Hope : For those who can’t orgasm thru sex.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Relationship Rebooter, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. Relationship Rebooter

    Relationship Rebooter Fapstronaut

    Hello there, wow where do I start I am cured and you can be as well by reading this and hopefully something helps you. I’d recommend reading all or at least skim all to get a good idea. Please because I want to help you take 10 minutes and save your sex life as well as become a king in life !!!

    Your Porn Addiction and How it stops you from orgasm thru sex : My Addiction was harmful both physically and mentally. Physically I masterbated No Lube and Severe Death Grip along with Mentally Stimulating Porn.

    When I first lost my virginity at 16 and months later 17 started engaging sexually. I lasted TOO LONG. Yes that’s possible and it’s depressing. The stereotype is wow how is that a problem you please your girl ? Sort of she finishes. But as for YOU? I felt no pleasure nothing even remotely close to when I masterbate. I was so confused give me a porno my hand and I’m done in 30 seconds. Real sex I’d last 45 minutes and give up because I literally could not orgasm.

    Why? : Using your phone computer whatever for porn mentally and visually stimulates you along with your hand masterbation rough strong and fast as fuck. The problem is when you’re with a girl her vagina isn’t going to replicate your Super Man Grip and rough like texture it’s wet looser on your penis. The way it should be. The way you masterbate may be injuring your penis. Yes injuring. I’d look at my penis after and sometimes look shriveled and chafed or scraped from my hand and red.

    How to Cure and How I did it : THERE IS HOPE. I was just like you sitting here reading forums watching YouTube like what the fuck when how do I cure. Simple. Time. However severe your addiction Id recommend assessing how often you masterbate ? How do you masterbate? How long have you been masterbating in an addictive manner? If it’s been years it’s not going to cure in a week. Give it a month or two. I’d masterbate to porn at least 3-4 times a week. And on some days up to 6 orgasms a day. No Lube and extremish videos for about 3 years now since i was 14-15. Now I mind you I’ve had times where I’d only masterbate maybe 4 times a month at one point in my life and other points like almost everyday and 3 times a day. I joined NoFap when enough was enough I literally had sex with my girlfriend 40+ times and never reached orgasm only by finishing by myself. I felt shitty I was made fun of for my height I’m 5’5 now short I use to be 4’11 in high school. I was also really skinny. I used porn as an escape. My confidence was very little to non existent. Until one day I decided fuck it I’m tired of this shit. I was 17 senior year of high school when I made my MINDSET SHIFT MAKE YOURS. I promised myself I’m done taking people’s shit. Nobody will ever push me around anymore. Confidence BOOSTED. I said fuck being skinny i looked into fitness programs and gained 20 Lbs of muscle and 5 lbs fat. Confidence BOOSTED. I said you know what I can’t change my height. I’ll never worry about something I can’t change it’s stupid worry. I love me. I fucking love myself and if you wanna put me down then screw you I don’t value your opinion if it’s negative because at the end of the day I still love me. I’m attractive to me. I look good to me. This may seem off topic but you’ll have to make other lifestyle changes to feel fully satisfied and changed. Now onto porn and M. Stop fucking with porn. It’s poison for your reboot. No masterbation either. Sex all good as long as you’re okay with not finishing a way to somewhat release sexual energy. Be careful don’t rush toward orgasm. My first month of NoFap I relapsed 5 times and after that never again. I have not masterbated for 30 days and I’ve had sex like 7 times. The most recent 3 times I’ve came naturally. Big TIP ; BE PATIENT. STARVE YOUR BRAIN OF PORN. FEED REAL NATURAL SEX. If you don’t have a sexual partner. Use it as fuel. “I will not release any sexual energy unless with somebody” meet new women or men if that’s your orientation no hate. As long as your happy!

    Lastly Benefits and Side affects ;
    B ; Confidence Boost
    O thru sex !
    Happier !
    More focus !
    No more Brain Fog !
    Energy !

    SE; Flatline - you’ll feel sad depression because your brain depends on that chemical release when you PMO to feel dopamine shit that makes you happy. Basically when you PMO think of it as you get 900 happy points and you have 1000 happy points in general daily life. 100 for all other activities. Walking outside family whatever you like will seem less interesting because it only gives you 5 happy points now because you spent so much on porn. STOP PORN and now walking outside gives you 100 happy points you appreciate being alive and conscious in the moment. Life changing seriously I walked outside happy as fuck smelling. I know it sounds weird but trust me you’ll know. This is pretty damn long lol aany other questions leave below seriously I’m hyped to help other DE Victims like myself. Let’s Beat PMO
  2. The Dark Nut

    The Dark Nut Fapstronaut

    So when you reached orgasm during sex naturally about how long did it take you? (i know its different for everyone just curious) ive reached orgasm about 4 times in the past but that was because i stopped watching porn for months and it still took about an hour.
  3. Relationship Rebooter

    Relationship Rebooter Fapstronaut

    In short once it took like 10 minutes another like 20 and another like 25 When I had sex it was amazing it still took a little while but I had feeling throughout the whole time we were having sex. Just keep in mind just because it takes a while don’t look at it negatively. Certain positions may make you more aroused than others. As well as talking dirty. Little stuff you like plays a role. Don’t stay in one sex position. I get eh arousal from her on top but get unbeatable pleasure from the back standing up with her back against my body. Also taking your time to feel her. It’s a process I’m still healing so right now today we had sex and I pulled out and O’d on her back by jerking kinda bad in my opinion but I won’t do it too often I’ll actually stop doing that and just go back to condoms. With more time = more recovery. I’ve been on NoFap for 2 months with 5 relapse in the first month. In the last month I’ve viewed no porn or masterbation and at 21 consecutive days I was able to orgasm naturally it was great.
    The Dark Nut likes this.
  4. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Congrats on that progress mate, gives me hope as I have the same problem! Last girl I was seeing literally said 'you don't finish, don't you like me?', and I couldn't just say I watch porn so sorry about that... Glad to hear this issue, which is different to the more common ED, is fixed with NoFap too :)