Recent content by Elite_Warrior

  1. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    On day 37 after 2 years... I posted the quote post 37 day ago and now after all these days of No pmo , i can clearly see a shift in my attitude towards life. Don't lose Hope... you are going to live a normal life once again.
  2. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    After 2 years of darkness On Day 17 again. HIT GYM today... Just Feeling Good...
  3. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    On Day 07 again After two years of darkness... Journey continue
  4. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    I'm back again one more time. It has been two years since I left the community. I have no idea where these two years have been gone. No hope. What I do remember is that once I was here trying to make my life better and doing great. And suddenly, everything became dark and it devoured me bit by...
  5. Elite_Warrior

    Finding Happiness

    Finding Happiness
  6. Elite_Warrior

    “Warriors want a worthy opponent. There is no redress in fighting the pathetic.” ― Donna Lynn Hope

    “Warriors want a worthy opponent. There is no redress in fighting the pathetic.” ― Donna Lynn Hope
  7. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    @RiseToGreatness I relapsed.
  8. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    @RiseToGreatness I relapsed
  9. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    Day 64 Work on yourself. We don't have too much time to waste. ĺ
  10. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    Day 58o_O
  11. Elite_Warrior

    Calisthenics nation, WHERE YOU AT ?

    I'm on 16 weeks challenge to transform body by Calisthenics.
  12. Elite_Warrior

    Finding Happiness :)

    Finding Happiness :)
  13. Elite_Warrior

    The Lord of the Rings Challenge

    @RiseToGreatness Day 54 check in I'm a Dwarf o_Onow. May you please update my rank in list.