A Progressive Challenge-A different kind of challenge- all levels

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by DerNeuMann, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. Wiktor.sta

    Wiktor.sta Fapstronaut

    Its all about dont getting discouraged dont worry man.
    ,,It's all about going from fail to fail without enthusiasm"
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. DerNeuMann

    DerNeuMann Fapstronaut

  3. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    thankyou @Single Palm Change and @DerNeuMann for your answers. DerNeuMann i read your post, very interesting the discussion about urges. i liked when you used the words "riutalistic fapping" because that was very important for me that concept to start this reboot. i understood effectively i have a ritual for my pmo and i tried to break it. i pmoed from 2 to 4 pm , i was used in this way because in the past i had my room free at those hours and this mechanism became so powerful. i broke it going to have a walk in the park and that gave me a sense of gratification that sustained my reboot. in the last time i work at that hour but not on Saturday and on Sunday, and those days i try to do something very simple at those hours of my ritual, a walk, a friend to talk, a movie in tv and not using pc. anyway i am at day 43/90. i listen to my emotions, but i want to live my life, i want to have something to enjoy life and pmo is able to let me enjoy.
  4. Amazing man. Good for you for pushing through the lies.
    Single Palm Change and max9292 like this.
  5. Good for you man for being honest that is why you will succeed. We are here for you. Everyone falls.
    Single Palm Change likes this.
  6. Awesome man you being a great example!
    DerNeuMann and Deleted Account like this.
  7. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

    Day 65/91..When you are in NoFap your desires will come true..this is my experience ..Yesterday I received my dream job..happy :)
  8. Two days out of seven second day was definitely a lot harder. Good job everyone!
    DerNeuMann and TheNewestCreation like this.
  9. Good job man keep it up. Just gotta get over the hump.
    DerNeuMann likes this.
  10. Rocky11234

    Rocky11234 Fapstronaut

    Today again i had wet dream :( I remember what sexual dream came.. i don't know why i saw it happening... i could have stopped it in my dream but i forgot in my dream that i was not supposed to involve in PMO...

    After each wet dream i feel less energetic, less confident, brain fog, anxiety..

    Hope it will go soon.
    Chaser effect is there, but i know i don't have to listen my mind on these lines.

    I totally want to forget all these sexual things, don't want these in my any level of mind. I think it will take time but with continuous practice of ignoring this thoughts will help me in fading these day by day.

    I am not exercising these days also.. will start again from today..

    i feel recovering but this wet dream takes me somewhat to the same level of before nofap on that day. I feel good after a day or two of wet dream.

    I pray to god, please make me a normal human again soon.
  11. FEEL

    FEEL Fapstronaut

    My goals of NoFap :
    *Abstain from porn (20 days) -
    *Abstain from masturbation (20 days) -
    *Abstain from sexual content of any kind (20 days) -
  12. Wiktor.sta

    Wiktor.sta Fapstronaut

    My goals:
    -Get my psyhique back
    -Get my schedule back
    -Get my confidence back
    -Get rid of acne
    -Get rid of bad thoughts

    Thank you for motivation
    And i fuck the counter
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  13. TC10

    TC10 Fapstronaut


    I’m okay guys. Good to read all your posts.
    Mate it’s okay. Don’t worry. Be careful, the chaser effect can try to trick you.

    Take care!
    Good. All the best.
  14. ameliorate

    ameliorate Fapstronaut


    The last few days have been hard. Was abominably hungover yesterday, in a low mood, and had the apartment to myself. Came very close to spiraling down the internet drain hole, but fortunately was able to distract myself with other things.

    Good luck AiLy. Sorry to hear you relapsed, but I'm optimistic you can learn from it and go even longer this time.
  15. ameliorate

    ameliorate Fapstronaut

    Some thoughts I've had recently on motivation and self-improvement, for whoever's interested.

    I've started trying to think of porn in terms of standards. There are two types of goals for self-improvement: aspirations (a higher level we want to reach), and standards (a level below which we don't want to fall). For most people, motivation probably works better when it's framed in terms of raising standards rather than meeting aspirations.

    Here's a financial analogy. If you asked someone who is financially secure to earn an additional $5K a year, they would probably struggle to find the motivation. But if that same person suddenly lost all their savings and was at risk of missing rent payments, they wouldn't hesitate to find a part-time job, freelance, drive for uber, etc. and basically do all they can to put away a basic $5K buffer of savings.

    For quitting porn, I'm not thinking in terms of aspirations. I'm not aspiring to be the type of person who can reach a 90 day streak. Instead, I'm thinking in terms of standards. I'm trying to see myself as a person who, no matter how low he falls in all other areas of his life, will not fall low enough to use porn.
    DerNeuMann, TC10, max9292 and 2 others like this.
  16. Leaveit

    Leaveit Fapstronaut

  17. asbgca

    asbgca Fapstronaut

    Day 70/70 no pmo or casual sex
    Day 1/10 no edging or fantasies

    Lots of ups and downs lately. But I know that my brain is adjusting to the new reality of nofap. Not craving sex or attention is becoming my new normal.