Post published by Chastity is joyful

Dear friends I need prayers because the day has been difficult. I am having an urge since yesterday night and it seems it does not go away.

God Bless you!
D . J . more_vert
D . J .
What is was the trigger? What coping mechanisms do you have in place?
Chastity is joyful more_vert
Chastity is joyful
I don't know. I must get out of the computer
Chastity is joyful more_vert
Chastity is joyful
I don't know. I have to get out of the computer, to move my thoughts towards another thing.
D . J . more_vert
D . J .
Flee from your computer.
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Vince356 more_vert
I found out getting distracted and getting in the routine of it might help a little