I feel suicidal

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Silentlyasinner, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    I am just feeling, hopeless.
  2. Hey, welcome on board…. Don’t need to feel hopeless but I understand you do. I do it sometimes… whatever the reason for that. Why do you feel that way? Because of PMO?
    Silentlyasinner likes this.
  3. Flesh

    Flesh Fapstronaut

    ye remembering that this is just a matter of chemical in the brain and the fact that this won't last forever helps a bit, but ye I feel u, I'm right in that state too atm
    Saitama1000 and Silentlyasinner like this.
  4. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    Yep, i just felt completely demotivated because i relapsed. And the thought of never overcoming this comes to mind and i just feel like dying. How have you guys been doing in your journey?
    +TenPercent, toziko and Mr. Stark like this.
  5. Do not lose hope!!
    We imagine that doing a long streak of abstinence is an easy thing but in reality it can take months before finding the right vein and succeeding in getting rid of the pmo.
    The real secret of nofap in my opinion is perseverance.
    You have to try again and again and again and again without ever losing hope.
    If your suicidal thoughts persist, don't hesitate to ask a therapist for help.
  6. brian_777

    brian_777 Fapstronaut

    You will be fine ,bro,never give up.
    Silentlyasinner and HelperX like this.
  7. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Don't feel hopeless. Keep trying and don't lose hope. Don't listen to your addicted mind and always remember of the negative effects of porn. You will feel bad after watching porn, so what's the point? Absolutely no point in watching pmo.
    Silentlyasinner likes this.

  8. After 102 days I just relapsed. Feeling shit. But keep going. No other option anyway…
  9. Blessedby TheMostHigh

    Blessedby TheMostHigh Fapstronaut

    You must have faith. It’s faith that gets us through hard times. Without faith, we are easily manipulated into giving into darkness. Have faith that you can and will overcome this.
  10. Saitama1000

    Saitama1000 Fapstronaut

    Its normal to feel depressed after PMO routine. Don’t let it get to you. After a week or two of nofap and sport you feel better. So far many attempts and I have failed to reach 90 days but it doesn’t discouraged me from trying again. I know I can do it.
    Abel100% and Silentlyasinner like this.
  11. Silentlyasinner

    Silentlyasinner Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys for the replies, made me feel relatable and not alone. I want to share a reply I received which helped me. Hope it'll benefit y'all too

    "What is helping me is that I always need to reconcile with myself that if I suffered with that addiction for certain number of years.. then it's reasonably realistic to expect that full recovery will also take a very long time. It may account for one or two years. It is a short time compared to it and it is absolutely worth it to fight for freedom and rebuild a new life we all deserve!!!"
  12. get ure ass in a cold shower and pray to jesus.
    Christoph108 likes this.
  13. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Ánimo que bueno que hayas recibido palabras de ánimo
    Silentlyasinner likes this.
  14. It's been 10 days since the relapse . . . how have you been holding up?
    Abel100% likes this.
  15. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Confiemos en Dios que ya se este recuperando ...será bueno q vuelva a escribir ...a mí me ayudó mucho ...a pesar de mis problemas personales .
    Malik gilroy likes this.
  16. confía en dios marca la diferencia. dios te bendiga mi amigo