Recent content by 19conquer

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    I have hit 30 days, and about just over a week ago, I decided what I want to do with my life. I don't know if this is because of NoFap, but I still want to go through with this plan. I finally see a future for myself, where as before, I felt like I was going to die young because I couldn't see a...
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    Guy confuses me. What should I do?

    He sounds like NO GOOD!! You don't need garbage in your life. He may just attract more garbage.
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    I've done 30 days for the second time

    my 31st day of nofap. I'm just wanting to reach a goal of 90 days. It actually goes by so fast! Here are some notable differences from these 30 days: I'm gonna start with the bad side effects: •I cry more like WAY MORE. There's no way that nofap hasn't played into this. •I've been feeling just...
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    So those 30 days went pretty well. I've had urges, but they're controllable. Now I'm gonna...

    So those 30 days went pretty well. I've had urges, but they're controllable. Now I'm gonna follow my tradition and post a new profile pic?
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    Day One

    Welcome! Stay connected! You'll definetly see more benefits of it if you keep at it!
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    Just hit 90 days

    Congrats! You've fueled my inspiration. I'm almost a third of the days at which you are. Do you think you're gonna go back to PMO ever? If not, why?
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    I struggle with jealousy

    Turn that feeling of jealousy into admiration, and realize that some aspect of what they have is something that you want, and can probably acquire if you work at it.
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    B thankful for those who care bout u. Keep them close. They are precious and they might not be...

    B thankful for those who care bout u. Keep them close. They are precious and they might not be there tomorrow. Be vulnerable when you can.
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    The Psychology of Self-Sabotage and Resistance (Academy of Ideas)

    I absolutely freaking love this!!
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    30+ days, 3 dimensions, a new model of recovery

    Thanks for explaining! It makes more sense now.
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    30+ days, 3 dimensions, a new model of recovery

    I'm not sure I totally understand, but it seemed to make sense as I was reading it.
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    Why do people delete their account?

    That's true. It's what I did, but I didn't delete my account
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    Is semen retention necessary to improve emotional side effects of pmo?

    Yes it will. You're still releasing your energy. Most people here would agree that it's better than watching porn though.
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    Anger Issues

    I find that writing down my thoughts stops those cyclical thoughts. Meditation never did anything for me, but to each their own :-D I'm happy you found your way!
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    Getting it off my back

    If they don't seem interested, leave them alone. It not worth either of your time. Focus on yourself and you'll attract more people who will be interested. When you find the right girl, you'll have endless discussions. Also, you miss 100% of the shots that you don't take, so keep trying!