OMFG! NoFap Works. DE Cured.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by KingGray, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. KingGray

    KingGray Fapstronaut

    I've suffered from Delayed Ejaculation my entire life.

    I lost my virginity at 14 years old. Even then I didn't finish. Today marks the first time in my 37 years on earth that I didn't suffer from DE. I was able to finish, and I finished strong.

    After 60 days of NoPMO I stored up enough baby batter to make triplets. I hope the wife isn't pregnant. I never had to worry about that before. Normal penis problems, eh?

    NoFap really works guys. I'm a living, breathing, testimony.
  2. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    That's awesome, guy! Congratulations!!
  3. AllenNoFap

    AllenNoFap Fapstronaut

    So after over a DECADE of PMO, you recovered your libido and healthy erections and successful sex? Refraining from pmo for 60 days? : ) !!
  4. Fucking brilliant, mate. So happy for you.

    Now, continue to go win some more.
    XPiRED likes this.
  5. KingGray

    KingGray Fapstronaut

    The physiological disfunction caused by TWO decades of PMO was reversed by 60 days of NoFap. That said, I still have urges and thoughts of P. I'm not out of the woods yet, but the progress is staggering.

    Yes sir!
  6. Txujci

    Txujci Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! This is a huge breakthrough! It's amazing that in some ways a lot of damage can be reversed so quickly. The temptation is still there, but I'm sure that too will fade with time.
  7. KingGray

    KingGray Fapstronaut

    I hope you're right. I can't believe that even after my body is healed my mind is still completely fucked. I've been thinking about P a lot lately, not sure why I'm having such a major resurgence of fantasies and urges.
  8. Txujci

    Txujci Fapstronaut

    That's tough! Perhaps your recent successes have brought it fresh to your memory, and that's what's making it difficult. What you have been doing in participating in nofap, building your relationship with your wife, and whatever else you have been doing to stay strong have helped you to get this far. Your confidence and happiness as you have done this are who you really are. Not your old habit. Whatever you have been doing is all you need to do to keep going. Keep it up! It sounds like it has been way rewarding! What a success
  9. joshabi91

    joshabi91 Fapstronaut

  10. CL555

    CL555 Fapstronaut

    That made me laugh so hard! Haha.. Glad to hear of your success mate. Keep at it :)
    HippyMinstrel likes this.
  11. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man...keep it up
  12. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    At what age did you start watching porn?

    I'm mid 20'ies and I'm 30 days in and still no results.
  13. Booster

    Booster Fapstronaut

    I wouldnt worry pal, from what ive read the last few days 30 days is the minimum, 60-90 the norm, and for many people 6 months plus for results and double that for other symptoms to go, especially for guys in their twenties who have been using high speed porn since early teens,
  14. atak

    atak Fapstronaut

    I read that too. Hard cases like me need 6 to 9 months at minimum. I already have erotic dreams. Something I wouldn't have normally. I'm already seeing the benefits but I still have ED. I'm never going back to porn even after being healed. But is it allowed to have sex during NoFap? No porn or fap but real sex with a girl.
  15. Pirlo23

    Pirlo23 Fapstronaut

    It depends on the people, I also suffer from DE. Sex shouldn't be a problem, as long as you're not thinking about porn or trying to replicate the speed which you use to masturbate. However if sex is a trigger for masturbation then don't do it. I'm going to do 30 days hardmode and then try having sex.
  16. nigeriamajyarul

    nigeriamajyarul New Fapstronaut

    Hey can you suggest how I can get that green bar thing that moderates how many days I have gone without pmo? I realised I am not even trying so need some motive. Thanks
  17. SerpentEagleHeart

    SerpentEagleHeart Fapstronaut

    Can't wait to join your ranks @dorkian! Thanks for the inspiration!
  18. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

  19. Pirlo23

    Pirlo23 Fapstronaut

    Anyone else who recovered from DE would like to share their story?
    RedEd101 likes this.
  20. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    I suffered from DE and ED (age 26). When I first got my girlfriend whom I'm still with I couldn't maintain an erection to save my life and also found it hard to get an erection even to porn. So even before I knew about nofap I backed off of PMO for about just a week or two and was able to have successful sex and able to O with my girlfriend (multiple times in one session) then I was like hell yea my dick works again and fell back into watching porn. Then I went to have sex again and I was able to get an erection but was unable to O. So now I'm 5 days PMO free and I'm no longer looking back and I want to be able to have satisfying sex again. I won't be able to have sexy time with my girl for about a week and a half so I'm giving my mind a body to heal before I see her again. No more porn for me. Keep at it guys it does get better
    XPiRED likes this.