Evan-ravaa more_vert
hi . i am new and i am on my day 4
jw3il more_vert
It's 10th day. I'm already feeling confident. But i still have weird dreams.
jw3il more_vert
Guys! We will succeed!!! Let's not give up!
jw3il more_vert
I just relapsed guys! . It's been 23 days. I've never gone this far. I'm about to start again. Yes I can and i will succeed!!!
BurgerChamp more_vert
Indeed bro, it's always the right time!
| Gamma | more_vert
| Gamma |
Just we have to remember for what we have started this
Vybrant boat more_vert
Vybrant boat
I just want to live a good sex life while achieving my dreams... I relapse on day 25. I haven't been able to get back on track. Almost 6 days since I relapsed.Please help me.